Nopers. Not for Me.

Saw a posting for what is quite likely an otherwise worthwhile event, but even if I were to desire to attend, I could not, because I have a firm policy against exclusion of knives (and by extension ANY exclusion of items that can be used for self-defense, because such is an inherent right). And, guess what? The venue not only excludes ALL knives (no matter size, design, or purpose) but excludes a lot of other things that, well, only Koolaid drinkers would approve of.

Yeh, I don’t fly, either (and I’d have to to make the event. Or rather, I will not, because Thugs Standing Around are just Security Kabuki, laced with cover for Official Thievery. Sure, it limits some of my options, but not any that are really important.

How to Survive the Coming Zombie Apocalypse

Note that when I use the term “zombie” I am referring to auto-lobotomized “mass-man,” the kind of person for whom the DummieBowl, celebrity shenanigans, and “news” from the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind are MUCH more important than. . . reality.

So, how to survive?

Embrace the “prepper” lifestyle.
Condition Yellow: constant.
OODA Loop your daily life, and aim to stay inside “the enemy’s” OODA Loop.
And most importantly, learn how to really pray. (The catch is committing to being on GOD’S side, not trying to manipulate Him into being on your side.)

The way things are going, it’s the way to bet.

Monkey Business

Yeh, confluence of events. . .

The usual suspects are trying to create another PANIC!™, this time about a virus that’s statistically MUCH less harmful than the common cold. . .


Then, after exposure to one of these scaremongers, I was (hand) washing our lunch dishes when I was reminded of Stupid Counsel™ about hand washing during the Covid-19 PANIC!™ You know what I’m talking about, I’m sure: 20 seconds of handwashing and the virus is magically banished!

Horse Pockeyhuck. During the PANIC!™ of 2020 (et seq.), I was unable to find any serious research papers about handwashing/Coronavirus-19, but there were already quite a few studies available on handwashing vs other viruses with similar lipid capsulation. They generally agreed that dissociation of the virus (one cannot kill something that is not alive) was effected by a soap and water handwashing of TWO MINUTES or GREATER duration.

I do not expect information about the Monkeypox PANIC!™ and procedures for dealing with it to be any better (placebo masking and other measures included) than the largely stupid measures effected during the 2020 PANIC! (et seq.).

But at least my greasy dishes got clean with soap, hot water, and vigorous scrubbing. . .

Change the Terms but Keep the Substance

IOW, lie. That is what the forces occupying our communities under the cover of government do day in and day out.

Sovereign immunity? Qualified immunity? Anathema to the Founders and Framers.

Among the “long train of abuses” cited in the Declaration of Independence, one stands as a model for our INjustice system’s practices of both Sovereign Immunity and Qualified Immunity, that all too often protect government actors from the consequences of their crimes. The Declaration cites the king’s acts:

“. . . protecting them [occupying troops, similar n almost every regard to LEOs, persecutors, urm, prosecutors, judges, bureaucraps and the like “occupying” our communities] by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States . . ”

And then there is the fact that BOTH the federal system AND the states are barred from creating classes of nobility, so what do they do instead? They create privileged classes that are in no substantial way different to nobility, in that they have protections from the laws they more and more often use to suppress and oppress citizens.

Our contemporary law enFARCEment and INjustice systems (along with just about every government bureaucrappy) can be held accountable for their persecutions of citizens (and in many cases, more and more often nowadays, actual encouragement of real criminal behavior) only with great difficulty, and with barely any effect on the lives of bad actors in government. At most? Maybe a slap on the wrist. More usual? “Attaboys” and promotions.

Thus, for example, the murderer, Lom Horiuchi, stands as a “hero” and inspiration to law enFACEment and other government bad actors everywhere. BATF’s (and other agencies’) brutal murder of children at Waco? *meh* No consequences (except for the BATF agents killed by “friendly fire”–a minor karmic justice).

And then there are those fake “protectors” training sheeple in serfdom. I would modify the George Bernard Shaw quote, “When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he will always declare that it is his duty,” for today’s Thugs Standing Around (TSA and all such security Kabuki personnel operating under cover of law), because most such persons have no sense of shame, nowadays, and no sense of right and wrong, either. They seem proud of doing things that any reasonable and decent person would be ashamed of.

Unnecessary Duplication

I used to subscribe to “news” from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, but I realized that subscribing to “CACA* Accolyte News” for opposition research wasn’t necessary, since CACA* dogma is endemnic in Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind propaganda, so. . .

*CACA = Cult of Anthropogenic Climate Alarmism; also, just plain old everyday caca.

Ortega’s “Mass-Man” Leading the Way to. . .

Even just a glance at the passing scene leads one to observe that the Internet’s empowerment of Ortega’s “mass-man” and the attendant massive explosion of the growth and influence of “Dunning-Krugerands,” has only exacerbated the downward spiral toward Kornbluth’s “Marching Morons.”

The Marching Morons

Setting: Far future (less far, now, by a LOT, if today’s society is any indication). “The human population is now 3 million highbred elite and 5 billion morons, and the “average” IQ is 45 (whereas today an IQ score of 100 is average, by definition).” (? Wikipedia)

Reason #5,689

“Snuck” is an example of one of the MANY reasons I have such a deep distrust of democracy.

That is all. For now.

The Way It Looks from Here. . .

. . .is that we live in an age exemplified by English professors who cannot speak fluent English (poor grammar, word misusage, etc.) and give forth blank states in response to quotations of The Bard.

Yes, we live in an age of a nearly universal “literacy” filled with actual illiterates, pseudoliterates who could not read their way out of a paper bag. And yet there are those who defend democracy. *sigh*

At best, in the words of Third World County’s corollary to Santayana’s Axion, “In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.” But the norm is even worse: rule by those who have gulled the illiterate and innumerate into granting them power.

Humor, NOT

Tried to find a contemporary sitcom (“situation COMEDY”) to watch the other night. Was unsuccessful. Nothing comedic on. Maybe it would help if I knocked a few IQ points off with a Hivemind-issued autolobotomy kit (where “a few IQ points” = more than half those available).

Coulrophobia, Anyone?

*meh* Compared to CwaZy (pervy, racist) UnKa JoE, ZOMBIE POOPY-PANTS President in Name Only, Stephen King writes such cute clowns. . .