It Ain’t Prep If You Ain’t Got Fire

Sure, I carry at least two means of making fire (well, three once I don my ADC vest) in my ADC (all day carry) load on my person, but just a means of making a flame isn’t enough, so in my Zippo belt pouch, I also carry a bit of tinder, ‘cos why not? 😉

Memory Hole?

Intercollegiate Studies Institute performed an annual “Civics Literacy” survey for six or seven years in a row, tracking trends in the general population with isolation of various demographics. While all demographics showed levels of civics literacy that would not be able to pass the dumbed down quiz prospective naturalized citizens are required to take, two things stood out to me:

1. High School seniors consistently out-performed college seniors, and
2. The lowest scoring demographic was. . . elected officials.