Trivial Pursuit

No, not the game. I mean something that is truly trivial to pursue.

I had another one of those “When/how did you start blogging” emails last night and it spurred me to check my stats/TTLB ranking. Trivial pursuit. Let’s see… from the time I checked the same the say before (then the *CRASH!* day of) my first “blogiversary” I have something like sixty fewer links noted by TTLB Blogosphere Ecosystem. And I’m ranked about 400 places higher.

Since I’ve lost my dreadlock wig and chicken bone rattles, these sorts of voodoo phenomena have stumped me.

And, naturally, because I don’t show the sitemeter stats on my front page, my “visitors” stats are stuck at late March 2005.

But who cares? It’s a truly trivial pursuit, anyway. The real goal is distracting all the voices in my head.  Heh

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