Free Kerry’s 180/0PEN P0ST

Yep. Link here and trackback: it’s an Open Post.

Normally, Tuesday is a “Free John Kerry’s 180” day, and, really, today’s no exception.

No More sKerry BS_button

But today is a very different kind of “Free Jean Fraud sKerry’s 180” day. Today, I’m asking both of my readers *heh* to finish this thought:

“Jean Fraud sKerry’s lies and obfuscations in pursuance of avoiding the release of the records he has repeatedly promised to release is like NOT emptying a weeks’-long overfull cat litter box, because… ”

Answers in comments or a trackedback post, please.

Dumping this litterbox at Linkfest_Haven

Carnival at Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea

Christine, who honored me by adopting me as her blogfather for Blogfathers Day, is hosting this week’s Carnival of the Recipes. Delicious food, beautifully presented (of course) at Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea.

Go. Graze the buffet. I’m gonna have some of that Lazy Broad’s Smoky Chicken to start…

(I’m a baaaaad dad. I forgot Christine was hosting the Carnival of the Recipes this week and tagged her with the Four Things game for another of her blogs… Oh. Well. I’m lucky she’s the forgiving kind. 🙂

If I ever…

If I were ever to have a Neon car, I’d want it painted a bright, “neon yellow.” And since we name our cars, I’d have to name it…

Leon Deon Neon Neon.

(My dad suggested Old Yeller, but I don’t think I’d wanna go there.)

Power Oatmeal!

Power Oatmeal? Yeh. Want that warm, smoothe oatmeal breakfast, but also working out and need the extra protein you get from a ham n eggs type of breakfast? Here’s one solution.

Oatmeal (take your pick):

Oatmeal Porridge

  • 1/4C cut oats
  • 1 Qt water
  • pinch salt
  • Bring water to a rolling boil
  • sprinkle the oats onto the “roll”
  • stir well
  • keep at a boil (stirring every now and then) until it begins to thicken, then reduce to a simmer and simmer for 20-30 minutes or so (depends on how smoothe or “chewy” you like your porridge)


Your fav “rolled” oats–the flat stuff you associate with Quaker Oats. Regular or instant, fixed as you usually do or the package directs.

The “power” part?

First: flavor. I like to add freshly-grated cinnamon and nutmeg, margarine (or butter) and some apple jelly.

Then, for added protein, whip up 8 oz of a high-quality, high-protein shake. I use the a super high-quality (ordered over the internet) vanilla-flavored protein shake for adding to oatmeal. Use the protein shake in place of milk. (Drink any shake mix left after pouring an amount you prefer over the oatmeal. 🙂

When I have ’em, I’ll add raisins to the oatmeal porridge as it’s cooking.

Warm, tasty, filling and an extra protein boost.

Update: Oh, where’s the coffee? Already downed by this time and starting on a second third fourth cup. What?!? Breakfast w/o Joe? Say it ain’t so!

UPDATE: In comments The MaryHunter suggests cardamom and brown sugar—each separately or together worthy additions to oatmeal.

What’s for lunch?

Serving up…


Symantec Corp. has fessed up to using a rootkit-type feature in Norton SystemWorks that could provide the perfect hiding place for attackers to place malicious files on computers.

The anti-virus vendor acknowledged that it was deliberately hiding a directory from Windows APIs as a feature to stop customers from accidentally deleting files but, prompted by warnings from security experts, the company shipped a SystemWorks update to eliminate the risk.

Although I used to use Symantec security software quite extensively, I’ve disliked Symantec security programs for several years now. Part of that is due to the fact that almost ALL of the systems I get calls on to resurrect from malware attacks are “protected” by Norton/Symantec security products. YMMV.

Update your AV products. Oh, and if you use the Microsoft Anti-spyware “beta” do note that you need to jump through the validation hoops again for another six months’ license.

Stop the ACLU–a shot across the ACLU’s bow…

From John Stephenson, this:

It is happening all across the nation. The ACLU sue city counsel after city counsel over praying in Jesus name. They don’t sue to stop all prayer, but in every case the target has been Christian prayer. They even fought for the right of a Wiccan to pray at a counsel meeting. Many times it doesn’t even take a lawsuit. They just type up a threatening letter and that does the trick. This was the case in Fredericksburg. But one man isn’t taking things lying down.

Fredericksburg City Councilman Hashmel Turner has filed suit against his fellow council members, saying the council’s newly adopted prayer policy violates his constitutional rights.

Turner is being represented by the Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit group that advocates for free expression issues.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court in Richmond, asks the court to rule that the city’s prayer policy is unconstitutional, and to order that Turner be allowed back into the council’s prayer rotation.

The council voted 5-1 in November to adopt a policy of offering non-denominational prayers devoid of any Christian or other specific religious references.

Turner abstained from that vote, and Councilman Matt Kelly voted against the policy.

The vote came after Turner had been excluded from the council prayer rotation for more than a year. The council got a letter from the American Civil Liberties Union in July 2004 saying that the civil liberties group would file suit if Turner continued to invoke the name of Jesus Christ in his prayers…

Read the rest at Fredericksburg City Councilman Fights for Right to Pray in Jesus’ Name And see more information about what the ACLU is really about at Stop the ACLU


This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already on-board.

Superstitious Glurge: a rant/OTA Day

Can anyone riddle me this? Why do otherwise normally intelligent people insist on sending out superstitious chain emails? You know, the one’s that start out with some pseudo-inspirational glurge and then promise you a blessing or a curse: a blessing if you forward the thing and a curse if you don’t.

What? Does someone, somewhere, have a voodoo doll of my email address? Ooooo. That’s scary. *yawn*

Of course, some of the participants in such chains are not otherwise normally intelligent people. You know the ones. They forward the thing as an attachment. Usually starts with AOL users doing it and they forward it to other AOL users who then keep up the assinine behavior of forwarding the thing as an attachment. Nested attachments. Do I have to recreate the filter that junks every email I get that has nested attachments? Again?

OTA Wednesday.

Open Trackback Alliance

Link to this post ( and trackback ( “Borrowing” (open theft) from Diane’s Stuff,
“If you use blogging software that doesn’t have “trackback” ability built in, Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pingeris an excellent resource to overcome that small problem as is Kalsey’s Simpletracks.”
Or use Haloscan‘s commenting and trackback service.

Internet Exploder: ROFL

ROFL, indeed. The English Guy (Hey, man! Crosspost that thing over here where I semi-regularly offend Internet Exploder users! –Just kidding, Woody 🙂 has posted: What Microsoft Employees Think of IE.

Please allow me to repeat that with a minor emphasis added:

What Microsoft Employees Think of IE

Oh, yeh. I’ve posted links before to IE problems admitted by Microsoft developers, but The English Guy’s brief post underscores things in a way those links did not.

Thanks, man. Great post.

Happy New Year

Confession’s good for the soul… and bad for the reputation.

So be it. 🙂

Anyone do new year resolutions? I haven’t for many years, because, well, after leaving youth behind several decades ago, it seemed to me that there was nothing special about a new year as opposed to a new day, new hour or new minute. At any time, any moment in my life, I can make a new decision based on either old or new information, newly viewed, understood, evaluated or re-evaluated, and set a course change. “So why a new year’s resolution?” I thought.

Nevertheless, I’ll go ahead and codify a “resolution” already being implemented and incrementally practiced.

You see, I have a schizoid kinda lifestyle. In my kitchen (and although my Wonder Woman is a fine cook, she ceded that ground to me years ago based on a balance of personal preferences, talent and abilities, scheduling flexibility (or lack thereof), etc. And in my kitchen I very much prefer to have a place for everything and everything in its place, just as my Wonder Woman prefers in the rest of her house (she is a librarian, after all). Not that I have achieved such perfection of organization in the kitchen (though woe be to he who places the black-handled whisk on the nearly-antique metal spoon’s hook near the stove! :-), nor, of course, is Wonder Woman’s home in the perfectly organized and managed state she would prefer. Let me note: that’s not her fault-I’ll explain that in a sec.

But my office and my storage areas are… a disaster. Jerry Pournelle likes to refer to his home office as “Chos Manor”. *Pfui!* In the creation and maintenance of chaos, Pournelle is a patzer compared to me.


But. (And here’s a large part of the explaination for the mess in Wonder Woman’s living room, right now.) I’ve recently boxed and labeled (and have intermediately staged on the way to a reorganized storage space) four boxes of references, archived data (CDR, floppy, packed hard drives, etc.), boxed labeled, inventoried, etc…. in the living room, along with four more large plastice tubs similarly treated. All taken from my office.

I have at least twice that much left to go, but it’s progress.

For the first time since we moved into this home more than ten years ago, there is as much free space in the garage as there is packed-away junk.

Of course, in the process of shaking out and sifting, even the kitchen is cluttered, now. *sigh*

And then there are the still uncompleted remodeling chores… that are nevertheless progressing.

New year’s resolutions? I don’t need any. All I need to do is make steady progress, day by day, a bit at a time, making my office and storage areas over into my image of my kitchen, as it were.

Yeh, when I finish the bookcase/storage/entertainment center wall in the living room, that’ll help. Probably seven or eight boxes of books (freeing up storage spaces)-properly re-catalogued (not just in my head) with discarded library management software and card catalogs. 🙂

That’ll help.

But I really need to weed my parts farm. Haven’t even inventoried my “printer parts” (discarded printers I intermittently raid for repair parts) in a year. And I know there are a couple collections of old 286 and even 8088/6 computer parts/cases/power supplies I probably should have dismantled for smaller parts years ago, discarding all the large, completely unusable junk. It’s on the schedule.

So, while I’m making a temporary mess (Yeh, kids, I know: it’s an awefully looooong “temporary” – heh) of much of the rest of the house, things are thinning down in my office, storage is getting better, etc.

But it’s gonna be a bumpy ride for a while.

Thankfully, Wonder Woman is joining in the fun and purging her home office space, too. So, even when we are working on these things in different rooms, we have semi-compatible projects going, and that’s an encouragement to me to continue. Even if it’s at a 10-pounds to 1-ounce ratio of my stuff to hers.

Of course, even when all this is finished, including some of the remodeling, I’ll have the storage shed to deal with…


We have waaaaay too much stuff. (And, according to that ineffable law of the universe that creates extra coat hangers out of lost paperclips and inexplicably appearing computer parts from missing coat hangers, the more stuff we discard… the more we have! heh. Really. It’s true… 😉

Baring my soul at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns.