A Survey

OK, here’s the deal…

Posit the following situation:

Someone pleads cultural self-defense after popping Ward Churchill.

How many folks do you think would move to Colorado on the off chance of serving on a jury so they could vote “Not guilty”?

Cousins in Crisis

[Note: I still don’t trust myself to not foam at the mouth on the subject, so I’m limiting my comments on the London bombings. When the “red curtain of blood” in front of my eyes clears up a bit, maybe then… ]

Originally uploaded by mnmus.

We share many things with our British cousins.

Now including attacks by Islamofacist savages from without and cultural relativist “Death to Western Civilization” pseudo-jihadists in mass media, politics and academia within…


This composite flag will remain close to the header of this blog for a while in recognition of the good, the bad and the downright ugly we share with our cultural cousins in Britain.

Grab Bag

Another day eaten by locusts. 🙂

Check out the new digs of Stop The ACLU Note the invitation to participate in STOPping the ACLU’s disingenuous assault on the Constitution.

To join us go to our Protest The ACLU Portaland register. You will be added to our mailing list, and receive further instruction from there. If you have any trouble email me at Jay@Stoptheaclu.com . It is quite simple.

Judge Judy for Supremes? It’d at least be fun…

And just for some something to soothe the savage breast, try heading on over to Kat’s place for some good audioblogging. Here’s a link to Christine Kane singing “Off the Ground” Lotsa good pics, posts, music there. Check it out.

The latest in “dialogue” with Islamic jihadists

Islamic jihadist barbarians: Boom! West jawjaws

Man. Now’s the time to start simply rounding up Muslims in Britain, France, etc., and just shipping them back where they came from in containers. “Innocent” Muslims along with the supposed bad guys. All of ’em, wholesale. If the “good” Muslims began policing their own instead of acting as enablers, the savages who planted bombs in London just might not have been able to do it to begin with. And the “culturally sensitive” loony left enables the jihadists to hide in amongst the populace in general, what with accusing anyone who speaks the truth about The Religion of Hate being accused of committing hate crimes with truth.

Check that. Don’t send ’em all back where they came from. The major funding for Islamic terrorism is from the Saudis. Send al the Muslims there. Blockade the place and don’t let ’em out. let the Saudis feed (and water!) ’em all. Since water’s in short supply in that area of the world, sell the Saudis water. At $55.00 a barrel… or whatever the going rate for oil is.

For the timeline on the London attack from the TimesOnline site:

Alphabet soup

Yesterday: eaten by locusts

Well, yesterday, if the recorded times of my posts were any hint to folks, was officially a VBD (very busy day) filled with IOPs (inportant offline projects) where I was not even in sight of my own computers or anyone else’s nearly all day, and after finishing I was officially TPTP (too pooped to post) a single word. (Sorry, R’Cat.)

Today looks to be much the same, although I have managed this wee break.

Feel free to poke around and leave comments where you may not have before.

Are we there yet?


Image: LindaSog.com

(Sing along, folks: midi here)

Tell us the truth, John Kerry,
Tell us the truth,
Although it will be hard.
You can’t remember, Jean Boy,
Just what you did
Because you’ve lied so long.
That trip across the border,
One Christmas Eve
That’s seared into your brain—
We know it’s fiction, Johnnie,
(And so do you)
John Kerry let your records go!

More on the appeal to Jean Fraud sKerry at Cao’s Blog, including this:

Join the blogbursts to help FREE Kerry’s 180 every Tuesday!

We’ve formed a blogburst group and here are the bloggers who are contributing so far. If you want to join the blogroll for Free Kerry’s 180, click here to email me, include the url for your blog. The blogburst is every Tuesday, so don’t forget to blog about it. All you have to do is encourage Kerry to set his 180 FREE, I’ll send you the code for the blogroll.

The more people we have, the merrier!

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The Paragraph Farmer
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The Sunnyeside Of Life
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Uncle Jack
Villainous Company
What Attitude Problem?
Where’s Your Brain?