WordPress 2.5

Just upgraded to the “latest and greatest” WP, version 2.5/ Many things to like about it. Some things, not so. A couple of my fav plugins just will not even show up on the plugin page. They’re simply not recognized by WP 2.5. *sigh* That means digging around and finding new plugins to do the same thing, if such are available, cos I dimply don’t have the time to dig into learning to write WP plugins.

Oh. Well.

The new management “Dashboard” is nice, clean, easily navigable, which is a darned good thing, cos darned near EVERYTHING is moved around. *heh*

Oh, well, I’ll either live with it and learn how to deal with the changes or not.


Some good things, though, to be sure. I like the media browser. The composition page is much, much cleaner. Had to give it quasi 3D buttons, but I can live with the eye candy, I suppose.