Joe the Plumber, Meet Ed the Dairyman


What’s to add to that? (Oh, there are details of the Obama tax proposals that are far, far worse than depicted in this lil clip, but 5th grade–or lower–math is about the level of most college graduate sheeple, so we’ll just let it go at that.)

Trackposted to , Mark My Words, , Right Truth, DragonLady’s World, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, NN&V, Democrat=Socialist, Stageleft, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

“Fact Check” Video

I dissed the McCain campaign yesterday for a bum ad, so it’s only fair I recognize another one that’s pretty decent. Heck It doesn’t even have the creepy musical accompaniment the other one did.

OK, minor quibble. At, one bullet point in the summary of Palin rumors it’s so far debunked says,

She was never a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, a group that wants Alaskans to vote on whether they wish to secede from the United States. She’s been registered as a Republican since May 1982.

Note the “wants Alaskans to vote on whether they wish to secede from the United States” assertion above. Folks, I’ve read the platform of the Alaskan Independence Party and it does NOT include advocacy of the idea of secession. Anywhere. Unless this is it:

We pledge to exert our best efforts to accomplish the following:

To effect full compliance with the constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Alaska….

Damned secessionist bastards! They pledge “best efforts to accomplish” a “full compliance with the constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Alaska”! Why! these people are even worse than secessionists! They’re damned anarchists!

/sarcasm off

Granted, over 30 years ago, the guy who founded the AIP went so far as to seriously question (well, as serious as such a question could be) whether Alaska had been legally made a state, but that proved to be too radical for the long haul. didn’t quite pooh the scrooch on this, but it’s an instructive lesson on DOING YOUR OWN HOMEWORK!

Political Attacks

[Note: See Update below.]

I’m all for ’em. Slinging REAL mud between political opponents is a Very Good Thing. It can enlighten the public about those seeking office in ways that just won’t happen if candidates are able to control their own stories in an echo chamber.

But the mud had better be genuine mud dredged up from the candidates’ own personal records, not toxic sewer sludge deliberately dredged up from somewhere else, made to appear as if it were a candidate’s own and then poo-flung by hordes of rabid monkeys. The latter is pretty much what the rumors and downright lies and false reports circulating the past coupla weeks about Governor Palin have amounted to.

Today, I got wind of two things that don’t quite fall into the toxic sludge area but do reflect poorly on Repubgnican’t/conservative voices. One is the assertion that Obama’s “lipstick on a pig” comments were plagiarized. Well, maybe. The “lipstick on a pig” comment itself obviously was not. The rest of the comments do have an eery similarity to a Tom Cole political cartoon. But. The Tom Cole political cartoon has an eery similarity to statements made over the past week made by Obama operatives and the campaign itself. Chicken? Egg? Cole simply another Obama campaign operative spouting its talking points? The Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind and the Dhimmicrappic political machine have so much pillow talk/spore exchange going on it’s really hard to tell.

At any rate, it’s a weak assertion of plagiarism and that dog won’t hunt with the electorate.

The one that bothers me more is a McCain campaign ad answering the “lipstick on a pig” comments. First, the ad, then my observation:

[NOTE: YouTube pulled the ad reportedly because of a copyright complaint by CBS. See comments on this post. I told ya, McCain… ]

Set aside the arguable inference (“The Obamassiah meant to call Sarah Palin a pig”–not entirely clear from the context of Obama’s remarks, arguably he could have been implying that, but it’s not clear) from his remarks stated–not implied–by the ad. That’s an arguable issue. (Weakly arguable, IMO, by those who assert that story, but arguable nonetheless.)

What bothers me is that I was sure Couric was NOT referring to sexism contra Palin. In the age of Google, the McCain folks should not have STRONGLY implied that Couric was addressing sexism in the presidential campaign in general or against Palin in particular. Firstly, it would ring utterly and completely false. Couric defend a conservative woman? Get outa here! Secondly, didn’t happen. Google is your friend if you base your comments on fact, otherwise…

Now, true, Couric was attempting to equate her own “courageous” struggles against a putative glass ceiling with Hillary Clintoon’s similarly perceived “glass ceiling” struggle (perceived by Couric and others–including, apparently, Palin). But it is a long way from that assertion to a direct tie to the attacks on Palin being denounced by Couric of all people. A few clarifying words–either voiced over or in graphic–could have tied the sexism remarks back to the Hillary campaign as perceived by PUMAs and others then noted a similarity to the Palin attacks in general.

Still, tying all that back into the lipstick remark as a personal, “sexist” attack on Palin is weak indeed. Oh, it’ll be strong with folks who don’t think it through because of laziness or lack of ability to do so (admittedly up to 90% of the electorate) and who already have a bias toward accepting any negative remarks whatsoever about The Obamassiah (probably about 50% of that 90%), but that still doesn’t make it an honest ad, and I thought Juan Mexicain ran the “straight talk express”.

That ad is NOT “straight talk” in any way, shape, fashion or form.

Mr. McCain: tear down that ad!

There’s enough of substance to attack The Obamassiah on. This ad is just beneath any worthy candidate.

(OK, now here I get to water down my objections to the ad with nit-picking: the musical underpinnings of the ad? Lame. Even with my really nice subwoofer thumping the last string bass hit, lame. OK, so maybe I’ll just say, “Not to my taste. Borrrrring.” *yawn* :-))

[UPDATE: I was pretty well finished with this whole lipstick on a pig thing until The Obamassiah opened his yap yesterday and put his clown shoe in it. On w/David Letterman, he offered this “analysis” of his own words:

“…in Illinois, the expression connotes the idea that if you have a bad idea, in this case I was talking about John McCain’s economic plans, that just calling them change, calling it something different, doesn’t make it better, hence, lipstick on a pig is still a pig.”

Exactly as the phrase seems in context–if you watch the whole thing and/or read a transcript. But now this exchange…

Dave: “Yeah, they got together and they said, ‘You know what? He called our vice presidential candidate a pig.’” (audience laughs) “Well, that seems pretty unlikely, doesn’t it?”

Obama: “It does. But keep in mind that, technically, had I meant it that way, she would have been the lipstick, you see?” (audience, Dave laugh) “But now we’re…”

Dave: “I don’t know, you’re way ahead of me.” (audience laughs)

Obama: “Yeah, the failed policies of John McCain would be the pig.”

“[H]ad I meant it that way… “? No, O Great Obamassiah who Failed to Learn Logic In Law School, the expression “Palin=lipstick as McCain policies=pig” only works if you were NOT using the expression to call Palin a pig, if you WERE “talking about John McCain’s economic plans”.


“Nuance” only works under three interdependant conditions, O Great Obamassiah:

1. It’s simple enough for clear communication (I know, I know: “simple” and “nuance” seem contradictory, but only because dumbasses make it so)
2. It’s honest, not playing fast and loose with the facts and
3. It makes at least some sense.

The Obamassiah’s nuance in this case fails all three conditions.

The Obamassiah: smart stupididity. Is this someone we want in the White House?

*heh* Looks like Jerry Pournelle had a reaction to the McCain “response” ad that was in a simliar “family” as my own:

“Phony outrage is very bad tactics.”]

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Allie is Wired, and Shadowscope, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Some Friendly Advice for Joe Biden

Joe, about your upcoming “debate” with Sarah Palin, the surest way for you to lose is…

to show up.

Call in sick, Joe. Just call in sick.

(Or, if “you” want to “show up” and at least make a good showing, you might just do what you’ve done by proxy in the past: get someone else, say, oh, I dunno, Neal Kinnock, to go in your place. No one will ever know, Joe. I promise. No one will ever know.)

This has been a third world county Helpful Hint Post. Always glad to help…

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A Quote for Today

As the election season heats up to make up for lack of sunspot activity, try to remind yourself what the ancient Roman reform candidate once said:

“Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

(That JFK guy sure knew how to steal from *urm* sincerely flatter *uh* quote the best, didn’t he?)

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The Weirdest Obama Rumor?

Obama is the Goa’uld Apophis.

OK, so it’s creepy how much he looks like the Stargate SG-1 character (but only–really–because of the sizable ear flaps on Apophis’ headgear–and Apophis still isn’t nearly as “scary” looking as Obama *heh*), and it’s about as funny as these kind of loony rumors get, but it’s still not as loopy as some of the rumors and false reports that made it into the Mass Media Podpeople “reportage” about Governor Palin in the first week after her tapping for veep candidate.

Still, for a completely off-the-wall, foul ball out past the left field wall, sendup of a rumor, it’s at least

a. more credible and
b. funnier

than most of the crazy accusations flung Governor Palin’s way for the past week-and-a-half.

Among Likely Voters, Whatsisname/Palin by 10 Points?

That’s apparently what Gallup says, now. (h.t. STACLU)

When the redes are in your favor, though, check your six…


What of the likely Electoral College breakdown in the polls? Subtracting the “tossup” states parameter at Real Clear Politics’s composite of the pollsters’ output yields an eight point spread between The Obamassiah/The Plagiarist Hack and Whatsisname/Palin. Advantage: The Obamassiah/The Plagiarist Hack.

And there are still what? 63 Days til November 5?

A long row to hoe in tall cotton…

[micro-mini update: *argh!* I know election day is November 4th this year, but I keep getting it wrong because “Guy Fawkes Day” is November 5th… seriously, that is the reason. It’s a BIG holiday for me… *heh*]

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Bill Whittle on Sarah Palin: Go. Read.

One excerpt then you’d better click through to read the whole thing or I’ll disown you.


Sarah Palin is the anti-Obama: not a victim, not a poser, not riding a wave but rather swimming upstream — and most of all, not having run for president her entire life. She is the first politician I have ever seen — and I include Ronnie in this, God bless him — who strikes everyone who sees her as an actual, real, ordinary person. Immediately came T-shirts saying I AM SARAH PALIN. HER STORY IS MY STORY. There is a lot of Obama swag out there, too, but none of it says HIS STORY IS MY STORY. Hold that thought till November 5.

She is so absolutely, remarkably, spectacularly ordinary. I think the magic of Sarah Palin speaks to a belief that so many of us share: the sense that we personally know five people in our immediate circle who would make a better president than the menagerie of candidates the major parties routinely offer. Sarah Palin has erupted from this collective American Dream — the idea that, given nothing but classic American values like hard work, integrity, and tough-minded optimism you can actually do what happens in the movies: become Leader of the Free World, the President of the United States of America. (Or, well, you know, vice president.)

(Yes, I am serious about reading the whole thing; that’s why I made the whole of the blockquoted material clickable. Go!)

h.t. BeldarBlog

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Democrat=Socialist, The World According to Carl, and Shadowscope, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Can’t Pass the Physical

Too bad. This t-shirt

1. Doesn’t come in my size
2. Is not my cut, and besides,
3. I can’t pass the physical

Oh well.

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Peggy Noonan’s Slip *sigh*

Nope. Not lingerie. The, by now in internet time, infamous open mic comment about Palin.

What I’d like to remind Peggy of is this comment from her September 3 WSJ column (which she has newly redacted with prefaced remarks to her open mic comment on MSNBC),

Let me say of myself and almost everyone I know in the press, all the chattering classes and political strategists and inside dopesters of the Amtrak Acela Line: We live in a bubble and have around us bubble people. We are Bubbleheads. We know this and try to compensate for it by taking road trips through the continent — we’re on one now, in Minneapolis — where we talk to normal people. But we soon forget the pithy, knowing thing the garage mechanic said in the diner, and anyway we weren’t there long enough in the continent to KNOW, to absorb. We view through a prism of hyper-sophistication, and judge by the rules of Chevy Chase and Greenwich, of Cleveland Park and McLean, of Bronxville and Manhattan.

And again we know this, we know this is our limit, our lack.

But we also forget it.

And when you forget you’re a Bubblehead you get in trouble, you misjudge things…

Peggy, you’re a bubblehead. Please remind yourself of that fact more often in the future.

(BTW, kudos to Noonan for one thing at least. In her freshly-minted preface/apologia, she refers to “bullshit” as an epithet, NOT, as is so often and illiterately done, a profanity. So, a literate bubblehead.)

Trackposted to Blog @, The Virtuous Republic, A Newt One- Ronald Reagan in a skirt, Democrat=Socialist, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.