Free your 180, John Kerry!


Hey! Ya think the reason Jean Fraud sKerry won’t really release his full military records (as he has promised more than once to do) is because it’ll come out that he hired a “body double” to do his tour in Vietnam?

Yeh, it’s a stretch.  The guy’d have to be as big an ass as sKerry himself to have pulled it off, given the testimony of fellow Swift Boaters.  Finding two such puff-headed asses beggars the imagination…

Hey! Jean fraud! Free your records, bubba!

(Scairdy cat won’t do it, ya know.)

Still, as much as he has dealt in lies, damned lies and outright treachery during his public life (don;t even wanna think about his private life), it’d seem only fitting if this lil lie about him sending a hired hand to do his tour actually got legs, walked off this blog and developed a life of its own.

Won’t happen though, cos only two classes of people read this blog: the honest inquirers and the loony left moonbats, and each has their reasons (though one can respect only the first class) for not spreading such a canard.

Unless of course, plausible evidence could be found… *LOL*

Check out Cao’s Blog for a more responsible pillorying of Jean Fraud sKerry and for instructions on joining the blogburst.

As Cao says, “The more people we have, the merrier!”

Revisting Wodehouse

Meet Psmith.

As any regular reader of this lil blog probably knows, I’m a addict.  Well, since I’m addicted to the written word and (see my sidebar for the link) has thousands of public domain etexts available, that’s a natural outcome.

Another fav of mine is P.G. Wodehouse.  I just now, thanks to reading another of Burt Prelutsky’s articles, thought to check for any P.D. copies of Wodehouse works might have available, since Wodehouse’s writing career began in 1902 and there would be a goodly number in P.D. by now.  Early Wodehouse has been difficult to find in the libraries and bookstores I’ve had available since I discovered the joy of reading his prose some years ago.  The later works have been better-represented, so I’ve missed a lot of his earlier novels. Of the 94 “greatest novels of the 20th Century”_1_ (Wodehouse’s oeuvre, naturally), in fact, I’ve read less than half!

Remedying that in part, now, by reading the etext of Mike and Psmith, written in 1909.  A sample from early in the book shows Wodehouse’s gentle wit:

“I am with you, Comrade Jackson.  You won’t mind my calling you Comrade, will you?  I’ve just become a socialist.  It’s a great scheme.  You ought to be one.  You work for the equal distribution of property, and start by collaring all you can and sitting on it…”


Sounds like rich liberalists (who now call themselves “progressives”—stealing the term from earlier communists and socialists… ) who send their kids to private schools and militate against school vouchers for poor folk.

“…start by collaring all you can and sitting on it…”

Addendum: apropos of blogging? Psmith comments on having an audience:

“… Soliloquy is a knack. Hamlet had got it, but probably only after years of patient practice. Personally, I need someone to listen when I talk. I like to feel that I am doing good. You stay where you are—don’t interrupt too much.”


Acres of Diamonds

(Some folks will actually “get” the title of this post… )

OK, here’s one of the joys of the internet.  Like browsing in a really good library or bookstore, one can often find unexpected treasures.

And that’s what happened when I was looking for something else today and ran across Bert Prelutsky.  I dropped one sample off in a driveby posting earlier.  Here’s another:

Only the hopelessly naïve, the same fools who believed Hitler was going to be satisfied with merely gobbling up the Sudetenland, actually believe that the Islamic fascists would all become saints and shepherds if only the U.S. got out of Iraq or out of the Middle East altogether.

If that were all it took, life would be a bowl of cherries. Heck, I’d even be happy to move all the Jews out of Israel and into one of our northern states. If they could turn the desert into a garden, think what they could do with North Dakota. At the very least, Bismarck would have first-rate hospitals, a terrific university, a hell of a state National Guard, more entrepreneurs than the Silicon Valley, and a world class symphony orchestra.

In the meantime, under Palestinian stewardship, the land formerly known as Israel would revert to sand and rubble. And the Muslims could get back to doing what they do best; namely, slaughtering one another…

That’s from “A Modest Proposal” (h/t/ to Swift, I’m sure—heh). Go. Read.

Driveby observation…

“When you see the sleazy levels to which the liberals will stoop, the big mystery to me is how the Democrats manage to do better in general elections than the Libertarians or the Vegetarians, for that matter.”–Bert Prelutsky, “Are Liberals Really Lemmings?”

BTW, the lemmings hypothesis could explain liberalists’ obsession with aborting their young.  Population pressures, some sort of mystic evolutionary imperative to eliminate the unfit “liberalist” genes… What wonders the Roe Effect may unfold…

Blogging about blogging—go ahead and skip this post. heh

Hmmm… some email I got spurred me to check my stats wayyyyy early.  Hmmm… Total traffic was down over the last 30 days, although linkage is up significantly, even given TTLB’s inexplicable dropping of nearly 100, adding back in of 60 or so, etc. Site Meter still reports the same number of “average” visits I had the day I installed its code on my template: no change whatever. Something’s broken there. Statcounter shows a HUGE swing in visits—some near near all-time high days (though nothing “near” the weekend after Hugh Hewitt flogged Blogfathers Day™—heh), some strangely quiet ones—averaging out a lil less.

Oh, well. Ya don’t like what I post, go away.


Check the head (pun intended)

Just a reminder of the quote that heads this blog:

“It’d be a shame if the Democratic Party redefined itself as a party with integrity, honesty, genuine concern for the safety and wellbeing of citizens and committment to principles that are embued in the American State Papers, cos then there’d be no place for Jean Fraud sKerry, Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, Ted “Swimmer” Kennedy and their ilk… “

Of course, on the other hand, it’s also be nice if the Republican Party

  1. stopped looking to the Democrats for leadership
  2. got a collective brain transplant (50 years as “the stupid party” is long enough, folks)
  3. grew some balls

I definitely believe a two-party system in a democratic republic is the way to go, but as I’ve often said, Oh! How I wish we had two other parties!

Still as true in the 21st Century as it was in the 19th Century (quaint vocabulary and all):

“American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward to perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It tends to risk nothing serious for the sake of truth.”

– R. L. Dabney

“A War to Be Proud Of”?

Well, almost…

While, as usual, I find much to disagree with in Christopher Hitchens’ latest screed, he does manage to touch on some points apart from the d’irty underwear of the d’underground-minded.  For example (and yeh, this is a long excerpt, but it’s a much longer piece):

The subsequent [as response to 9/11] liberation of Pakistan’s theocratic colony in Afghanistan, and the so-far decisive eviction and defeat of its bin Ladenist guests, was only a reprisal. It took care of the last attack. But what about the next one? For anyone with eyes to see, there was only one other state that combined the latent and the blatant definitions of both “rogue” and “failed.” This state–Saddam’s ruined and tortured and collapsing Iraq–had also met all the conditions under which a country may be deemed to have sacrificed its own legal sovereignty. To recapitulate: It had invaded its neighbors, committed genocide on its own soil, harbored and nurtured international thugs and killers, and flouted every provision of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The United Nations, in this crisis, faced with regular insult to its own resolutions and its own character, had managed to set up a system of sanctions-based mutual corruption. In May 2003, had things gone on as they had been going, Saddam Hussein would have been due to fill Iraq’s slot as chair of the U.N. Conference on Disarmament. Meanwhile, every species of gangster from the hero of the Achille Lauro hijacking to Abu Musab al Zarqawi was finding hospitality under Saddam’s crumbling roof.

One might have thought, therefore, that Bush and Blair’s decision to put an end at last to this intolerable state of affairs would be hailed, not just as a belated vindication of long-ignored U.N. resolutions but as some corrective to the decade of shame and inaction that had just passed in Bosnia and Rwanda. But such is not the case. An apparent consensus exists, among millions of people in Europe and America, that the whole operation for the demilitarization of Iraq, and the salvage of its traumatized society, was at best a false pretense and at worst an unprovoked aggression. How can this possibly be?

Hithcens answers his own question plausibly, but without reaching root causes. He correctly points out the childishness of liberalist responses, but misses out on pegging the venality. Yes, the childishness of the dhimi-crats and their ilk is a portion of the reason.  And yes, the Stupid Party, in its White House and congresscritter representation, has “made a hash” of explaining the case for the Iraq war—both in the leadup and since.  But that’s not enough to explain the mind-numbingly stupid arguments against the Iraq adventure made by leftists. No, the best explanation for such mind-numbingly stupid arguments as the “boring [and disingenuous] mantra” of Bush lied…”is two-fold: those who are wittingly promulgating such lies, disinformation and idiotic catch-phrases are evil.  Yeh, I mean it. They are wittingly manipulating (the essence of evil: manipulation or coercion via lies, slander) the sheep they herd (D’underground as examples of such sheep) into chanting their lies… and depending on the stupidity of their sheep for success, such as it may be.

It is this I find so offensive in so-called “progressives.” The assumption by leftist elites that the masses are simply too stupid to tell when they’re being lied to and encouraged to spread lies is beyond vile.  Mass Media Podpeople who wittingly (or stupidly) trumpet leftist lies and convince the sheep who think MMPs are “reporting news” are beneath contempt.  Politicians who… ah, but I run the danger of engaging in Mark Twain redux.

(NOTE: D’underground and its fellow travellers do demonstrate that liberalist elites, Mass media Podpeople and pols do have a point: there are an aweful lot of “useful idiots” out there for them to manipulate.)

My position on the war in Iraq? Well, you could search my archives, but here’s the digest version: I’d have preferred other options.  Sure, given Saddam’s belligerence and flouting of both treaty constraints (Note: the first Gulf War was never ended: cease fire only) and U.N. resolutions, well beside his other behaviors, alone would have legally justified bombing him and his regime back into the stone age where they belonged.  But even given adequate just causes, I’d have preferred other options.

The aftermath of the fall of Baghdad was handled exceptionally poorly.  Paul Bremmer was an idiot. Immediately enlisting non-republican guard military and the aid of willing tribal leaders instead of shutting them out in the cold would have gone a long way toward solidifying the situation quickly.  And there were any number of folks telling him so at the time. I’d have preferred setting the Kurds, the Shi-ites and the Sunnis up in their own lil nation-states (fully arming the Kurds as a poke in the eye to turkey) and telling ‘em, “We’ll stick around for a while to make sure the playground fights between you three don’t get outa hand.  Handle your own internal security, though.”

Still, once in, we’re  much worse withdrawing now and encouraging the Islamofascist barbarian bastards. And, it is good that nearly 100,000 Islamofascist barbarian bastards have been “put to the sword” in this adventure.  Kill them there rather than let them kill us there, indeed.

I’m distressed that the Bush administration hasn’t sent a platoon of marines to knock over the Saudi regime that encourages and funds Islamofascist barbarian bastards.

I’m not pleased that the Bush administration hasn’t plainly labeled the Palestinians as Islamofascist barbarian bastards and offered to (forcefully) “relocate” them to Saudi Arabia for their Muslim brothers to tend to, in typical Muslim charity.

And I’m not pleased that the Bush administration has not closed our borders, has encouraged outlaws to steal into this country, and has allowed Minetas Morons to hold sway over air travel.

That said, has the Iraq adventure actually enhanced our nation’s security (the PRIMARY constitutional job of the federal government)? Well, in a word, yes.

I’d have done it differently.  I have emailed and phoned congresscritters my views.  The decisions were made “above my pay grade” as the saying goes, and we’re there now.  Creating a Vietnam-style defeat out of victory again is the goal of leftists, a goal completely consonant with their “defeat America” agenda—whether they be foreign leftists or home—grown. And yeh, I can definitely challenge the defeatists’ soi disant “patriotism” on that ground alone.

As for me, nah, rather not.

D’underground checkup

About once every six months or so, I find it instructive to meander on over to D’underground to check up on how the psychotherapy is going, see if the right drug therapy has been found, etc. By the evidence of this thread at D’underground, therapy’s not going well. Not well at all.


I couldn’t find one single post by a D’undergrounder that showed evidence of as much intelligence as a head of cabbage has.  Not one.

It’s almost funny… yeh, funny like a train wreck. *profound sigh* Scary, as in, these folks can actually vote! Like giving monkeys the keys to Cheyenne Mountain…

Sad, really. I wonder, has anyone done DNA tests on D’underground to see if any of them are human? Ah, man! Now PETA’s gonna get into the act! (No, not People Eating Tasty Animals, the other one, you know the one with the terrorist ethos.)