So, you still think “Bush lied” eh?

An important read

I wish I could recall who pointed me to this Jack Kelly article, but whoever did, thanks, ‘K?

In a score of very short paragraphs, Jack Kelly thoroughly fisks the “Bush lied” mythic meme promoted by Mass Media Podpeople and Loony Left Moonbats.

A sample (but be sure to read the whole thing, wouldya?):

The president went on television to announce: “Earlier today, I ordered America’s armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. Their mission is to attack Iraq’s nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors.”

“There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years,” the vice chairman of the Intelligence committee told the Senate.

Of course, the president who was the subject above was William “What Blue Dress?” Jefferson Clinton, and the date was Dec. 16, 1998.

What a difference a few years and a change of parties in the White House makes

Linked at Stop the ACLU’s Middle of the Week Open Trackbacks

Open Trackback Post Tomorrow. Get ’em ready!

Been e-ing back and forth with folks who’re smarter than I am…

OK, so that may be damning some fine folks with faint praise. heh. Finally seem to have open trackbacks configured so that they’ll work, tomorrow and Friday, when I’m one of those who are “up” for open trackbacks with the Open Trackback Alliance. The kludge I have installed is ugly, but functional.

The Open Trackback Alliance (better graphic coming, but look in my header mess for the graphic and link) is a fun group of bloggers with (mostly) similar (semi-twisted, for some of us) views on lots of things, and with wildly divergent views on other matters.

Matters not. Gonna be some fun.

Oh, maybe more fun than I’d planned, cos my broadband ISP is currently *non compos mentis*. I say that because not only is it down, but the techies have no real idea what’s going on.


Back on backup sllllloooooooowwwww dialup.

For now.

So, tomorrow: get ready for my first “auto-open-trackbacks” post. The rules will be simple:

Trackback to any “Open Trackbacks” designated post with ANY post of your own as long as you include a link to my Open Trackback post in the post you’re listing. Do so with as many posts as you wish to have linked on my front page.

All trackbacked posts will automatically appear on my front page, but they will not stay if a link to my post is not there!

Oh, there’s other fine print: spam trackbacks will be banned, material that is substantially offensive* to me may be openly ridiculed (hey! You can ridicule right on back at me if you want, ya know!). But if you’ve read this blog for any time you already know that.


Gonna be some fun, boys and girls!

UPDATE: Yeh, came back six hours later and… have a connection again. For now. Looked at logs and my email client had failed in polling my various email accounts no less than 10 times (about every 30 minutes), so was down a little over 5 hours.

Rabbit trail: Lovely Daughter just moved in to “her” new place—sharing a duplex unit with another young lady. No internet access, yet, and she’s feeling the deprivation. Sure, she heads out for “coffee” (no, for her a chai latte) or to a bookstore or some other place with a hot spot, but she phoned yesterday (lightly) moaning about watching TV and thinking, “Hey, I oughta hit IMDB and look that up!” and—right. No connection. Heh. Heck, she can’t even do a temporary dialup until she can start a cable ISp account. Both young women are cell phone only—no POTS line in the house.

Changing life. Internet withdrawal. I’m kinda glad I had a dialup backup, as slow and ugly as it was. Just think what I’d have been like without that.

Well, now to downstairs again to complete updating the fresh Windows install on the newly assembled machine. (Yeh: that’s what I was doing when my broadband crapped out. heh)

*substantially offensive… how to define…

I’m not usually offended by crude language. But I am offended by ad hominem attacks and other egregious examples of logical fallacies; posts that make no sense whatsoever may simply be humor, but in any case are fair game for mocking. (BTW, I am also slightly more than mildly offended by folks who mistake legitimate personal attacks for ad hominem attacks upon arguments made by people. Calling Jean Fraud sKerry a lying scumbag is not an ad hominem attack. It’s a statement of demonstrable fact. Saying that what he says is stupid or wrong because he is a lying scumbag is an ad hominem attack upon his arguments. But I’ll still accept open trackbacks to posts that don’t distinguish between the two. Yeh, I know: I’m the very soul of generosity. 🙂

BTW, thanks, Basil, for the Blogger Open Trackbacks post. Helped a lot.

Who’s the lying S.O.B. stealing Jean Fraud’s thunder this week?

No More sKerry BS_button

As anyone with two more brain cells than a head of cabbage knows by now…

…Jean Fraud sKerry’s a lying, slandering, traitorous S.O.B. (Just read his 1971 Congressional Testimony before the Foreign Relations Committee for proof of that assertion. Cabbageheads with fewer than two brain cells need not attempt the read.)

What is amazing is that Jean Fraud sKerry has a clone: this lying, slandering, traitorous S.O.B. member of Cindy Sheehan’s Cohort of Mendacious Morons

masseybig1106Read the stories “>here and “>here published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

This kind of slanderous mendacity is just copycatting off Jean Fraud sKerry. After all, he’s gotten away with lies about those who served with him and about his own record (perhaps—he won’t let us see the whole thing) for 34 years. So, why should this lying slanderous S.O.B. sKerry-clone be held accountable? (BTW, where are your records, you lying, slandering, traitorous S.O.B.—meaning Jean Fraud sKerry, this time, of course.)

h.t. >Gateway Pundit, via >My Vast Rightwing Conspiracy.
And now, a note from Cao:************************

Join the blogbursts to help FREE Kerry’s 180 every Tuesday!

We’ve formed a blogburst group and here are the bloggers who are contributing so far. If you want to join the blogroll for Free Kerry’s 180, click here to email me, include the url for your blog. The blogburst is every Tuesday, so don’t forget to blog about it. All you have to do is encourage Kerry to set his 180 FREE, I’ll send you the code for the blogroll.

The more people we have, the merrier!

Linked at Don Surber’s Election Day Open Post

Ya want weird?

Well, I’ve got some weird for ya…

Here it is November 8, and the outside temps at about 7:00a.m. in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ have reached a muggy 66ºF. And did I say, “muggy”? Oh, yeh, I did…  Projected high for this area today? 88ºF! On November 8!

Algore will blow a gasket when he finds out.

But never fear, there’s a good chance that stormy weather indeed is in the works for somewhere in the next coupla years… maybe even leading to a mini- (or maybe even maxi!) ice age. No, really. Go figure. The Gulf Stream shuts down and (worst case scenario) the cascading effect plunges the world into an ice age? Well, if the Gulf Stream does shut down (as some are saying it already is doing), then the very least that’d happen would be much colder weather on the Atlantic coast, Northern Europe and strong effects on the Jet Stream…

Stock up on firewood, mend those woolies, break out Grandma’s comforters. We could be in for a very cold century.

(But, be it noted: the jury’s still out on Gulf Stream shutdown. The current data indicates something very strange is going on, but it’s not yet conclusive. So, don’t go around pulling a Chicken Little routine, ‘K?)

“Nettoyage sur le passage deux”*

*”Cleanup in aisle two!”

As usual, Fred pulls no punches with Paris Burns

“What the French need to do, but won’t, is to send the army into the Islamic slums, round up the whole lot, and put them ashore on the beaches of North Africa with a box lunch and a coupon for three free Dunkin Donuts. It isn’t a pretty answer. It’s a lot prettier than what seems to be coming down the pike.”

BTW, a strangely relevant rabbit trail (cos Kit Jarrel—see below—used the term “Uffda” to refer to the French mess):

It was the summer of 1978 when I leaned the difference between “uffda” and “feeda” (sp?). In Albert Lea, MN to meet the family of my “then” lovely bride-to-be (bride, 27 years ago, this month :-), and we went to see a movie together one afternoon–she, her brothers and sister and I.

Walking out afterwards, I saw one of a coupla of guys ahead of us point out some gum on the pavement with a warning “Uffda!” to his friend. The other guy didn’t see it in time, so he stepped in it, lifted his foot and said, “Feeda!”

From that time forward, I’ve known the difference between these two barnyard-originated terms: it’s uffda if you see it, but it’s feeda if you step in it…

France has stepped in it. (And is now in “it” up to its neck, it appears… )

There’s plenty of “uffda” being spread by the MC/CD crowd here at home, though. I don’t want to wait until there’s nothing left but “feeda to have to clean it up, though.

(h.t. Euphoric Reality for reminding me to read Fred’s weekly 🙂

Oh, and I guess this is yet another partially Guard the Borders post…

Blogs already on board:

Euphoric Reality
A Lady’s Ruminations
TMH’s Bacon Bits**
Part-Time Pundit
The Right Track

Social Sense
Cao’s Blog
Ogre’s Politics and Views
In The Bullpen**
Ravings of a Mad Tech

America Is Not A Pinata!
Every Man
Kender’s Musings
Watchman’s Words

Third World County
Gribbit’s Word
Parrot Check
Right on Right

Team Swap**
Gina’s Rantings
The Blue State Conservatives
Mover Mike

Publius Rendezvous
Our Way of Life
Freedom Folks
View From Tonka**
Left Brain Female in a Right Brain World

Something and Half of Something**
Curley’s Corner

Powered by


(More properly,  to head off attacks by berserker Nordskis—heh—a discussion of “uffda” and “feeda” from a more objective perspective:

“…uff Interjection: oo, oof, ugh; oh dear (often combined with da, ja, jo, nei); expresses unpleasant feelings, e.g., alarm, uneasiness, aversion, disgust; irritatation; regret…. A stronger interjection of ‘fy’ (ugh!, whew!(what a smell!);shame (reproach); ‘fy da’ for shame. …[U]ffda is not so much negative, as excessive. e.g. ‘Uffda, I ate too much!’ or ‘Uffda, look at that weird hairdo!’ Negative is conveyed by the word ‘Feeda’, as in ‘Feeda, someone threw up all over the sidewalk!'”

Linked at Committees of Correspondence


Got a blog?

Wanna play the Open Trackbacks game with some interesting bloggers? Try this:

Open Trackback AllianceYep Samantha Burns and a few others (for now) are forming the Open Trackback Alliance. The graphic above is linked to the FAQ. If you wanna play, CLICK and learn, eh?


Talk to the animals

Funny thing about animals… they know how to manage in their own territory and in others’ territory…

Well, at least those that’re not totally whacked out, like some pit bulls I’ve met whose owners should be shot. (Interesting thing that. I once heard an Oklahoma District Court judge reported to say–and I asked him about it one time and confirmed it–that he never knew a cow that deserved to be stolen, but he certainly knew some men who deserved to be shot. It was at sentencing for a cattle rustling case. Yep. About 1988.)

A Guard the Borders post I’ve deleted (cos it was execrably bad writing) and am reworking disparages the position taken by multiculturalists (and their often unwitting fellow travelers in overtly non-MC/CD* folk) that assimilation of immigrants is not only somehow immoral, it is impossible. *feh* Ask generations of American immigrants up until the MC/CD* crowd came to dominate the discussion of immigration.

But perhaps a better example can be taken from my own family’s dogs and cats.

The Boys (my son’s dogs) are outside dogs. The back yard is theirs. Heck, they think that whatever they can see from the back yard is their domain, under their protection. Pests that enter the back yard do so at their own peril (five dead raccoons and a couple of dead groundhogs this past summer can bear witness).

The cats are all inside cats. One (the old lady of the bunch) even has no front claws. They “rule” the entire house, excepting only our bedroom, my office and the garage. The three cats live in an easy/uneasy truce situation: neither of the girls likes the other cats. The poor (once, but no longer) boy likes both the girls, who both despise him. All three expect prompt service in petting, food, etc., from their humans.

The interesting interaction comes when I bring The Boys in to eat, as I do pretty often when it’s very hot, very cold or very wet–or just when I feel they need a little more attention.

The Boys, who are death, in a very literal sense, on animals who trespass on THEIR domain, know that in the house they are guests. Even clawless Grande Dame, who wants to sniff and play with them when they come near, doesn’t elicit the ferocious attacks I’ve seen them level against far larger, more dangerous animals. Instead, The Boys sniff back, allow her to bat at them, even play bite, etc.

And the other two cats? Ditto. Neither do they fear The Boys, because The Boys act with full knowledge that the house is not their place. The Boys amend their normally rambunctious and even violent behavior when they are in a foreign land as guests because they have learned that do act otherwise is to bring down the wrath of god (little “G” cos those of us acting in that role aren’t the real thing… except to The Boys).

We need a tad of that in our immigration policies if we are to avoid 10 or 20 years down the road having on our soil (more–think, Detroit, LA, etc., riots–of) what the French are experiencing today. “Sure, you can visit as guests. But as guests, you must live here by the rules of OUR society. If you want to live here long-term, or even become citizens, you MUST learn to speak OUR language, obey OUR laws, follow OUR customs. WE will decide what part of your culture and customs WE want to adopt, NOT YOU. Don’t like it? Leave.”

This has not quite been another Guard the Borders Blogburst post, but it’s been close…

GTB hits Euphoric Reality every Monday, and seeks to promote awareness about the illegal immigration epidemic that our country is facing and the urgent need to curb the problem before it’s too late. If you’d like to join the blogburst, send an email to with your blog’s name and URL.

*MC/CD=”multi-cultural/cultural diversity”

Edited for typos, mainly to try out a new blog publishing interface. heh


I’m experiencing a small surge in readership (thanks all y’all who’re linking me, and those of y’all who are dropping by cos you’re searching for “Swedish pants” heh), so I figured this might be a time for the occasional restatement of this blog’s purpose and focus.

Let me dispense with the second part first: this blog HAS no focus. And that’s partly because of its purpose: to quell the mob of voices inside my head. heh

So, any reader to takes time to page on down this blog will find

  • personal events in my life/family life
  • political/social commentary
  • humor (though not always funny humor)
  • food blogging–recipes and experiments, links to, etc.
  • music, arts—featured clips and views and commentary
  • edublogging/ranting
  • random crap

And just about anything else that occurs to me.

As far as the political/social commentary goes, I’m a classical liberal conservative. (Don’t try to label me with one of the current political labels, please. Not even with the Libertarian label: the Libertarian Party isn’t libertarian any more, either.) heh Since neither the Demoncraps nor the Republican’ts represent either Liberalism nor Conservatism any more, I’m disgusted with both parties. The Demoncraps are determined to drive the U.S. off a cliff at 90mph, and the Republican’t are all to glad to follow, albeit with just barely enough heel-dragging to win my vote when it comes to a choice between the two.

Education, popular culture, the “arts” and media? Too late for any of them to be “going to hell in a handbasket”—they’ve already arrived and are dishing it out daily.


Despair is perhaps the most deadly of sins, so I rant, ridicule and argue.

Dylan Thomas was a fairly decent example (James Joyce is perhaps the best) of what was wrong with 20th Century “literature” but even a blind pig finds a few acorns:

 “Rage, rage against the dying of the light”

Drive-by post

It’s NOT “just like riding a bicycle”

Ya know, I tried riding a unicycle once, but I never could really get a handle on it.

Easy Lemon-Poppy Seed Scones

I’ve been riffing off Christine‘s scones recipes (just go to Morning Coffe and Afternoon Tea  and enter a search for scones in her search box–she has several scones recipes) and have a variation on a simple scones recipe that was a big hit with my Wonder Woman.

So, here ’tis:


  • 3C regular old white flour
  • 4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cup margarine or butter (melted)
  • 4Tbs sugar
  • 2 eggs_milk to make one cup liquid
  • Finely-grated zest of one lemon
  • 1Tbs lemon juice
  • 1Tbs (more or less to taste) poppy seeds


Heat oven to 375F
Optional: also heat well-seasoned cast iron skillet to medium heat

  • Mix dry ingredients
  • Add melted butter and cut in well
  • Mix wet ingredients (this includes the lemon zest), adding the lemon
  • juice last
  • Mix wet and dry
  • Optional: Oil cast iron pan lightly; use metal forms (I use some ideally-sized cans that formerly held wasabi peas–both ends cut out) and add about 1/6 the batter to each form in the cast iron pan. When the bottom has “set” well, remove the forms and turn them to brown the other side. Then transfer the scones to a baking sheet in the oven. I was able to do three at a time this way, easily. The scones will slump a little but that’s OK.
  • Make six scones up on a baking sheet (either as above or as with “drop” biscuits)

In about 10 minutes, they’re ready to pull from the oven, butter and disappear down appreciative gullets. The lemon zest isn’t overpowering, and the lemon juice souring the milk adds just a little lightness (acidic reaction with the baking powder) to the finished prooduct. The sugar assures that, eaten without jams or jellies, they’re a lightly sweet treat.

Of course, without the amendments (the lemon zest and poppy seeds—I’d still keep the lemon juice or use vinegar to sour the milk), these are just plain ole scones that can take any number of additions. My next experiment will likely be to out the butter/margarine for applesauce and add cinnamon, a pinch of freshly-ground nutmeg, a wee tad of (freshly-ground) cloves and some raisins. I’m betting that’ll be a hit, too.