Q For WP Users: What Are Your Fav Plugins?

I list my top five six (because two are tied :-)) favorites just to get the ball rolling:

  1. Askimet I used to use SpamKarma, but frankly it was just too much hassle, and the number of false positives with the latest Askimet is low enough for me to live with.
  2. Content with show/hide javascript for “more” Just too handy. Instead of opening to a post-only page, with the “more” tag, it just does what it says. Slick.
  3. Inline Pingbacks and Trackbacks Slobokan’s implementation of this feature that’s essential for doing Linkfests right (show the trackbacks on the front page “automagically” ) is better than the old one from Simply Kimberly, and works better with WP 2.5+.
  4. Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu (for WP 2.5+) SLICK! Turn the cluttered WP Admin interface into a clean, very, very slick menu bar with hover-over drop-downs. Oh, very nice!
  5. WordPress Automatic Upgrade Just click through following the prompts. Backups, plugin deactivations/reactivations, etc. all handled “automagically”. I’ve not had any real problems upgrading WordPress except for finding that something about my old template wasn’t happy with WP 2.5, and upgrading manually is simply backing up, deactivating plugins and uploading the new files, so it’s not as if this plugin is exactly necessary. Sure, I sweated bullets the first time I upgraded WP, but all subsequent upgrades have been no really big deal. Still, just clicking through has its appeal. In fact, it’s so appealing, I’m going to try to “forget” it can be done manually.

There. That’s my top five six fav WP plugins. What’re yours?