A Helpful Batch File for Windows Users

I like other OSes, but Windows is the Big Kahuna in eyeshare, so naturally I share more Windows tips here than anything else for any other OS. Just the way it is. That said, here’s a lil tip for Windows users to help keep down the accumulated junk a Windows install just naturally crufts up with.

First run “cleanmgr /sageset:99”

Oh, right. Start>Run and copy-paste the above material found between the quotation marks–just don’t include the quotation marks. Win 7 users, just hit the Start Orb and paste it in the search field and hit enter.

Choose files you wish deleted, actions to be taken, apply, then close.

Then copy the text below, paste it into a plain text editor like Notepad and save it as a batch file. Replace “%username%” with your username. Place it in a “tools” folder or some such to use as desired or in your startup folder if that’s your preference.

The switches selected for the del command below are

f=force deleting of read-only files.
q=quiet mode; do not ask if ok to delete on global wildcard
s=delete specified files from all subdirectories.

cd “C:\Users\%username%\Local Settings\Temp”
del /q /s /f *.*
cd “C:\Users\%username%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files”
del /q /s /f *.*
cleanmgr /sagerun:99

Sure, cleanmgr will attempt to clean up TEMP files and Temporary Internet files for you, but it just does a so-so job. By including the first two “del” commands, you’re assured that those WILL be deleted.

Oh, you could also download, install and run CCleaner (“Crap Cleaner”), but even it doesn’t necessarily get rid of read-only files located in the TEMP and Temporary Internet Files folders. It’ll try, but…

Repeat: 13 Ways to Have a Better Day

Thirteen Ways to Have a Better Day

1. Think “happy” thoughts. (e.g.–“The guy who just cut in front of me and slowed down in 70mph traffic slowly lowered into boiling oil.”)

2. Smile at the world (and the world will wonder what the heck you’re up to).

3. Wear better-fitting shoes. (Or go barefoot. Sure, you’ll not be allowed in a McDonalds, but you are looking for a way to better your day, anyway, so that’s a win-win for ya.)

4. Avoid phones. (Don’t 90% of your hassles come from “miscommunications”?)

5. Uffda! Avoid “feeda“. *heh* (I once saw a graphic demonstration of the difference between the Norwegian expressions “uffda” and “feeda“–two guys walking; one pointed at the ground and said, “Uffda!” The other didn’t see “it” in time and said, “Feeda!” So, it’s uffda if you see “it” and feeda if you step in “it”… )

6. Be pleasant to idiots. (See the principle stated above. Uffda! You’ve been warned.)

7. Turn off the “news”. (Again, see numbers 5 and 6. *heh)

8. Eat some ice cream. (The joys of cold, sweetened fat!)

9. Take a nap. (There’s no problem that does not look better from behind closed eyelids.)

10. Laugh at life’s little “funnies”. (“So, two Muslim terrorists walk into a 230-grain bullet traveling at 830 feet per second… ” That’s both funny and economical! Don’tcha just love .45 ACP humor?)

11. Coffee!

12. Beer!

13. Pray “The Serenity Prayer”… Frequently.

Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill

Back From The Dead

David has kindly told me numerous times that I am welcome to post on his blog and I hope he meant it because here I am, posting without warning. It’s a miracle I remembered my login. This is a fairly self serving post- I know that most of you who come here to read are uber intelligent and often interested mainly in politics but you have to have some fun now and again and with that thought in mind I’ve written here today to say that I’m bringing Dead Guy On The Sidebar back, and seeing as how I’ve been away from blogging quite a bit in the past year because of a highly successful fight with cancer and need to get my blog roll back up to par, I decided to see if anyone that visits here might like to play. If you guess the “Dead Guy” you get massive linkage. LOL So if you’re interested check it out at The Trouble With Angels. I’ve just put a new “Dead Guy” game up. The rules are on the left top of the blog.

How to Get a Book Blurb

Vonda McIntyre has a great lil howto for new writers on “Hunting the Wily Cover Blurb.” In comments is where you’ll find some of her best stuff, though, like this one on someone trying to shine her on about being a “big fan”–

If somebody says, “I liked your story ‘Moon Women of Titan’s Caves,’” the proper response is

(a) Oh, well, jeez, it wasn’t my best work;
(b) That piece of tripe? You’re a moron for liking that;
(c) I always hate everything I’ve written after it’s pubished;
(d) You BOUGHT that? In HARDCOVER? Why didn’t you wait for the paperback?*
(e) Thank you.

The correct choice is left as an exercise for the reader…


BTW, she adds as a postscript to that comment, “You may guess that my idea of the proper response to someone who buys your work in hardcover is ‘Thank you.'” 🙂

I’m adding this to my collection of advice from authors (not that I expect to publish a book; I’d have to write one first ;-)) that includes, “How to Write Suckitudinous Fiction” from Holly Lisle, an author who tells a tale very well (the single most important criterion for a fiction writer, IMO).

Smart People

I’ve stolen a small clip from one frame out of four panels of a Sluggy Freelance comic *whew!* to hint at something The 0! and his ilk know well: it doesn’t matter who you blame for a problem as long as you can pretend that “You’re dumb; I’m smart’ you’re little; I’m big…” (through the whole litany of excuses “Harry Wormwood” and “Agatha Trunchbull” used to oppress Matilda in the eponymous 1996 film–my personal fav DVD) and do something to make the problem into a “crisis” so you can “do stuff right now!” to make the crisis worse, so you can then… You get the idea. Why! Really all you have to do is pick something/someone to blame and stick with it, so why not just stick with…


(To understand the brilliance of that concept, see that August 30, 2009 Sluggy Freelance comic. Of course *evil grin and a “bwa-ha-ha-ha”* to really understand that, you’ll need to check out the whole Sluggy Freelance background, but especially noting the character of Kiki and the background of the “Zombie on a Stick”. But that’s a “whole ‘nother” set of “issues”. *heh*)

Greenie Sheeple

Greenie self-lobotomized dumbasses=~90% of the “movement” IMO.

Then again, perhaps I’m being too generous. Surely there can’t be 10% of greenies who are wittingly deceiving folks?

Laying Conspiracy Theories to Rest


Finally, after many months of legal wrangling and more than a million dollars spent by The 0! fighting the release of his birth certtificate, the matter can be laid to rest:


Now that The 0! has finally satisfied the constitutional requirement folks have been so needlessly concerned about, can we just get along with the business of utterly destroying the U.S.? Hmmm?