I love it when a plan comes together

Time out yesterday was a good thing.

Yesterday was time out for more than just blogging. Was lotsa time scratching my head and pondering just how to make Lovely Daughter’s car “right”.  Finally singled out a portion of the electrical system that methinks was engineered by a pack of drunken monkeys. Time designing (all in my head—I don’t generally write or draw a lot when I’m in shade tree mechanic mode) a new subsystem, scrounging around in my spare parts collection, cobbling together something MUCH better than the OEM parts I was determined to replace.

Payoff?  I just got a call from Lovely Daughter as she’s on her way to work reporting all the stuff she hadn’t known her car would do that it can now do…  She’s gone from (an entirely understandable) “I don’t want to drive this car!” to a sound of bubbly joy.


Accidental genius.  I love it when a plan comes together.

Catchup day today.

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