Veterans Day Open Trackbacks

November 11 …or Armistice Day, as it was once called, because the end of World War I came on “…the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month…”

So, today’s Open Trackback Festival under the auspices of the Open Trackback Alliance is in honor of all those military veterans who have served to preserve our freedom here and promote freedom abroad.

Thank you.

Open trackbacks to this post? The rules are simple:

  1. ANY post (or posts) you wish to feature here, just include a link to this post in each post you trackback here with, and
  2. Trackback away!

If you need some help doing trackbacks, just see the Wizbang! Standalone Trackback Pinger or Kalsey’s Simpletracks.

Other Open Trackback Alliance bloggers with open trackback posts today are Stray Dog and Those Bastards! (See the Open Trackback Alliance Blogroll in my sidebar for a full list of OTA participants and the schedule of open trackback posts.)

I’m looking for some good reads today, just like the last time, folks, so roll ‘em on in! (Especially as related to Veterans Day, but this is an open trackbacks post, so feel free!)
(And Veterans: do take note of this FREE MEAL “Thank You” at Golden Corral. h.t. Adam’s Blog 🙂

Linked at Cao’s Open Trackback Friday, Mudville Gazzette, Don Surber, Cathouse Chat and TMH’s Bacon Bits. Oh, and NIF, of course—the largest single set of interesting linkage around, it seems. 🙂

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