Open Trackbacks Tuesday–and more.

Free Kerry’s 180 Blogburst and Open Trackbacks Tuesday? Sweet! And be sure to check out all the news from Jay at Stop the ACLU, ‘K?


You know the drill: put a link to this post in a post of your own and trackback.

BTW, I’ve had several folks email me for the hack that let’s Haloscan show trackbacks on my front page. For that, I must thank Basil, of Basil’s Blog and The Alliance of Free Blogs.  BTW, that last link? To Basil’s tutorial on doing the hack. [See below.]

Have fun modding your templates, Blogger/Haloscan users! You’ll need to mod Basil’s hack, depending on your template, to get it to fit well, but it’s not that hard, and kinda fun if you’re into that sort of thing.

Edit: Oops. You noticed I forgot to put the link in for the hack, eh? (Yeh, thanks for the e-. You know who you are. :-). Here ’tis: Basil’s Hack. There. Happy now? heh

Nice little storm last night here in America’s Third World County. Looks like I’ll be in and out (as well as in and out—heh) today, since my broadband is wonky, electricity is blinking in and out (thank heavens for good UPSes!), and even my phone line’s a little “scratchy”.

It’s what “America’s Third World County” is about, folks. Gotta love it.

Meanwhile… Linked at NIF (who’s still on Monday—hope it’s not the sniffles or worse!), MacStansbury (who’s pushing The Bonfire of the Anonymity’s—what’s with the apostrophe, anyway?—and The Alliance of the Annonymous. Can I join? And if so, do you need my name? heh), and at Don Surber (where he has some potentially good news for schools). 

See my sidebar for other blogs with open trackbacks today (or just visit MacStansbury, Don Surber and NIF, why don’t you?).

Three for the Road from Stop the ACLU

Here are three items that can’t wait for the Stop the ACLU Thursday Blogburst:

Newdow Sueing To Remove “In God We Trust” From Money


The atheist who’s spent years trying to ban recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools says he’ll file a new lawsuit this week.

Michael Newdow says he’ll ask a federal court to order removal of the national motto “In God We Trust” from U-S coins and currency…”

Alito: Abortion is Not a Right

Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr., President Bush’s Supreme Court nominee, wrote that “the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion” in a 1985 document obtained by The Washington Times…


Burying the Hatchett uhm, Stop The ACLU Interviews Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit)

Many of you may remember our reaction to Glenn Reynold’s sympathy for the ACLU. We recieved a lot of flak for this reaction, and suprisingly a lot of praise. However, many commented on my close mindedness of other views. While his views were differing, one of the main reasons I reacted the way I did was because he provided no means to debate him. I have thought about my reaction, and realizing the volume of emails he must recieve, I thought that perhaps my emails were lost in the shuffle, not ignored. So, after contacting Glenn, he has kindly provided a way for me to discuss the ACLU with him…

Be sure to read them all in their entirety. There won’t be a test, but you’ll benefit from the reads. 🙂

“Dude, you’re like totally stupid.”

A Precision Guided Humor Assignment:

Is the Mainstream Media patriotic? Why or why not?

I hate to belabor the obvious… *sigh* But there really are two “Mainstream Medias”-the vast majority of media people are in one camp and some few brave souls (and Fifth Columnists) in the other.

Both are patriotic.

The wee minority of brave souls (and Fifth Columnists) who risk life and limb in Enemy Territory day in and day out are those who love the U.S. of A. and seek to promote her highest ideals. Don Surber is one such brave soul who’s come to my attention lately.

The Vast Majority, however, are also patriotic, but you must remember, these are Mass Media Podpeople, so their patriotism is directed toward the Great Podmother in the Mothership orbiting Uranus.

Linked at Committees of Correspondence, Bloggin’ Outloud, Conservative Cat and NIF

Crosswalk Sign

Crosswalk Sign
Originally uploaded by mnmus.

I was a little steamed when someone mentioned one of these was being considered for my street. (Heck, it’s only 4 houses long… and I don’t walk THAT slowly. Do I? 🙂

Oops! Open Trackbacks?!?

What the heck… since the OTP blogroll has me listed for Open Trackbacks on M/Tu-I thought it was Th/Sat, but no problem-here’s an Open Trackback post for ya.

Link to this post in the post you trackback with. That’s all.

Meanwhile, for something important that’s NOT getting a lot of buzz (but SHOULD), try any of these blogs:

The FairTax Book

America’s Best Kept Secret Fairtax: Give Yourself a 25% Raise

Other Open Trackbacks:

The Open Trackback Alliance

The Open Trackback Provider Blogroll

Get those trackbacks rolling, folks! Linkfest Monday!

Linked at Committees of Correspondence, Bloggin’ Outloud, Don Surber

Guard the Borders: ESL folly

“…while you bring all countries with you, you come with a purpose of leaving all other countries behind you – bringing what is best of their spirit, but not looking over your shoulders and seeking to perpetuate what you intended to leave in them.”

Woodrow Wilson’s words, given at a speech in Philadelphia before an audience of naturalized Americans (May 10, 1915) should be drummed into our national consciousness. That is the model of the American melting pot, true assimilation. To those who would legally immigrate: “Bring your best, leave the junk behind.” To those who would steal across our borders: a swift boot in the rear and “Don’t come back!” should be their only greeting.

Let me concentrate for a small space on how the principle voiced by Wilson above is being undercut in nearly every local community, whether it has legal/illegal immigrants or not via federal messing about in local school districts.

Imagine, if you will, a small town in the Ozarks with a relatively huge population of green card (and not-so-green card *cough*) workers from Mexico and Central America. Their children are all-legally here or not-welcome in the public schools and offered ESL classes and Spanish-language aides and tutors because, well, because the feebs say so.

Now, in spite of the fact that ESL classes and such crutches as usually implemented rarely work to aid children in becoming Americans (or maybe that’s the point of ESL?), these positions MUST be filled and paid for, some with funds “laundered” through federal and state agencies (which all take their “cut” to pay for the “service”) and others from local funds. And finding qualified people can mean an expensive bidding war in locales where Spanish isn’t commonly spoken.

But how does this affect the majority of students? In many cases, the foreign-language students (and from personal experience in the particular Ozark school I’m thinking of, specifically Spanish-speaking students) are encouraged to maintain their private little language clique. Resources are taken up and classes are dumbed down. I’m not talking theory here, folks. It’s what happens. Think about it. Your children getting less than they ought in part because their class must be taught at the level of the lowest level of understanding of the least-English-speaking child in the room.

OK, I’m heading into an edu-rant, here. “Social promotion” is the name of the game. And “mainstreaming” foreign language-speaking children in their age group instead of their skill/comprehension level, while at the same time spending vast amounts of resources in ESL and tutoring and placing “aides” (often merely “native speakers” with a high school diploma or G.E.D.* as translators), is stupid. “Social promotion”-of which this is but a variant-of all kinds is stupid.

And what of discipline? heh At least in the school I’m thinking of, someone *cough* had the perspicacity to make a list of all the vulgar, obscene and profane phrases in Spanish he knew and give it to the principal for the tachers and staff to have as a reference (a student sent to the office with “#5 Spanish list” on the note was in deep caca-heh). But how quickly, given some of the political indoctrination (some in the ESL “class” itself) were the students to pull the “discrimination” card when called on misbehavior?


(Of course, mainstreaming+social promotion is also being used with people with severe learning disabilities. Another way to drag down average and gifted students’ education experience. Again-belongs in an edu-rant. 🙂

Now, I know there are some ESL and mainstreaming programs that work. But they MUST be tightly focused on the principle outlined by Woodrow Wilson in his 1915 speech-with a small edit as an address to one people group:

“…while you bring [your country] with you, you come with a purpose of leaving [your country] behind you – bringing what is best of [its] spirit, but not looking over your shoulders and seeking to perpetuate what you intended to leave in [it].”

Build a wall, a fence, and make gates for folks to enter. Let those gates be these:

  • Enter with permission
  • Undergo a check for past criminal behavior and health
  • Learn English and American history
  • Become a citizen or leave after a designated time
  • Conform to American law and custom, retaining your customs as they will fit and forsaking the laws of the country you leave.

Lacking any of these, here’s the door; it swings both ways. Don’t let it hit ya where the Lord split ya.

Linked at Euphoric Reality, Don Surber, The Political Teen, Committees of Correspondence and The Uncooperative Blogger.

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It was started by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration facing our country, join our blogburst! Just send an email with your blog name and url to kit.jarrell at gmail dot com.

Blogs already on board:

Minor Religion of Peace Update

Update: Anti-Christian Rampage by 2,000 Muslims

I have come to realize Islam is a good religion, it is a good way of life.”-Harry Reid, asshat senator from Neon City

The world is divided into two spheres, Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb. The latter, the Land of Warfare, is a country belonging to infidels which has not been subdued by Islam.“-from Why I Am Not A Muslim, by Ibn Warraq

News Flash! Islamics hate little old ladies!

…And all other men, women and children who do not bend the knee to their moon god.

Yeh, yeh: Dog bites man. *yawn* Old news. And usual disclaimers abound: “Not all Muslims are savage butchers, mutilators-of-women, rapists and goat lovers. (But those who aren’t are unlikely to even speak out against those who are, and their silence consents to the savagry.)”

The latest?

Al-Qaeda calls Queen an ‘enemy of Islam’

AL-QAEDA has threatened the Queen by naming her as “one of the severest enemies of Islam” in a video message to justify the July bombings in London.

Gee. What took them so long?

Frankly, unless Muslims begin rising up en masse worldwide (there is some small hope) to condemn and openly harrass, pursue, capture and execute the murdering lying savage pigs that comprise Al-Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist groups, I’m perfectly willing to lump all who have not openly and honestly condemned terrorism in with the terrorists.

Oh, and that includes the denizens of Demoncrappic Underpants, Moooove-on.orgy, most of the Mass Media Podpeople and every other Loony Left Moonbat and Academia Nut around.

Update: do note Dan Kauffman’s post, Intifada of Eurabia Day 17:

“The violence in France, Denmark, Belgium, and Germany appears to have spread to Greece…”

Linked at Don Surber, Common Folks, Common Sense, Stop the ACLU, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Random Numbers, Basil’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, The Tar Pit, The Uncooperative Blogger

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Saturday Mishmash

[NOTE: Go ahead and consider any Saturday post an “Open Trackback” post for the weekend.]

A grab bag of thoughts from all around…

Jerry Pournelle shared some thoughts on honoring our service men and women, including this:

“…the GI Bill today is much lower than it was after World War II, or the Korean War. It is easy to show that the GI Bill paying for retraining — in academic colleges, commerce colleges, trade schools, technical colleges, all of those — was one of the best investments this nation ever made, putting some serious adults young and old into the higher education system.

There are bills pending in Congress that would increase the GI Bill for today’s veterans. They have been cut back “to save money”. Let me say that if we can afford a trailer and payments to people whose only justification is that they were in the path of a hurricane, why cannot we afford benefits for those who put themselves in harm’s way at the call of their country?”

Read the whole thing.

” at (from a Christian Science Monitor article) is good news on more than one front.

” (from WallyWorld) at Stop the ACLU relates how pressure from the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights helped put “Merry Christmas” officially back in Wal-Mart greeters’ allowed repertoire of greetings and “Christmas” back in the search terms at Wal-Mart’s website. heh

It was linked below (in Wednesday’s Open Trackback post), but DO NOT MISS Norman Podhoretz’ article, “Who is Lying About Iraq?

And did you catch “The French Connection” at The American Thinker?

And DO catch TMH’s Bacon Bits’ “Will Paris (and Washington) Go to School on l’Intifada?

Semi-random quotes:

Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die.” -G.K. Chesterton

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” -John Stuart Mill

American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward to perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It tends to risk nothing serious for the sake of truth.” -R. L. Dabney

Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.” -James Burnham

Linked at Don Surber, Common Folks, Common Sense, Stop the ACLU, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Random Numbers, Basil’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, The Tar Pit, The Uncooperative Blogger

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