More Typical Fedgov B.S.

So, since we–very uncharacteristically–have a refund due us from the fedgov this year (primarily due to some rebates on “energy efficient” home improvements and to lower income *sigh*), we filed as soon as all the correct forms were available.

Son&Heir filed a couple of weeks later.

Whose return was processed first? You got it.

Reason #1,386,237 why I hate the IRS.

A Reasonable Analogy


Both the so-called “War on Drugs” and our borders themselves are frauds of monstrous size, each in its own ways. Neither the “feddle gummint” policies on drugs nor its almost complete lack of border enforcement make any sense. . . except when viewed as anarcho-tyranny encouragement of real criminals and criminalizing the personal liberties of citizens.

    1. The fedgov needed a constitutional amendment in order to be able to pass the Volstead Act which prohibited the manufacture, import, distribution or sale of ONE drug, alcohol. The Eighteenth Amendment has since been repealed and the Volstead Act is null and void. Where then does the fedgov get any LEGITIMATE authority for its so-called “War on Drugs”?

    2. The fedgov’s de facto “cheesecloth” border policy (effective policy: open borders) is even more nonsensical, because the effective policy is both contrary to black letter law on the books and defines a country that has already been conquered by anyone who wishes to do so. No borders=no nation.

These two areas pretty well describe the idiocy that is now our national government. It’s completely without legitimate authority in almost all areas in which it exerts power and in areas where it does have legitimate authority it’s either unconcerned with effective enforcement or incompetent.

What we need at this point is for all civilian bureaucraps, all fedgov politicians and the normal inhabitants of the Pentagon, etc., to hold a plenary session in some huge venue–I’d even go with “built for the occasion”–in DC and for God to send a massive flood to wipe ’em all out. The nation could then hold a memorial service honoring the one or two honest and decent politicians or bureaucrats caught up in the flood and a new Independence Day celebrating our freedom from the illegitimate harassment by unconstitutional exercises of power and incompetent (or willful disregard for) enforcement of legitimate areas of authority.

Well, I’d be willing to settle for enough blackmail on enough congresscritters to get another amendment submitted to the states to remove Eighth Amendment protections against “cruel and unusual punishments” for fedgov politicians and bureaucraps (and enough blackmail on enough State legislators to get it so we could then get it ratified) and a follow up law allowing tarring and feathering (hot tar and feathers, at night, flaming torches encouraged *heh*) of fedgov politicians and bureaucraps who abuse their powers to harass citizens.

I’d bring the popcorn to every “torch party” I could attend.

On Being Ticked Off with Ann Coulter

*sigh* Why does she just HAVE to say it better than I can? Why? *mutter, mutter-gripe-complain*

At a private gathering, Romney told donors that Obama had a lock on the 47 percent of voters “who pay no income tax” and “believe the government has a responsibility to care for them.” This was deeply offensive to people who pay no income tax and believe the government has a responsibility to care for them.

“We All Belong to the Government”

Sweet! The 13th Amendment abolished slavery involuntary servitude (except as criminal punishment), effective December 6, 1865, but now the DNC, led by America’s “first ‘black’ *cough* president”–inadvertently (or arrogantly?) lets us in on the dirty little secret: the “feddle gummint” owns us, at least as far as Dhimmicraps are concerned.

Isn’t that special? The Zero is totally focused on keeping his promise to “fundamentally transform” the US… from “the land of the free” to “the home of the ruling classes and their serfs.”

Wear a “Sic Semper Tyrannis” button to vote in November, and make sure the tyrants are defeated at the polls.

Harry Reid Should Prove He’s Not a Pederast

Ever since Class A Jackass Harry Reid has started making undefended, unfounded, unsourced accusations of tax avoidance against MittRomney, unsourced allegations by unnamed, anonymous, redundant *heh* “sources” have surfaced that Harry Reid is a pederast. So far, Harry Reid has refused to offer any proof that he is not a pederast, raising “serious” questions among those who are willing to embrace his complete lack of ethics as to whether these allegations are true.

Just see for yourself. Type “Harry Reid” into a Google search bar and see what it suggests as possible terms to search for. I did.


Take that, Jackass Reid.