OTOH… Mac OSX gets much-needed update

Earlier, I wanred y’all to watch out for the Vista SP1 from Microsoft. Now, word is well and truly out (and Apple’s servers being well, urm, serviced): news of much-needed “updates” (*cough* fixes) to OSX:

Sundry changes improve the performance of, or fix bugs in Dashboard, iCal, iChat, Mail, Parental Controls, Preview, Safari and Time Machine, while iSync gains support for Samsung D600E and D900i phones. The Finder has also been updated, with fixes for eight issues, including a couple that could cause unexpected quits.

Yeh, yeh, I know: MacCultists insist only pure, pristine and perfect code issues from Apple and all the crap code is limited to Me$$y$oft. Move along. Nothing to see here about “fix[ing] bugs in” various things in OSX folks depend on daily or things in Finder (Finder, fer heaven’s sake! You’d think they could fix the dumb name for the thing, too… *heh*) that “could cause unexpected quits.” (Yeh, “Crash Different” indeed.)

I will hand it to Apple for having created an atmosphere where its bug fix releases are viewed as something other than… bug fix releases, patches, fixes for their own “shrink-wrap betaware”.

Once again,

Crash Different

(On the gripping hand, Apple does fix its broken products, eventually. Mostly. Well, they are computers, aren’t they? ;-))

Well, at least I’m not counseling you to avoid this round of fixes, as I did with the Vista SP1. 😉

Macs are sooooo easy! (Not)

Page on down on this post at Chaos Manor (View) for the rest of the comments excerpted below:

I am beginning to hate Macs. I cannot empty the trash. I get a message saying that “Send to” is blocked. To empty everything in the trash including locked items press the option key while selecting Empty Trash. Needless to say I have pressed the option key until I am blue in the face. It won’t empty the trash…

…NOW I CANNOT MOVE SOME OF THE ITEMS from the trash to the foo folder. I do not have sufficient privileges!!! The MAC is protecting me from deleting old Windows backup files. I don’t have sufficient privileges. This may be the stupidest operating system yet with the possible exception of Vista.

Ye gods!!!

After consulting with 6 Unix gurus, active Mac users, he finally ended up with…

Plugging back in the external hard drive I was informed that it is unreadable, and disk utility opened. It offers to reformat…

…Macs are great if you’re me, with access to lots of advisors. I am not so sure about Aunt Minnie.

Macs are “intuitive” and “easy to use” if you already think like an Apple programmer (and sometimes that’s not even sufficient *heh*). If not, they can be terribly frustrating machines, largely because with a Mac it’s “The Apple way or the highway, bud,” and that’s that.

Once again, may I offer PCBSD, which has essentially the same (BSD) Unix underpinnings as Mac OSX without the quirky Mac straightjacket?

At least it’s not Mac OSX…


Trackposted to The Midnight Sun, The Random Yak, A Blog For All, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, Wake Up America, A Newt One, Dumb Ox Daily News, Adeline and Hazel, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.