Wherein I Offer Aid to Those Confused by Obamacare

“Obamacare Exchange” Translation?

“You are hereby required to exchange health care coverage you were once satisfied with for more expensive coverage offering fewer benefits and more restrictions. Unless you are one of my cronies or a member of the political/bureaucrappic nobility. Now, kiss my [asterisk].”–King Putz the Petulant

There. All clear, now?

Belaboring the Obvious


The Zero (A.K.A. “Barack HUSSEIN Obama,” “Barry Soetoro,” “Occupier-in-Chief of the Spite House” et al) daily demonstrates why history will record him as “King Putz the Petulant”.

How to Waste Your Time

A fact based, reasoned argument presented to a contemporary faux liberal (progressive, leftist, etc.) is like attempting to teach a pig to sing. All it does is waste your time and annoy the pig.

Ditto with the porker.

“Compromise” *gag-spew*

Borrowing (OK, stealing) from Sluggy Freelance to translate King Putz the Petulant’s stance on compromise with any view not his own,

“Look, [if] you beat me fair and square, I’ll totally give you bragging rights. Now, just jump on my sword and see things from my perspective. It’s called ‘compromise’.”

Of course, the typical Repugnican’t manner of compromise with Dhimmicraps is to bend over and pitifully plead, “Please, may I have another?”

Fun, Fun, Fun

And there’s not even a T-Bird in sight.

Well, I got my mother online today and she sent her very first ever emails. Her 89th birthday celebration is tomorrow.
