While we were sad to bid goodbye to Jaxson, still there is our lil Copy Cat.
RIP, Olde Pharte Tom
Well, Jaxson (Max’s son, hence the spelling) has departed this vale of tears for The Land of Catnip and Sunshine Snoozes. Good cat. Known a lot of cats, and I can think of no more cuddly tom or one with a more engaging personality. It has been almost a decade since he last felt like playing fetch, but the memories of his lap massages and vocalizations are a comfort. We made his last days as comfortable and filled with care as he allowed, and he went gently into that good night.
‘Bye, buddy.

Keurig “coffee.” *meh* If I wanted instant coffee, I’d probably just drink Folgers. *shudder*
See Inigo Montoya
Looks like a neologism from the “mind” of Potty Pants Joe. . .