The stakes in the Jihadi war

The war against Islamic jihadists is an important part of the War to Preserve Civilization, and one mother sees that clearly. An excerpt:

“Tonight, in one place in the world where there was no hope, there is now hope. This is how we will win the Jihadi War, one country at a time.

Everytime I look at my daughter, I know what the stakes are in the Jihadi War. When I stand in line to vote in November, I will be standing with the women of Afghanistan.”

Read the whole thing.

Piling on!

Well, the good news keeps rolling in…

The debate last night was a clear win for Bush; that’s a done deal no matter what the Mass Media Podpeople and their partners-in-crime at the DNC may do to spin it. Now, here’s more good news
for the Coalition of the Willing—this time, from Australia, where John Howard’s party actually increased its majority in Parliament.

That sends a big ole nanny-nanny boo boo to Jean Fraud sKerry whose sister was preaching doom and gloom to the Aussies recently in attempts to not only woo expatriate American voters but poison the partnership between Australia and America. (How does one write out a loud and raucous raspberry, anyway? 🙂

Piling on!

Well, the good news keeps rolling in…

The debate last night was a clear win for Bush; that’s a done deal no matter what the Mass Media Podpeople and their partners-in-crime at the DNC may do to spin it. Now, here’s more good news
for the Coalition of the Willing—this time, from Australia, where John Howard’s party actually increased its majority in Parliament.

That sends a big ole nanny-nanny boo boo to Jean Fraud sKerry whose sister was preaching doom and gloom to the Aussies recently in attempts to not only woo expatriate American voters but poison the partnership between Australia and America. (How does one write out a loud and raucous raspberry, anyway? 🙂

The jackass in the living room…

(OK, yeh I was gonna pack it in earlier, but comments on other blogs were just too good… )

Why is no one talking about the jackass in the living room? I commented to family earlier tonight that I was surprised 140 “undecideds” (as Charlie Goodperson referred to the crowd) could be found, even in St. Louis area. I mean, after all, anyone who is “undecided” about who to vote for by now either hasn’t been paying attention or is dumber than a doorknob.

Actually, you can probably change the conjuction: hasn’t been paying attention AND is dumber than a doorknob.

Seriously. If ylou have been paying attention at all this year OR have at least as many brain cells as a head of cabbage, you’ve decided by now to either vote for Grimma Wormtongue (sKerry) or for Samwise Gamgee (Bush). If you are still undecided, just crawl back into your coffin. It’ll just save everyone time and trouble.

The jackass in the living room…

(OK, yeh I was gonna pack it in earlier, but comments on other blogs were just too good… )

Why is no one talking about the jackass in the living room? I commented to family earlier tonight that I was surprised 140 “undecideds” (as Charlie Goodperson referred to the crowd) could be found, even in St. Louis area. I mean, after all, anyone who is “undecided” about who to vote for by now either hasn’t been paying attention or is dumber than a doorknob.

Actually, you can probably change the conjuction: hasn’t been paying attention AND is dumber than a doorknob.

Seriously. If ylou have been paying attention at all this year OR have at least as many brain cells as a head of cabbage, you’ve decided by now to either vote for Grimma Wormtongue (sKerry) or for Samwise Gamgee (Bush). If you are still undecided, just crawl back into your coffin. It’ll just save everyone time and trouble.

Others comment…

“When ultra-liberal kool-aid drinker Josh Marshall calls the debate “a draw,” you can bet that Bush whupped Kerry big time. ”

“If this debate had been a boxing match,

John Kerry would be on his way to the Hospital, with two cracked ribs, six lost teeth, a broken nose, and a herniated disc.

Bush scuffed his shoes. He might need a band-aid or two.

The ref would have stopped this fight.”
— DJ Drummond via PoliPundit

“John Kerry reveals his true elitist colors.”
Michelle Malkin

“No one can deny that John Kerry is a skilled debater. But the President Bush we know and love — feisty, determined, and even funny at times — was back. And he has walked away from the second debate with an edge.”
Caroll Platt Liebau

“No way to call this other than a big Bush win, and no amount of spin can change that.”
Hugh Hewitt

“… it looks to me like a pretty solid Bush win here for two reasons. First, the expectations were low, and he was drastically better than the previous debate, especially in the closing statement. Talk about beating the point spread. Second, he stayed focused and on-message, and looked firm instead of exasperated. As some talking head said, Bush came to play tonight. [Glenn Reynolds watched the debate on Fox!?!] He wins the comeback prize.”
Glenn Reynolds

Time to bag it. Most of the blogosphere voices I’ve seen “get it right” recently have called it pretty much as I saw it. Maybe not as glowingly as I saw a Bush win, but clearly a Bush win.

Others comment…

“When ultra-liberal kool-aid drinker Josh Marshall calls the debate “a draw,” you can bet that Bush whupped Kerry big time. ”

“If this debate had been a boxing match,

John Kerry would be on his way to the Hospital, with two cracked ribs, six lost teeth, a broken nose, and a herniated disc.

Bush scuffed his shoes. He might need a band-aid or two.

The ref would have stopped this fight.”
— DJ Drummond via PoliPundit

“John Kerry reveals his true elitist colors.”
Michelle Malkin

“No one can deny that John Kerry is a skilled debater. But the President Bush we know and love — feisty, determined, and even funny at times — was back. And he has walked away from the second debate with an edge.”
Caroll Platt Liebau

“No way to call this other than a big Bush win, and no amount of spin can change that.”
Hugh Hewitt

“… it looks to me like a pretty solid Bush win here for two reasons. First, the expectations were low, and he was drastically better than the previous debate, especially in the closing statement. Talk about beating the point spread. Second, he stayed focused and on-message, and looked firm instead of exasperated. As some talking head said, Bush came to play tonight. [Glenn Reynolds watched the debate on Fox!?!] He wins the comeback prize.”
Glenn Reynolds

Time to bag it. Most of the blogosphere voices I’ve seen “get it right” recently have called it pretty much as I saw it. Maybe not as glowingly as I saw a Bush win, but clearly a Bush win.


Well, only an idiot or a typical mass media podperson could score tonight’s debate as anything but a clear win for President Bush. But I repeat myself…

The President was masterful. Warm, strong, genuine, authoritative, credible, consistent, on message, connected with the audience, humorous at times (effectively so!). He “owned” the room. He even handled the loaded question about “name three mistakes” well (although were I doing prep with him, I’d have been ready for that one–he got snookered on it earlier in the year, after all). Turned it back and “outed” it for what it was and strongly rebutted its unspoken agenda.

(Tinfoil hat time? Not quite–I’ll support the following characterization of the MMPA another time… ) While I am absolutely positive the Mass Media Podpeoples Army, in their socialist agenda to destroy Western Civilization, will spin this sKerry’s way (especially ABC –see Drudge on the ABC Halperin memo), it’ll just be more CBS/Rathergate-quality “news”–completely partisan.

While President Bush missed a few good licks (calling Kerry on the General Shinseki lie, hammering the fact that the draft bill defeated this week was proposed by the Democrats and that the only persons to vote for it were Democrats, couple other minor things), but nailed Kerry with A+, A and B answers to answers ranging from A to F-, according to Hugh Hewitt’s scorecard—a scorecard I am largely in agreement with.

All-in-all, not a knockout, perhaps, but a clear win for Bush. And the best part? The Bush team came away with plenty of ammo for the coming week! Thank you, Senator sKerry!
