Bust their chops, any old way you can

Tired of telemarketers trying to work their way around “no call” lists?

Yeh, well, so am I. And as far as I’m concerned, this is a Civil Liberties issue: I feel perfect at liberty to do everything within my power to spike these scammers, liars and cheats (Oh! My!) any old way I can.

Recently, we’ve gotten several calls from a Caller ID-blocked number, an obvious machine-generated voice message, “informing” us that the call “is not a telemarketing call” and “the head of household needs” to call a certain number.


Soooo, from a Caller ID blocked phone of my own, I called the number and discovered that it was a company trying to sell debt consolidation.

I tried to warn ‘em… really, I tried.

After a few calls attempting to escalate things to some manager to warn I gave up and called our State Attorney General’s office. Now, ya have to understand, this guy made his bones taking down telemarketers. It’s his main claim to fame. The consumer complaint rep I talked to promised fast action (and from the office’s record, that’s one of the few government bureaucratic pledges I give a little weight) and thanked me for reporting the scam.

Then… heh, then I called the scammers back. Told the person that answered the phone that I had gotten a call telling me to call that number. (True) She asked me what the number where I received the call was (caller ID blocking on the phone I was using).

I gave her our State Attorney General’s consumer complaint number. (OK, a small, wee, teen-eintsy fib)

*click-click-clickety-click* “Oh… “ CLICK, BUZZZZZZ

“Wha-fo’ the dialtone, Boopsy?” thought I.


“Submitted” at Cao’s Friday Open Trackback Party, Adam’s Blog’s Open Trackbacks,  Stop the ACLU’s Open Trackback Weekend and Open Trackbacks at Big Dog’s Weblog.

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