RCOB-health tip

“RCOB”–“red curtain of blood”–is a term I was first exposed to by Kim duToit referring to a spike in BP (near berserker rage? :-)) usually brought about by exposure to obscene assaults on liberty by statist goons (mostly leftist statist goons, to be sure).

I’ve been trying to avoid confronting such things for the past month or so.

But, there are other things that can bring the RCOB about that are even less pleasant in some ways. This monster cold I’ve been fighting has robbed me of much sleep and exacerbated my tinnitus, a sure sign that my BP has been negatively affected as well. This a.m., upon waking, the ringing in my ears was a shapr “pinging” such that with every step or movement, a sharp stab of sound was impinging on my hearing.

Not good. Sure enough, BP was stratospheric.

Took a page from relaxation techniques of years gone by: slow breathing for about 15 minutes. By “slow breathing” I mean just under two full breaths per minute.

Sure enough, by the end of 15 minutes, I was back down into prehypertension range on the systolic and normal range (OK, high normal) on the diastolic.

Most folks may only be able to handle going as low as 6-7 breaths per minute, but the next time you feel a RCOB moment coming on, try concentrating on your breathing for a minute.

I may have to do that for about 15 minutes an hour come Fall, though, if things like this keep going on…

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T-13; 2.03: Thirteen Health Benefits of… Coffee

Coffee, THE number one Holy Brew has a bad rap among the twittering masses. Here are a few of the many ways coffee is a blessing:

1.) Lowers risk of diabetes1

2.) Lowers risk of Parkinson’s1

3. Lowers risk of colon cancer1

4.) Mood enhancer1

5.) Headache treatment1 (“…a single dose of pain reliever such as Anacin or Excedrin contains up to 120 milligrams” of caffeine. *heh*)

6.) Useful as a paliative in Adult ADD/ADHD2 (medicating children out of their right minds is another issue entirely *sigh*).

7.) Some research indicates drinking coffee helps prevent dental caries3

8.) Helps in asthma management.1

9.) Enhances athletic performance. 4 (Of course, for me that means the ability to walk briskly to the network closet to reset a router… :-))

10.) Coffee with milk daily=less childhood depression.4 (But of course! Who wouldn’t have (had) a better childhood with a daily dose of The Holy Brew #1? *heh*)

11.) Oops. Left out lowers risk of breast, liver and rectal cancer.5

12.) With over four times the active anti-oxidants found in tea, coffee is better at providing the heart-health benefits often touted for that beverage.6

13.) Despite what you may have heard (even from so-called medical professionals) the evidence is that coffee does NOT cause elevated blood pressure and poses no risk for those who have high blood pressure.5. Oh, and coffee is no more diuretic than plain old everyday water.6

I could go on, but I think you get the point,

O Blessed, Holy Caffeine Tree!

O Blessed Holy Caffeine Tree

Midi File:

Mp3 File (Courtesy of the Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea Singers):

Go ahead; sing along. πŸ™‚

(This mp3 is a lower-sampling-rate version of trhe one at the Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea link above.)

Oh, and here’s another verse, not included in the verses above:

O Blessed Holy Caffeine Tree,
In gratitude I sing of thee,
For all the ways you give life zest,
O Caffeine Tree, you are the best!

N.B.–The graphic above has a word-switch in the second verse that I need to get around to editing. First one to spot it gets two brownie points, redeemable for absolutely nothing but a pat on the back and a hearty “Attaboy/girl!”


If you wish to use this song for your personal amusement, just print it out and/or download or record the MIDI file. Do NOT remove the copyright information and do NOT reproduce multiple copies for use by a group unless

1.) You credit me and
2.) Notify me of its use in a group/choral setting and
3.) Provide me with a recording of any performance

Do NOT download or otherwise reproduce the mp3 recording Christine of Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea made without contacting HER and asking HER permission to do so.

Do not use this material in any way to produce income or for sale or distribution without my permission. Period. Ever. Clear?

If you have any questions just email me at mnmus@thirdworldcounty.us

Noted at The Thursday Thirteen Hub and Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, The Random Yak, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, Big Dog’s Weblog, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, The Pet Haven, A Newt One, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.