Of “Snips and Snails and… ” Locusts

Olde Phartes can be “little boys” too. *heh*

Tuesday was eaten by the less creative side of ADHD. Details, details, details. Oh. Well. Wednesday is another day, eh?

What have we in the public square today?

An ex-presidential press secretary demonstrates that if one associates with Mass Media Podpeople long enough, one almost inevitably, in a nowadays not-so-remarkable display of reverse peristalsis, begins to spew shit. Dog bites man. *yawn*

The Hildebeast–SHOCK!–actually knows the chronology of the 1968 presidential race (or at least some of it). What an amazing, “newsworthy” thing! Again: dog-man-yawn. Of course, she does still have a tin ear for off-the-cuff remarks.

Meanwhile, Michelle Obamamama is just hunky dory with Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey going out to the gas station while black. (Again, as someone who’s witnessed “up close and personal”–as in, “standing between the participants” *heh*–black on black gunfire, dog-man-yawn.)

Juan Mexicain reneges on border control before amnesty (not that that was a decent stance to begin with). Dog-man-yawn… What?!?! You thought he was at least an “honorable man”? He’s a 100%, dyed-in-the-wool politician *spit*, dummie.

Scratch that: he’s a He’s a 100%, dyed-in-the-wool American politician *spit*, dummie. Here’s some REAL news from the world of politics, grownup style; “Man bites dog” news! *heh* Czech President Vaclav Klaus has thrown down the gauntlet to Algore and his lying loonies:

Czech President Vaclav Klaus said Tuesday he is ready to debate Al Gore about global warming, as he presented the English version of his latest book that argues environmentalism poses a threat to basic human freedoms.

Well, dress me up as flabbergasted and fry me in lard. A politician with balls and brains. Let’s amend the constitution to allow intelligent, principled people to run for president. Yeh, the amendment will be required, because we’ll apparently have to import them from Czechoslovakia.

I can just see that Cowardly Liar (or Lying Cowardly Dog) agreeing to debate a grownup on his lies. Not. (“Cowardly Liar”? Well, the liar part’s a given, just on the public record. Cowardly though? What else would you call someone who will not allow any questions he hasn’t approved in advance and who refuses to allow actual recordings of his speeches? In my book that makes him an intellectual chickenshit.)

Future News: Newsflash! Gore ducks debate!

Nah, the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind would never report that.

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