About Those Rounded Corners, Rubber Bumpers, Bubble Habitats and All That Jazz

In the attempt to create a society where every idiot–natural born but especially self-made–can not only survive but thrive (for values of “thrive” that include whatever low level of mental activities such folks may attain), I fear “progressives” have worked to create the ultimate regressive society, reversing evolution to create a society where the lowest common denominator, the least fit to survive is the new norm.

Evidence? I give you one example: Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro. The guy’s obviously bright enough to be able to tie his own shoelaces without adult supervision, but, being the self-made idiot that he is, doesn’t act like it. He’s crafty enough to be able to effect his “change for America” (subversion of everything the Organic Law of the US embodies to serve a commie end), but because he was raised in a cocoon that he’s never ventured outside of, he’s too stupid to even be able to know what he’s really doing.

Morally corrupt, from beginning to end; mentally deficient, no matter how crafty some of his actions appear (especially when aided by his cocooning elements, primarily the Hivemind1 he serves and which serves him in return); stumbling about the world stage when reality kicks his ass: these are all the actions of a self-made enstupiate who has been sheltered from the consequences of his auto-enstupiation from birth.

This madness must stop. Reality demands consequences, and shielding self-made idiots from the consequences of their behavior is resulting in the destruction of our society. . . and with an overwhelming number of self-made enstupiates who would be able to rebuild on its ashes?

1I use “Hivemind” here as shorthand for that Conspiracy of Dunces comprised of folks who all echo the same lying memes and talking points–often word for word–in pursuit of identical goals within the so-called “progressive-liberal” world of “reality-based fantasies”: The Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind, Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakeries, and all the NGOs and even looser affiliations of fellow travelers, cronies, co-conspirators and other evil-doers who spout Hivemind lies.

“Don’t Know Much About History”: One of the Reasons the US is Getting a “Swirly” from Reality

Victor Davis Hanson beats a drum often heard here at twc:

“Our geographically and historically challenged leaders are emblematic of disturbing trends in American education that include a similar erosion in grammar, English composition, and basic math skills.”

Remember third world county‘s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom:

“In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”

And remember also that “literacy” is not just being able to decode the written word, either facilely or laboriously. It’s being able to do that AND having a goodly store of useful knowledge gained thereby. Anything less and one is simply either a useful idiot fit for deploying in the service of evil or a completely useless idiot, good for nothing in particular.

Sadly, somewhere near 75-80% of Americans seem to be one or the other of those two idiot alternatives.

Obama Suggests He Will Increases His Support Al-Qaeda: Fixates on Unused Repugncan’t Jock Straps

Syrian factions vie for control of chemical weapons.

Meanwhile, Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda, and Obama Steps Up Military Aid To Syrian Rebels

Personally, I think Syria stored Iraq’s WMD in the unused jockstraps of ball-less, go-along-to-get-along, bend over and say, “Please may I have another” cowardly country club Repugnican’ts who have sucked up to traitorous Dhimmicraps for decades, and The Zero just wants to be in on the jock strap raid, but what do I know?

Memo to The Zero: Put up or shut up

Rep Stockman requests subpoena of NSA’s White House, IRS phone logs

“Obama assures the public he only collected this information to uncover wrongdoing and protect civil liberties. Clearly he would want us to use it to investigate this case, because otherwise he’d be lying,” said Stockman.

“If Obama has nothing to hide he has nothing to fear,” said Stockman.

About time at least one Republican located a workable testosterone therapy.

Did Edward Snowden Break the Law in Revealing the Depth and Breadth of the NSA’s Surveillance of Citizens?

For those excoriating Edward Snowden for “breaking the law” I’ll say this: I don’t know and I don’t care. I don’t know, because I haven’t–and probably won’t–research the relevant laws, because I do not care whether he broke any in revealing the NSA’s surveillance of ordinary citizens.

Here’s why that is: ANY time a citizen shed’s light on government mistreatment of its citizens’ rights it is a Good Thing, no matter what his motivation, no matter what laws he breaks to do so. Any laws that even ALLOW the government to cover abuses are anathema to me, and should be to every citizen who lives; they are nothing short of being bad faith with the social contract the Founders recognized which establishes that government exists to protect our rights, not abuse or deny to us the free exercise of them. ANY law or regulation that provides cover for government abuse of citizens’ rights is illegitimate and has no moral force whatsoever, no excuse for existence save for the vile, reprehensible, utterly abhorrent excuse of defending that abuse of power, and that’s a raison d’être that in itself gives adequate cause to sneer at and openly flout disobedience to any such law or regulation.

Apparatchiks in the same party that gave us the death toll of Fast and Furious and Benghazi, the trampling of the First and Fourth Amendments in the AP scandal and the blatant IRS abuses of power have talked with relative comfort about disappearing Snowden. Yeh, what’s a little banana republic terrorist tactic between friends, eh? In the toxic atmosphere of an overweening, anarcho-tyrannist “feddle gummint bureaucrappy” that views everything with an US (the “gummint”) vs Them (former citizens, now subjects) it becomes obvious to anyone who’s not dumber than a sack of Shiite that the “feddle gummint” is cast adrift from a constitutionally-informed social contract designed to protect the rights of citizens and not the turf of politicians *gag-spew* and “bureaucraps” *gagamaggot*.

In such an environment, as I said, ANYONE who for ANY REASON brings government abuses of power into the light of day has done right, no matter what their motivation, no matter what any CYA laws or regulations say.

Doing the right thing, even for wrong reasons, is doing the right thing, no matter what.

One last thing: Edward Snowden may be weird. He may be distasteful in his personal habits, lifestyle or morality. I don’t know and I don’t care. I have seen hints about such things written by people condemning him, though hints only, as I skip over and simply note another ad hominem attack designed to discredit him in the eyes of stupid people. I don’t know Edward Snowden, and I do not particularly care to; not only that, I do not have to know ANYTHING about him apart from the fact that the information he revealed has so far checked out and that it reveals massive abuse of power by the federal government. THAT is ALL that matters in this brouhaha. Period.

Swamp Their Inboxes

Overwhelm your congresscritters’ and state reps’ inboxes with calls to completely shut down the IRS and salt the legislative and bureaucrappic ground it rests on.

When you’re finished with that, besiege their inboxes with calls for special prosecutors for Fast and Furious, Benghazi and the NSA. Add links wherever possible. Here’s one for NSA crimes against humanity (and make no mistake: NSA’s “Boundless Informant” is just that):



Focusing public attention on emerging privacy and civil liberties issues

Root and Branch: Extirpate the IRS

Conservative group’s lawsuit targets IRS employees personally

Look, folks, let’s just say it openly and without reservation: The IRS is simply evil. Period. I’ll accept no qualifications about “good people” working in the IRS. No, if they were truly good people, they’d find a job not working for an evil organization. Period. End of story. No excuses.

The fish rots from the head and from its inception, the IRS has rotted and is nothing but a poisonous evil whose sole function is to do evil and enable further evil to be done. Any lame justifications that it collects revenue for legitimate purposes fall, because most “feddle gummint” functions nowadays are constitutionally illegitimate (hence, based on lies, evil). Nope. The IRS has to go. Now, how to get there. . .

Pressure–and never, never, never stop pressuring–congresscritters to abolish the IRS and the oppressive, tyrannical, capricious income tax system it administers. Get involved in local politics in order to gain influence on political parties’ selection of candidates, at ever higher levels of government. Join with other “outsiders” to invade and take over the political apparatus of whatever party or parties you may have a chance to “subvert” to bring them back in line with constitutional principles.

And never, never, NEVER stop pushing back–twice as hard, and harder. If you are attacked, as the person and her organization in the linked article above have been, push back as that organization has. Make it as personal as the bureaucraps themselves make it. Hold them PERSONALLY responsible.

Keep it in bounds–not their bounds, the law’s bounds–but make sure they know it IS personal, because that’s the central meaning of The Founders’ Constitution”–personal, individual liberty and responsibility is THE central reason the Constitution was written to SET BOUNDARIES BEYOND WHICH GOVERNMENT MUST NOT GO!

The “feddle gummint” needs to be told to sit down, shut up and LISTEN to the PEOPLE. . . and then sit down and shut up–PERIOD!–wherever the Constitution says they have no business going.

Because That Makes Sooooo Much Sense

[N.B., I corrected the headline on the linked article to read as a more accurate reflection of the information in it.]

Obama Orders Fox to Investigate Hen House Guard

Yep. That’s right. The Zero thinks that no one will notice he’s directed Eric Holder to investigate his own performance as an enforcer of the rule of law. No news there, really. After all, recall the reports of an “independent State Department investigation” of. . . the State Department’s handling of the Benghazi consulate attack? “[I]ndependent,” MHWA. . .

Where is Torquemada when you really need him?

Sequester, Summing Up

The 2.3% all the way up to the highball 3% “cuts” the Dhimmicrappic sequester threatens (so-called “cuts” will actually take place over a matter of stretched out months) are B.S. as are the lies The Zero and his minions, co-conspirators and fellow travelers (largely in the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, A.K.A., “Bubbies for Barry”) are spewing about it.

There are no “cuts”. Even with no budget (Barry’s co-conspirators in Congress have spiked every budget since his first term), the U.S. will spend (and borrow) over half a trillion dollars MORE than last year. That makes the 85 billion dollars affected by the sequester small change.


No more bullshit, Barry.