Part 3 of . . .n in the Continuing Saga of Westinghouse Digital’s Perfidy

The suboptimal (non)replacement TV sent us by Westinghouse Digital evidenced yet another deficiency yesterday. *sigh* Of course. Absolutely nothing the company has done to this point has evidenced any reasonable actions toward making us whole.

OK, sure, they FINALLY sent this TV that lacks features the TV we returned under warranty had, but only after I informed representatives of the company, very honestly, that my next step was legal action. So what? They send a substandard non-replacement.

Yesterday? A brief power outage wiped the TV setup. All scanned channels and other info, wiped. Not only that, but it took THREE channel scans to find the channels available to us and make tuning them possible at all. THREE, each taking THIRTY MINUTES (the TV this is supposedly a “replacement” for took no more than 10 minutes, max, to do this, and this has consistently taken multiple attempts lasting 30 minutes. . . or longer). Now, power outages are not that uncommon in America’s Third World County™ so I suppose we’ll have this to go through every time, now. (Well, maybe not every time. Additional expense to avoid it, though: add a UPS.)

Westinghouse Digital’s solution? Send THIS TV back for “replacement”. After the previous experience getting ANY kind of response from Westinghouse Digital, that’s a non-starter.

Fortunately, next month our extended service plan with a SEPARATE company takes effect. . .

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