No More Pork! No More Earmarks!

No, all of these have been eliminated from the omnibus bill by the simple expedient of the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind relabeling these excesses as “parochial projects“.

See? There’s no pork; there are no earmarks; they’re all now magically transmogrified into something more palatable: merely parochial projects.

Now, don’t you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

Thanks CBS (A.K.A., See B.S.)

How Do You Spell “Relief”? P-a-l-i-n

I took a break from “the world” yesterday. Things to do, sleep to glom onto, etc. *heh* Back in the world again today and…

I discover the 24X7 Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind attack on Sarah Palin continues apace. *yawn* Not news. The Obamassiah (or The Dali ‘Bama, as some have dubbed him) selects the lame old hack Biden, and the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind fakes an orgasm. Juan Mexicain selects middle America hockey mom, card carrying NRA member, dynamic first term reform governor of the state that provides up to 20% of the nation’s petro-energy needs and the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind emerges from a stunned epileptic fit to initiate attack mode.

No bias there, eh?

But, as Thomas Lifson notes, while

The announcement of Palin’s selection by Senator McCain last Saturday reportedly triggered outright laughter in newsrooms across the land, a nearly unanimous opinion that she would be a disaster for McCain. To the sort of people who believe themselves sophisticated citizens of the world and feel a sense of pride at saving the planet by purchasing carbon offsets, a woman who has borne five children is incomprehensible. Add in moose-hunting, a champion snowmobiler husband and a pregnant 17 year old daughter, and the phrases “white trash” and “trailer trash” are deployed…

The cheese-eating surrender monkeys of the Left just don’t get it:

She has the rarest of qualities: authenticity. Media and Beltway types can’t fathom what that is. It goes right over their heads. Not even on the radar screen. Her multiple facets — beauty queen, moose hunter, mother, member of an Assembly of God Church, and ferocious reformer of corrupt politics may baffle sophisticates, but ordinary Americans see all the pieces fitting together, and they recognize a type of person they know and love.

Heck, Palin may be one of the very few authentic Americans in politics, nowadays, at least beyond the local school board or city councilman level in small town America.

And she still has more executive experience than The Obamassiah, Joe Plagiarism, Juan Mexicain or that Abraham Lincoln, for that matter, had before his presidency. (Oops. Maybe I ought not mention the latter, given the mess he made of his administration.)

While I regularly eschew watching politicians *spit* speak, preferring to read the content of their (usually) blather to, urm, see if it has any content apart from polished vowels and consonants, I do plan on listening (carefully, for real content) to Gov. Palin’s upcoming convention speech. I’ve seen the one interview I referred to a couple of days ago, and I’ve read other speeches, “debates” (as much–or as little–as a media run “debate” for a political office like governor is a debate) and comments made by Palin, and so far, she’s the only one worth listening to in the presidential field. If her speech and behavior continues to match up with her record so far, it looks like I can cast a relieved vote for Palin in November.

Oh, yeh, and whatsisname too, I suppose.

*heh* Update II:

Oh, and, from the official campaign website, an excerpt from an article in the St Petersburg Times,

…Palin’s years of elected executive experience beat out the rest of both tickets, even her own running mate.

Seems I’m not the only one who thinks that. πŸ˜‰

Annnd… from a lifelong “progressive cos it’s cool” commenter (“Fallon”) at PajamasMedia,

…I have been struggling with this decision, too, but I will be voting for Governor Sarah Palin via Senator McCain because I feel she is a strong and accomplished leader who I respect. I cherish the thought that she will be a mere heatbeat away from the presidency. I will never agree with any candidate 100%, never have, but I now believe that character and personal integrity trumps image, and security trumps domestic issues.

Now that I have made my decision, I feel at peace for the first time since the campaigns began.

Amen, sister. πŸ™‚

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Who Needs Mass Media Podpeople?

Question: Who needs television “news” programs, major newspapers and the like?

Answer: politicians *spit* and any other class of people seeking to control the thinking of sheeple.

Recently (h.t. LGF) I ran across a Pew Research online poll that was dipping a toe into the ignorance of online folks. It had one seriously malformed question I debated my answer to for some time (I chose to answer what it seemed to be implying and missed that one), but in general seemed to be a reasonably well-designed instrument to give a snapshot of current events awareness.

Yes, I missed the one question. I knew both answers to it *heh* but chose the narrower one. Still, my 91st percentile ranking might have told the Pew Research folks something had they asked a couple f qualifying questions the survey did not: “What major news publications do you read?” (None) “What news programs/channels do you watch?” (None)

Yep. 91st percentile–even with the one malformed question–and I do not watch network (any network) news nor do I read any major news outlet’s regurgitation of the latest views of the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind.

Heck, I avoid all but the weather on the local joke “news” programs, and I mostly avoid even that with a weather widget that has up-to-date weather info for my locale. (I do scan the local weekly rag about twice monthly. It’s not quite as bad as my all time fav lowbrow read–a rag called “The Weekly Eagle” but referred to by most of its readers as “The Weekly Buzzard”–but it’s close. I enjoy circling all the grammatical, spelling and usage errors. Red pencils get use up quickly when I read the thing, so I try to limit myself to every other week. *heh*)

So, at least in my case, exposure to no news programs, no major news outlets of any kind, results in me being better-informed than 91% of respondents.

Maybe that says something about the quality of Mass Media Podpeople “news” as well as about the electorate–or at least the online portion of the electorate interested in news, polls, etc.–you think?

Mmmmmm, could be…

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