A lil Christmas goofing off

Just for a lil fun, folks… You know the song, right?

Well, here’s a lil wordsearch puzzle for ya (and no, I have no idea where I picked it up; it’s just one of the pieces of fluff I regularly find on my hard drive). Find the names of Santa’s reindeer. There’s a bonus in there if you can find it. You can probably “sing” through the “Rudolph” song and come up with nine. But there are ten reindeer names in there. πŸ˜‰ And the tenth one’s in the song, too. (Answer here).


Oh, if you need some help mwith the words to the song, here they are:

Rudolphus rubrinasus
Johnny Marks/Arr. Philip Brunelle
Rudolphus rubrinasus fulgentissimo naso,
vidisti et si eum dicas quoque candere.
Omnes tarandi ceteri ridebant vocantes nomina;
non sinebant Rudolphum interessa ludentes.
olim crassa nocte Christi, Nicolaus it dictum:
“Rudolphe, naso tam claro, agesne traham meam?”
Qui tum tarandis amor conclamantibus eum,
“Rudolphe, rubrinase descendes historia!”

And the tune:

BTW, my fav rendition of Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer is the Canadian Brass performance on A Canadian Brass Christmas (newly re-issued). All the cuts are good. In fact, I’m going to crack out the old Christmas CDs today, sometime, and get ’em started.

OK, a coupla updates. Kender left this lil deposit in comments (tagged onto one of my plugs of a Cathouse Chat Advent post), and I figured it belonged with this post. heh Great stuff, Kender. Hugh sent me this update in email. πŸ˜‰


A lil Christmas goofing off

Just for a lil fun, folks… You know the song, right?

Well, here’s a lil wordsearch puzzle for ya (and no, I have no idea where I picked it up; it’s just one of the pieces of fluff I regularly find on my hard drive). Find the names of Santa’s reindeer. There’s a bonus in there if you can find it. You can probably “sing” through the “Rudolph” song and come up with nine. But there are ten reindeer names in there. πŸ˜‰ And the tenth one’s in the song, too. (Answer here).


Oh, if you need some help mwith the words to the song, here they are:

Rudolphus rubrinasus
Johnny Marks/Arr. Philip Brunelle
Rudolphus rubrinasus fulgentissimo naso,
vidisti et si eum dicas quoque candere.
Omnes tarandi ceteri ridebant vocantes nomina;
non sinebant Rudolphum interessa ludentes.
olim crassa nocte Christi, Nicolaus it dictum:
“Rudolphe, naso tam claro, agesne traham meam?”
Qui tum tarandis amor conclamantibus eum,
“Rudolphe, rubrinase descendes historia!”

And the tune:

BTW, my fav rendition of Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer is the Canadian Brass performance on A Canadian Brass Christmas (newly re-issued). All the cuts are good. In fact, I’m going to crack out the old Christmas CDs today, sometime, and get ’em started.

OK, a coupla updates. Kender left this lil deposit in comments (tagged onto one of my plugs of a Cathouse Chat Advent post), and I figured it belonged with this post. heh Great stuff, Kender. Hugh sent me this update in email. πŸ˜‰


A lil Christmas goofing off

Just for a lil fun, folks… You know the song, right?

Well, here’s a lil wordsearch puzzle for ya (and no, I have no idea where I picked it up; it’s just one of the pieces of fluff I regularly find on my hard drive). Find the names of Santa’s reindeer. There’s a bonus in there if you can find it. You can probably “sing” through the “Rudolph” song and come up with nine. But there are ten reindeer names in there. πŸ˜‰ And the tenth one’s in the song, too. (Answer here).


Oh, if you need some help mwith the words to the song, here they are:

Rudolphus rubrinasus
Johnny Marks/Arr. Philip Brunelle
Rudolphus rubrinasus fulgentissimo naso,
vidisti et si eum dicas quoque candere.
Omnes tarandi ceteri ridebant vocantes nomina;
non sinebant Rudolphum interessa ludentes.
olim crassa nocte Christi, Nicolaus it dictum:
“Rudolphe, naso tam claro, agesne traham meam?”
Qui tum tarandis amor conclamantibus eum,
“Rudolphe, rubrinase descendes historia!”

And the tune:

BTW, my fav rendition of Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer is the Canadian Brass performance on A Canadian Brass Christmas (newly re-issued). All the cuts are good. In fact, I’m going to crack out the old Christmas CDs today, sometime, and get ’em started.

OK, a coupla updates. Kender left this lil deposit in comments (tagged onto one of my plugs of a Cathouse Chat Advent post), and I figured it belonged with this post. heh Great stuff, Kender. Hugh sent me this update in email. πŸ˜‰


Monday Featured Blog/Open Post

Open Post. You do know what to do, right? Link to this post and trackback. And questions? Put ’em in comments. I’ll try to round things up later.

Today’s featured blog is one that regularly dispenses a solid mix of fact-based factual posts and fact-based snarky parody, and even outright weird humor, although Bohemian Like You has never been able to actually invent anything for Where have you gone, Ronald Reagan? as weird as what actually comes from the fake liberals in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army and the Loony Left Moonbat brigade. Still, he consistently does a great job pointing out the idiocies of the phony liberals in today’s Left in articles like, Dean: “Republicans are polluting the true meaning of Christmas with religion.” and An Embedded John Kerry Joins U.S. Soldiers for House-to-House Searches. Serious posts with a serious, straight tone like “Our Troops Must Stay” by Joe Lieberman and Washington State Democratic Party Mocks Christianity serve as both thoughtful pieces on their own merits and wonderful apposites to the snark of “Republicans are polluting th true meaning of Christmas”-type posts. (Although, since the quote sounds so authentically “Deansian” I’m not quite sure… one of the great aspects of reading WHYGRR. πŸ™‚

Check out Where have you gone, Ronald Reagan? Always time well-spent.

This post will be shamelessly flogged somewhere, I just haven’t figured out where, yet shamelessly flogged at Bloggin’ Outloud and The Land of Ozz.

Monday Featured Blog/Open Post

Open Post. You do know what to do, right? Link to this post and trackback. And questions? Put ’em in comments. I’ll try to round things up later.

Today’s featured blog is one that regularly dispenses a solid mix of fact-based factual posts and fact-based snarky parody, and even outright weird humor, although Bohemian Like You has never been able to actually invent anything for Where have you gone, Ronald Reagan? as weird as what actually comes from the fake liberals in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army and the Loony Left Moonbat brigade. Still, he consistently does a great job pointing out the idiocies of the phony liberals in today’s Left in articles like, Dean: “Republicans are polluting the true meaning of Christmas with religion.” and An Embedded John Kerry Joins U.S. Soldiers for House-to-House Searches. Serious posts with a serious, straight tone like “Our Troops Must Stay” by Joe Lieberman and Washington State Democratic Party Mocks Christianity serve as both thoughtful pieces on their own merits and wonderful apposites to the snark of “Republicans are polluting th true meaning of Christmas”-type posts. (Although, since the quote sounds so authentically “Deansian” I’m not quite sure… one of the great aspects of reading WHYGRR. πŸ™‚

Check out Where have you gone, Ronald Reagan? Always time well-spent.

This post will be shamelessly flogged somewhere, I just haven’t figured out where, yet shamelessly flogged at Bloggin’ Outloud and The Land of Ozz.

Monday Featured Blog/Open Post

Open Post. You do know what to do, right? Link to this post and trackback. And questions? Put ’em in comments. I’ll try to round things up later.

Today’s featured blog is one that regularly dispenses a solid mix of fact-based factual posts and fact-based snarky parody, and even outright weird humor, although Bohemian Like You has never been able to actually invent anything for Where have you gone, Ronald Reagan? as weird as what actually comes from the fake liberals in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army and the Loony Left Moonbat brigade. Still, he consistently does a great job pointing out the idiocies of the phony liberals in today’s Left in articles like, Dean: “Republicans are polluting the true meaning of Christmas with religion.” and An Embedded John Kerry Joins U.S. Soldiers for House-to-House Searches. Serious posts with a serious, straight tone like “Our Troops Must Stay” by Joe Lieberman and Washington State Democratic Party Mocks Christianity serve as both thoughtful pieces on their own merits and wonderful apposites to the snark of “Republicans are polluting th true meaning of Christmas”-type posts. (Although, since the quote sounds so authentically “Deansian” I’m not quite sure… one of the great aspects of reading WHYGRR. πŸ™‚

Check out Where have you gone, Ronald Reagan? Always time well-spent.

This post will be shamelessly flogged somewhere, I just haven’t figured out where, yet shamelessly flogged at Bloggin’ Outloud and The Land of Ozz.

Musin’s and cruisin’s

Amazing discovery! Stuff still happens online while real life goes on offline!

Fake IDs openly sold in NYC from Tel-Chai Nation

If you’re into that sort of thing, hit OPEN TRACKBACKS 11 at MacStansbury.org. I plan to. (When I get A Round Toit.)

Peakah’s Provocations talks about The Power of the Open Source Media.

Stop the ACLU notes that NOW It is Officially the Christmas Season. heh.

Put down that coffee. OK? Now, check out the link at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns.

It’s not just the folks who made The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe into a movie who are putting words into (or taking them out of) C.S. Lewis’ mouth. Doug Wilson has more. Oh, and catch “41 Kinds of Tylenol; The Devil in a Blue Dress” and other posts, while you’re there. heh.

Have you seen My Dog Boo (who?)? πŸ™‚ Just playin’ there, folks.

A good discussion citing C.S. Lewis’ The Abolition of Man over at Jerry Pournelle’s place yesterday.

Also found in Pournelle’s Current View yesterday, The True Impact of Videophones. heh

…which naturally leads to this one. Hard question to answer…

And concerning this event, Subway commuter handcuffed for selling token: Rider sold fare at face value when token machine acted up, one can only agree with Pournelle that is is another case of

“Anarcho Tyranny at work. How many drug deals, and other crimes, by people the officer was afraid of had this cop witnessed? My guess is that the number is larger than zero.”

Once again: review Neal Boortz on The Fair Tax. Test April 15.

And, Congressman Joe Pitts weighs in with Complete the Mission. Personally, I think it’s about time we declared defeat and brought the troops home… from Germany. If we haven’t won that war after 64 years, it’s time to call it quits.

The Pope belabors the obvious. Well, duh. Why not? How many times does one have to say the same thing? Answer: until the message gets through.

I’m rooting for Israel.

Linked at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns’ Open Trackback Weekend, Macstansbury (what? you think I’d mention it and not shamelessly advertize the fact there?), and Cao’s Blog’s Sunday OTB