“Compromise” *gag-spew*

Borrowing (OK, stealing) from Sluggy Freelance to translate King Putz the Petulant’s stance on compromise with any view not his own,

“Look, [if] you beat me fair and square, I’ll totally give you bragging rights. Now, just jump on my sword and see things from my perspective. It’s called ‘compromise’.”

Of course, the typical Repugnican’t manner of compromise with Dhimmicraps is to bend over and pitifully plead, “Please, may I have another?”

“Enstupiated” Americans

h.t. to Hugh, again (Man! Get yourself a blog! Tho, admittedly, I appreciate your tips, especially recently wile I’ve been a bit swamped ๐Ÿ™‚

Fred Reed again, this time in almost perfect complement to John Stossel’s “Stupid” schools program on 20/20 last Friday:

“I’m going to start a rickshaw factory. It’s so our kids will have a way to make a living, now that America is pulling out of the First World. Maybe I’ll put an iPod socket on the poles or a little tiny television, made in Japan. That way our puzzled offspring won’t inadvertently start thinking. Tradition provides an anchor in the circumambient chaos.

See, what’s going to happen is, all the design work and programming are going to Mumbai, except the part that already has. Manufacturing is pretty much in China already, Mexicans do all the scutwork, and blacks work for the government or not at all, or both at once. That leaves whites as midlevel bureaucrats supervising each other. Thing is, whites are getting so they can’t read either, so they’ll need rickshaws to pull, in case the Chinese engineers want to go somewhere.

It’s over, I tell you. The United Steak has turned into a mess of pale-faced bushmen mumbling in pidgin English, the young anyway, with Orientals as missionaries trying to civilize us. Yes, friends and neighbors! Ain’t it exciting? All the professors in America of anything practical are already Chinese or Indian. Or getting that way fast.”

Read the rest. (Surely no regular reader of this blog is a part of the nearly 40% 60% of adult Americans who are subliterate… )

Reading America the riot act at Conservative Cat (get that sheepskin, Ferdy! ๐Ÿ™‚ and TMH’s Bacon Bits.

Pathfinder’s False Alarm Venison Chili

For this Carnival of the Recipes potluck offering, I’m “stealing” a recipe from my brother. He makes this several times a year, often to share with hunting buddies. I’ve had some of this chili several times over the years, and it’s always very, very good. Not at all like mine, which is just fine by me. Then again, I don’t often have my hands on good venison.

Pathfinder’s False Alarm Venison Chili

3 lbs. ground venison
1 qt. of water
6 Tbsp. chili powder
1 Tbsp. sugar
2 Tbsp. Paprika
3 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. black pepper(freshly ground)
1/4 tsp. red pepper (cayene)
1/2 to 1 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 to 1 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 to 1 tsp. oregano (ground)
1 15 oz. can tomato sauce
8 to 12 oz. picante sauce (Pace – medium)
Optional: 3 cans of drained chili beans to add volume.

Brown the venison (P.S. – I never have the butcher add beef lard to my ground venison – why degrade my meat?) I rarely have to drain any fat.

Mix all ingredients together. Simmer down to the desired thickness. 30 – 45 minutes minimum to let the spices blend. This chili is even better when reheated or cooked in a crock pot over night.

Note: To make this chili hotter add any or all of the following ingredients. Use ‘hot’ Pace Picante sauce, add an additional 1/4 tsp of cayane, and or an additional 1/2 tsp. of freshly ground black pepper.

Additional Note: When choosing your spices, name brands are best.

Poor players, strutting and fretting their hours upon the stage…

The Stupid Party needs to get some schooling in Texas Holdem, cos the Demoncraps are taking their shirts:

“Game Theory and Media Bias” by Todd Manzi:

It used to be that the press would report the happenings of politics. Somewhere along the line, the process became perverted, and politicians began playing to the press and engaging in behavior that was motivated solely because of the prospect of media coverage. The tail wagged the dog, and politicians learned they could manipulate the press. Today, the message of politics is delivered through a liberally biased prism. Not only do Reid and the Democrats make moves designed to get media coverage, they take full advantage of the premise that the people reporting the news are predisposed to liberal ideology.

And infusion of testosterone and an ability to call the Dem’s bluffs every now and then might make a difference in how the game is played in Washington…