Free Kerry’s 180

Jean Fraud sKerry  Sends Records to NOLA as Contribution to Relief Efforts

“I heard the Katrina victims were short of toilet paper, so I sent what I could,” said the Junior Liar from Taxachussetts.

(More—and slightly, OK a lot, more factual—Kerry-baiting at Cao’s Blog and others in the Free Kerry’s 180 Blogroll.)

Guard Our Borders!

Oh, man.


Today was one-a those days.  I even forgot the Guard Our Borders Blogburst.


The Maryhunter has some critical info here (and given the quality of my post here, it’s just as well he doesn’t have me listed in the “Borders Blogburst” blogroll. *profound sigh*). And he points to more at Michelle Malkin’s blog. (You can click through to TMH’s Bacon Bits for the Malkin link. He deserves the traffic for the fine post.)

And it’d be a good thing to check here as well:

Better next week.

‘Possum Grapes

Possum Grapes_04

The oldtimers around here tell me that these volunteer grapes known locally as “possum grapes” make good preserves and jellies.  It just takes a ton of these tiny things to make anything at all.  (Each of the grapes you see in this picture has about the diameter of a pencil eraser.)

Well, I think I’ll give it a whirl this year since the vines have totally covered most of our backyard’s chain link fence.  I like the cover.  The leaves are attractive, and the berries turn a beautiful color as they ripen. Tried one today that was nearly ripe, and it has plenty of “grape” to it… for a fruit that’s about half fruit and half seed.  We’ll see how it all comes out. Anyone with “possum grape jelly” recipes for me to compare to some oldtimers’ suggestions, leave ‘em in comments.

Miracles never cease

Captain Ed recounts a miraculous tale

Months ago I stopped visiting or linking to Captain’s Quarters, not because of the content but because at the time he’d done something to his blog that prevented it being viewed properly in any browser but Internet Exploder (BTW, views fine in other browsers now).  I’m sure I missed lotsa good stuff, but then again… not. (Everyone else clips him, so… )

But  this I’m not going to excerpt or even synopsize.  Just read it for a surprising putdown of the Blame Bush for Everything crowd.

Water Turns to Wine.

The Blind See.

The Deaf Hear.

The Lame Walk.

The Dead Rise.

Clinton Defends Bush

You see? Miracles never cease.

h.t. NIF

Saturday links

Mini-mini-linkfest, today.

For Katrina links, go see Michelle Malkin’s blog and just keep scrolling down.

Where to donate? As I’ve said before, The Southern Baptist NAMB disaster relief folks have their stuff together.  Scrappleface satirist Scott Ott agrees (NOT a satire! Read it, folks! “Katrina Relief with Efficiency, Love and Hope by Scott Ott THIS IS NOT SATIRE… “)

For the definitive answer to the ego-centric personality disorder that goes by the name “Cindy Sheehan” read T.R. Fahrenbach: When a soldier dies in battle, there is no tragedy. Powerful.

NIF continues a Labor Day Weekend linkfest that beats the snot off Instapundit. 😉 Between NIF and Michelle Malkin, you’re mostly covered. Heh. Indeed.


Over at BeatCanvas, Brett speaks well to folks who shirked their own duty toward their citizens during Katrina and now are pointing the finger elsewhere.

A new-to-me blog that’s worth watching, IMO: Choose Life.

And for those still confused by media lies about Intelligent Design, drop into Wittingshire for a read and links for a week or so an you’ll get some perspective that folks who do NOT believe in open inquiry don’t want you to have… (Naturally, folks who do NOT believe in open inquiry and debate are largely the same folks who—falsely—claim to be liberals or “progressives”.  heh)

Independent Sources is another new-to-me blog.  Good stuff, Maynard.

Rich and Mel are doing most of the work over at Balanced News Blog scouring the web for interesting news and commentary and makinga great job of it.

For more, just surf my blogroll a while, ‘K?

Oh, and visit Whistling In the Light, would ya?

Carnival of the Recipes #55!

Well, it’s up just in time for me to make my grocery list for this weekend… Carnival of the Recipes #55 at The Glittering Eye

Not that we’ll necessarily be pigging out this weekend on Korean-style short ribs of beef (at least not if I need to have kimchee with it :-), although without the kimchee side suggested at the Carnival entry, the recipe looks delish.  And I think I’ll wait for cooler weather to fire up the oven for Christine’s  Banana Walnut Bread, although I’ll definitely enjoy cooking it on a crisp fall evening and having a slice (or two!) with a nice cuppa joe. And check out RomeoCat’s Curried Winter Squash Soup “recipe for Katrina relief”—yu-u-u-um!

Ahhh, just head on over and feast your eyes on all the goodies! Watch your  keyboard, though; drool isn’t good for it.

Break time: what are some pleasant memories for you?

Sometimes it’s small things

By mid-afternoon today, I was pleasantly pooped out.  Already been a full day.  Took a break, went out on the deck and, under the scant shade reaching the deck from a stand of 60 foot sycamores, did something I’d not done in 17 years.

You see, 17 years (maybe a tad longer) ago, I laid down (actually gave away) my pipes and favorite macanudos and simply stopped using tobacco.  At all. But… a while ago I found a pipe that had missed the housecleaning. Not one of the pricey ones; just a lil bulldog. Nice feel in the hand, though.  Then, while cleaning out a stash of stuff not gone through since, well, several moves, I found about two pipesful of 17-year-old blend.  A nice aroma still, but dry.  

Today, I rehydrated the old tobacco, poured a cuppa joe and took a break on the deck having my first pipeful in 17 years.  One of my son’s dogs came and laid down at my feet.  Watched the raccoon the dogs have treed about 25 feet up one of the sycamores, smoked and drank some joe. Enjoyable. Even blew a few rings.  But when the cuppa coffee was gone, I knocked out the half a pipeful that was left and that’s it.  No desire for more, just a pleasant “remembrances” time.  

Next pleasant memory: cue up.

Sidebar: after my break, Some activity broke out in the northeast corner of the yard. Lotsa squalling. It was time to investigate the racoon thing more thoroughly. Yep. As usual. Marauders invade the Big Dog Domain and come up short. A good reason to keep The Boys’ rabies shots current. Besides the very large racoon treed up the sycamore, two dead ones and a badly injured racoon (the source of the ruckus—apparently tried to make a break for it). Disposed of the dead ones. Observed the injured one. Nope. Not gonna make it. Broken back, other severe injuries. Sent him to be with his siblings. *sigh* It’s the way of nature. Don’t mess with the big dogs if you don’t have the muscle to pull it off.

One thing for sure: we’ve not had the problem our neighbor had with snakes (he frequently found cottonmouths in his yeard) and squirrels do NOT mess with the birdfeed I put out. Territorial dogs? Very. Nice boys, though.