7 Replies to “How to Stay Alive: a Helpful Tip”

    1. Nah, Colin, she just views the piece as an irritating earworm that’s difficult to expunge from her mind’s ear. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      BTW, she does appreciate some countertenor work. Depends on the piece and the performance.

  1. lol HAPPY NEW YEAR my friend! will never forget all your kindessess! xoxoxoxox drop me a line sometime plz to let me know how y’all are doing through these insane times!!!

  2. I associate this song with Russell Crowe in a purple suit as Sid 6.7 in Virtuosity. It’s a terrible earworm song so I understand where your lady is coming from. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Is it not the case that ‘modern’ people with little ‘up top’ regard something with a hook as a great success? This is why church music is going to the dogs. In the UK many places of worship are just after annoying little ditties.

    1. Indeed, Colin. I can recall my dad, back in the 50s when there was yet another populist move toward “evangelistic choruses” and other short ditties, designing music plans for worship services that used those little ditties for what they could best do: introduce, in simple terms, a hymn that more fully developed the tiny theological kernel conveyed with a simple (often too simple) little tune. Marrying such things is an art, though, and not at all easy to do, since one has to account for musical compatibility, textual compatibility and an overall teleos that leads to an effective end.

      After swimming in his pool for all my younger years, it became pretty much my own model, as far as I could make it work well, allowing those with “little ‘up top'” as you put it, access to the service and tutoring in a “better way,” as it were.

      Sadly, those days seem long gone, now. . .

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