Just Sayin’

Just as with simple things it’s taken Apple most of a couple of decades to catch up to the typical PC world on (can anyone come up with a sensible defense of the one-button Apple mouse?), the now iconic iPhone has feature-lag problems of its own, it seems,

What do iPhone users want most? According to the results of a survey released today, the top four things that U.S. iPhone users want most are already available from Google’s Android.

The survey, conducted by interactive research firm Vision Critical, lists a choice of wireless network (39 percent) as the number one thing that smartphone buyers in the U.S. would most like to have in the Apple iPhone. Android devices, of course, are available across multiple wireless carriers while the iPhone can only be used (without jailbreaking) on AT&T in the U.S.

*heh* “[J]ailbreaking”–exactly what Apple product users have to do over and over to gain the freedom users of other electronics products with other OSes can do OOtB. When Apple product users awaken to the world of possibilities outside the Apple realm, that is.

Of course, given the Apple Straitjacket approach to users, Apple will get around to providing features users want whenever Apple feels users should have them, which could be tomorrow or the Twelfth of Never, depending on the whims of Apple alone.

Android phones apparently have these user-desired features because it actually has to compete in the market, whereas Apple has millions of Apple-brainwashed Macrodist drones who’ll just buy “anything Apple” simply because the Mothership tells them to, creating a base to “evangelize” their products.

Of course Apple makes some decent hardware, and its BSD operating system–OSX–is good enough, apart from the straitjacket GUI (Of course, it is BSD, so at least Apple “stole from the best”* *heh*). Sad, though, that all Apple’s hardware is constrained by the Apple insidious mind control of weak-minded users. It’s almost as though Apple is building its own Assisted Computing Environment. “Here, dearie, let me make all your decisions for you. Features? These are not the features you are seeking… ” (With insincere apologies to Obi-Wan Kenobi fans.)

And weak-minded Apple drones simply “Baaah” in reply. (Rather like voters at the polls, come to think of it… Maybe Apple’s onto something here. Maybe people in general really are just that stupid.)

With Apple, it’s even more about control of the user than anyone over at the Evil Empire (M$) has ever desired even in their wildest dreams.

*”stole from the best” is not intended to imply anything illegal on Apple’s part. BSD is open source and Apple is legally free to adopt it as the real operating system that its GUI is the straitjacketed interface for. Of course, all Apple had to do with BSD was figure out a way to slap an interface on top of it that would lock users into its lil fantasy world of Apple Supreme Excellence.

Oh, do keep in mind that my critique of the Apple Straitjacket Fantasy World comes from a perspective that views folks telling me, “Have a nice day” as being pushy and intrusive. (Who are they to tell me what kind of day I should have? I can have a perfectly rotten one if I want to, and it’s none of their business, anyway! *heh*)

The Positive Side of the iPhad

The fact that the iPhad is so very limited–no multi-tasking as one example–and locked into the Apple straitjacket could be an advantage for naive and/or stupid users who would otherwise be more prone to fall prey to sophisticated phishing/malware attacks. After all, since it won’t multi-task, stupid users can’t infest it with keyloggers that run in the background.

So there you have it: a “computer” for folks who belong in Assisted Computing Sanatoriums…

I just knew I could find something to like about it!

Right In Their Faces

OK, so it was a notebook in a bright, outdoor setting, but really: people just don’t pay attention.

OTOH, KDED 4.X is a really slick GUI. I think I’ll ad a Mac-like Dock to a KDE skin and see if people like “the new Mac OSXI” better than OSX. *heh* (Or, just to be really mean, add a “MacDock” app to an old XP computer–yeh, it’s an easy thing to do–and see what they think.) Sure, I’d have to cripple whatever mouse was connected (or use a crippled-from-the-factory Mac Mouse ;-)) to make it seem more realistic, but that’s do-able. *heh*

Apple Straitjacket? Yep.

I’ve often referred to the “Apple Straitjacket” (or sometimes, in a rush, misspelled as “straightjacket”–my bad :-)), meaning the artificial limitations Apple places on users of its products. Here’s some unintentional “damning-with-faint-praise” in an article on the iPhad from a writer who thinks that’s just dandy:

…none of the hardware in the iPad pushes the leading edge of design, it just does what it needs to do,” [RapidRepair CEO Aaron] Vronko said. “If you look at the Motorola Droid or Google’s Nexus One—which both have 512MB of memory—they’re pushing the edge of what hardware’s currently available. They want to make sure their devices can take on whatever people decide to throw at them, whereas Apple sits back and says, ‘What do we want this device to be able to do?'”

Exactly. While other companies have a desire to accommodate users needs and desires, Apple seeks to define users “needs” as whatever IT wants a user to “need”. (Sounds like The Ø! and his ilk, doesn’t it?) Straitjacket.

*feh* One more reason to mock Apple.

And another: note this evidence of planned obsolescence for the iPhad’s of early adopters:

One interesting bit, he said, was a section near the top of the iPad, near the light sensor. “I’d say that’s definitely designed to host a camera, [likely in a future model] six months or so from now,” Vronko said.

Just more reason to

Take a stand against vanity, conceit, and the cult of personality. Don’t be fooled by purveyors of dumbed-down, locked-down, semi-functional pieces of planned obsolescence. Computers and electronic devices are tools, not fashion accessories. They do not define who you are or what group you belong to. Any company or culture that insists otherwise is deeply creepy. Apple haters unite!

And more from another source:

You won’t hear much about price elasticity from the first wave of iPad buyers. They will buy the iTurd if Steve Jobs creates it. Apple, however, is targeting the masses. And the masses think in terms of opportunity costs. [As though I really needed to add the emPHAsis *heh*]

“Revolutionizing the Way We Make Fun of Apple”

From iPhad.com.

Too easy. The iPad: the new low-hanging fruit in Apple mockery.

Addendum: from the site linked above:

Take a stand against vanity, conceit, and the cult of personality. Don’t be fooled by purveyors of dumbed-down, locked-down, semi-functional pieces of planned obsolescence. Computers and electronic devices are tools, not fashion accessories. They do not define who you are or what group you belong to. Any company or culture that insists otherwise is deeply creepy. Apple haters unite!

This post was not written using ANY Apple product.

Quirky Day

As a result of beating back some locusts (and getting my lunch eaten by others *heh*), this turned out to be a mostly good, productive but kinda quirky day.

Man! Was I ever a chatty cathy during the time working on the tail end of flooring and other projects Down South. Motormouth city, fer shure. (And yeh, I coulda had a classic SM-58 in my hand doing a monologue, for all the running off… gottachucleatmyself… )

Learned something freaky deaky about OS X. Installing a new hard drive (in a Macbook) and using an OS X install CD apparently does NOT automagically bring up a prompt to initialize the new disk. Have to open Utilities… Disk Utility in the boot menu to force recognition and installation of the drive. Strange. I’ve not run into that in other OSes hardly at all in the last 10 years. I guess Apple only wants geeks to install new drives in their systems. Can’t give an average user any obvious help. *heh* That Apple: always looking out for the users to keep ’em from doing normal stuff. *LOL*

Anyway, boy did I feel like an idiot when I looked over instructions someone had printed out for transferring all his data and software from one Macbook drive to a new one. I never even thought the system wouldn’t tell him he needed to initialize the drive. Silly me. I acted like he was doing the install on a Windows, Linux or BSD system. Live and learn.

Man, sometimes getting old sucks swamp gas. (Yeh, the gas can be a problem too.) Now, my good knee and good hip (on opposite sides, no less… of course) are the ones talking to me. Figures. Just when I get used to the pain in the others… 🙂

My Wonder Woman just got another rave review from her work for another course in her grad classes. Natch. She’s such a wiz! But heck, with a 3,000 word paper for her first month’s class and a ten page paper for this class, at this rate she should just have shot for a PhD, complete with thesis. *heh* Her EdLaw class has at least been pretty interesting. But it’ll be over by the end of this month, I think, and her next class doesn’t begin until April. Means she’ll have some “time out” (from course work, not from teaching) before Lovely Daughter’s wedding March 27. Nice.

Lovely Daughter home early tonight–by 8:00 or so. I guess she has a big day tomorrow between church and some sort of social activity tomorrow evening. Something about gathering to worship some really amazing pottery? I think she called it a “super bowl” or some such. I don’t get it. Seems like idolatry to me, but then I’m just an Olde Pharte.

Oh, well, I don’t suppose it’s much more idolatrous than what goes on in most churches on Sunday mornings.

Just hit my own personal wall. Going to hit the sheets before my head falls off my shoulders.