Just Stop It!

Conversation with Son&Heir. I mentioned the “symbolic links” to Lincoln Obama is attempting to insert into his innauguration (Yeh, yeh, so he traveled a part of the same rail route Lincoln traveled to his innauguration and… and… BSD–big stinking deal), and he injected what more than a few have suggested in the last few weeks that they fear: the fear that Obama may emulate Lincoln in more ways than just the symbolic, throwing the country into a chaotic race riot…

Just stop it folks! Giving voice to those kinds of thoughts gives them more life than they deserve. Concentrate instead on doing whatever you can to preven The Obamassiah emulating and epanding on Mr. Lincoln’s very successful attack on the Constitution. We do NOT need more and more and more of Mr. Lincoln’s preferred (All-)Powerful Central Government!

What’s Changed Since 2004?

Let’s let the candidate speak for himself, shall we? (h.t. STACLU)

So, enlighten us, O Great Obamassiah; what’s changed since 2004 to make you qualified to be the president of the United States of America?

Let’s see…

Barack Obama missed 301 of 1282 roll call votes (23%) since Jan 6, 2005. The graph below shows the percent of roll call votes Barack Obama was absent for during the member’s time in Congress.

The absentee rate is in red. The two black dotted lines provide a context for understanding the significance of the absentee rate. The lower dotted line shows the median value for all Members of Congress in that time period. The upper dotted line shows the 90th percentile. A Member who approaches the upper dotted line is in the worst 10 percent of Congress.

OK, he’s managed to reach the top 10% of absentee senators. WTG. Can’t even vote “present” when he’s absent.

Let’s see, what else has The Obamassiah achieved since he admitted he was not qualified to be President?

Has he actually introduced any bills?

Well, no. OK, two dingus bills. *yawn*

OK, how about his “work” on the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs? Yep, “his” committee got a bill out “to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon” (according to The Obamassiah)… except that he’s not even a member of the committee, so, mmm, it could scarcely be called “his committee” now mcould it?(as he called it July 23, 2008)

So, what exactly are the “accomplishments” that now qualify him for the job?

Barack Obama contends that he is more experienced in executive matters than Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because he has managed his presidential campaign for the past 18 months.

Say again?

“Well, my understanding is that Governor Palin’s town of Wasilla has, I think, 50 employees. We’ve got 2,500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. You know, we have a budget of about three times that just for the month. So I think that our ability to manage large systems and to execute I think has been made clear over the last couple of years.”

What. A. Maroon.

So, using The Obamassiah’s own criteria (which seem to equate Wasilla Alaska to the entire state–again with the geographically challenged candidate: Wasilla, AK ain’t the 57th state, Mr. Obamassiah), let’s run the numbers, comparing The Obamassiah’s crab apples to apples, shall we?

From his figures for his campaign budget, maybe as much as $432,000,000 per year, being exceptionally generous with his “about three times” $12,000,000/month. (If he can back up his claims to be spending $36,000,000/month to get elected President, then we need to get some questions answered about where that money’s coming from! If not, then we need to seriously doubt his ability to do simple sums.)

Alaska State budget? A little over $6,600,000,000.

Advantage: Palin, by about 16 times as big a budget. Ooo, Ooo, Mr Obamassiah! *mmm* Does that make Palin 16X more qualified than you? (By his own stated criterion, yes, so far.)

OK, The Obamassiah says he supervises/administers an employee base of 2,500 in his campaign.

Surprisingly, this works in The Obamassiah’s favor. Apparently, the State of Alaska has only about 24,000 employees. Still, advantage: Palin, by a margin of only 9.6 times as many employees. So, by this Obamassiah criterion, Palin, who’s been on this executive job longer than The Obamassiah’s been “supervising” his putative 2,500 employees, is only a little less than ten times as qualified as The Obamassiah.

Please, Mr Obamassiah, explain some more why that old saying I coined this week is so wise:

Never stop a man who’s attempting to commit suicide with the jawbone of an ass.

Passing Shots

The really scary thing about the presidential race this year is that Obama’s managing to do two things:

1. Attract a LOT of enthusiam from idiots who are too stupid to actually parse his poorly-spoken, halting utterances (which, being idiots, they think are examples of great public speaking *feh* Ya can hear better from po’ boy country preachers any Sunday ya wanna wander out into the sticks) and realize that the only substantive content that can be educed or torturously exegeted from them is: “More government, taking more of productive folks’ money to give to slackers”; “I’ll deny playing the race card every single time I play it”; “America sucks, and so do you.”

2. Almost make Juan Mexicain look good. Almost.

Now aren’t either one of those things enough to make you fear for the restoration of the republic?

Compgeeky stuff: As much as I like the simpicity of its interface, ease of configuration and ease of installation as compared to VMWare’s offerings, I’ve finally had to admit that VirtualBox just isn’t up to snuff. The killer? This box has two 64-bit processors. The VirtualBox app installed is for 64-bit processors. When attempting to install 64-bit WinXPP, the install fails with an error message that I’m attempting to install a 64-bit OS on a 32-bit computer. *feh* Mouse/keyboard capture is more elegant in VB, and its fullscreen mode is nicer, but not being able to install the legal copy (as in, “fully licensed, unused anywhere else copy) of XP available to me right now (XPP-64-bit) is too much. Oh, I think I’ll still keep it around to try out various Linux/BSD distros in a VM, but since one of my essential uses for a VM is havin g an XP machine around to use as a reference–w/o having to dedicate extra space, etc. to actually having an XP machine phyysically on my desktop or use a KVM switch, etc.–VirtualBox just won’t do.

VMPlayer seems “good enough” for now for having an XP reference machine available for those times I need to walk someone through some dialog boxes or use Logmein instead of VNC to actually access a remote computer (depends on the remote user as to which option will work :-)).

Of curse (yeh, I feel like cursing), some bugaboos simply must rear their heaqds… *sigh* My NIC, which was “seen” by XP running in VirtualBox is unusable in XP running in VMWare Player… so far. And there’s no sound, either–not from either sound card. But at least everything else works well enough for its primary purpose: walking folks through dialog boxes in XP acurately via remote whatever. The network card would make Logmein easier, though (if for no reason other than continued experience with the “host” end). Well, I’ll either find an answer or not. *heh*

It must just be me, but the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind hagiography of deceased Mass Media Podpeople (Russert, Snow most recently) strikes me as more than just kinda smarmy and self-serving. Heck, I’m sure Russert and Snow were decent enough guys, although Russert lost my respect in recent times with his softball approach interviewing some politicians and Snow lost me completely with his disengenuous defense of the Bush/Kennedy/McCain amnesty bill as “not an amnesty bill”. Sure, it was the guy’s job to parrot the party line, but I used to think he had some integrity.

And I’m sure he did have some. But. The fawning of Mass Media Podpeople whenever one of their own passes away is a more than a little repugnant. Maybe it’s just me. Yeh, I’m sure it’s just me, right?

And Russert and Snow will certainly be missed by their families. R.I.P., guys.

At least Michelle’s left Barry his d*^% to step on. No balls for Jesse to “cut out,” but he sure can make outrageous statements (the “Learn Spanish” response to folks who assert English ought to be confirmed as the official language of the U.S. as a recent example) and then step on his own d*^% in an even more outrageous (and completely dsingenuous) defense of his “outrageosity” *heh*. What? WE ought to learn Spanish, but HE doesn’t speak a foreign language? Well, of course. Just as WE should be taxed to starvation but not HE and his “class,” right? (BTW, Barry, while I’m not fluent in Spanish, French, German, Italian or Greek, I can at least read those languages–albeit not fluently and with a bit of struggle from long disuse. Where were you when foreign language classes were offered, bubba? Dumbass. )

Oh, and speaking of Obamassiah’s dumbass comments, what about his energy/oil remarks, recently? What?!? Because (he says–although he apparently knows little or is flat-out lying about the effects of new drilling/production on oil prices) oil/gasoline prices might not be immediately affected by lifting bans on drilling for oil in our own known reserves, lifting those bans ought not to be done at all? Hmmm, isn’t that consonant with the Clintoonista argument ten years ago? The Dhimmicrappic argument for the past 5-7 years? What if… what if those known reserves had been tapped in the past 5-10 years making the U.S. NOW independant of foreign oil? What kind of barrel would the Saudis and other terrorist supporters have us over now? None, of course.

Barry’s argument is like saying, “Starting a savings/investment account/stragegy now won’t pay off for retirement for 20 years or more, so why start one at all?”

Idiot. And the idiots who listen to him and shout their agreement from the amen corner of The Church of the Obamassiah are even bigger idiots than he is.

And he knows it and is counting on it that they are idiots.

Because he knows if idiots weren’t allowed to vote 90% of our elected officials would be out of work. Including, very obviously, Barry Hussein Obama.

At the very least.

For alla you Star Wars fans (and not-so-fans *heh*), this:

h.t., Windows Secrets “Wacky Web.”

And lastly, an ironic look at the mindset of pseudo-liberals poking fun at legitimate concerns about the Obamassiah’s love of Islamic terrorists, he and his wife’s distinct and well-documented “blame America first!” attitudes, etc.

Obamassiah and His \"Belle\" in the Oval Office

h.t. STACLU.

Hmmm, The Obamassiah and his acolytes are offering far too many easy shots recently, aren’t they?

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