Evidence That Many “Computer Users” Are Patzers?

OK, maybe that’s overstating things a wee tad. Perhaps this:

1 in 4 tablet owners say it is now their primary computer

…is merely evidence that a whole lotta much “computer users” are just media consumers, not really “computer users”. Doing anything productive on a tablet is just silly, if a desktop or notebook is available. Tablets are good (for different values of “good” depending on the activity) for limited email, web browsing (*meh* if you like the limited tablet web browsing experience, I suppose) and viewing videos or listening to music. Yes, despite all the apps available for the iPhad, it, too, is an extremely limited platform. Almost everything else that falls under the rubric of actually doing anything is better done on a so-called “legacy” platform (so-called by tablet fanbois-n-gurlz).

So, yeh, if the article has its facts straight, 1/4 of “computer users” are just consumers of stuff (I’m counting their limited web browsing, “social media” faux socializing, etc. as “stuff” here), using their tablets to get their consumer fix.

Color me impressed that so many are being removed from the pool of those who REALLY need to be inhabitants of Assisted Computing Facilities.

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