Hivemind Memory Hole

The Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind loves to deride people with honest questions about The Zero, labeling them “birthers” and excoriating them as being racists.

But that’s not. What about “then”?

Yep. The Hivemind’s got some ‘splainin’ to do… “Fact-checking error” for well over a decade and a half? In materials approved by The Zero himself?

I guess I am a “birther” then, since I want some verifiable documentary evidence of The Zero’s background. I dunno… maybe some things like other folks who aspired to and achieved the office actually produced when questions, lime Chester A. Arthur’s proof of his native born citizenship (I must be a racist for bringing up another president whose native born citizenship was questioned, eh?) or the college records of G.W. Bush or even Jean Fraud sKerry…

So, how about it Barry? Since you fail E-Verify, how about providing some real documentary evidence to back up your current narrative?

A real birth certificate (I got an actual photostatic duplicate copy of mine just last year: easy-peasy).
Occidental College records?
Columbia College records?
Columbia Thesis paper?
Harvard College records?
Selective Service Registration?
How about a legitimate SSN?

Seriously, Barry, just put all these nasty inconsistencies to rest by opening your records to public scrutiny. After all, you have nothing to hide, do you?

BTW, Barry, have you updated your wife as to your latest narrative? Referring to you in December of 2007, she said,

“What it reminded me of was our trip to Africa, two years ago, and the level of excitement that we felt in that country – the hope that people saw just in the sheer presence of somebody like Barack Obama – a Kenyan… “

So, she still thought in 2007 that you were a KENYAN? CLarify please. No, not spin and lie, just the facts, Barry.

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