Freedom! (?)

You do realize the two greatest benefits that would accrue from going back to a federal government that actually operated within the confines of its delegated powers, right?

    1. Elimination of at least 80% of the government workforce (since at least that much of the “feddle gummint” is outside constitutional legitimacy). It’d be MUCH less expensive to put all those bureaucraps on welfare than to continue to pay them and have them waste even more money on illegitimate crap.
  1.  Get the “feddle (rhymes with ‘meddle’) gummint” out of your life, as long as you do not violate the ACTUAL inherent rights of others.

Add in the FairTax and the federal government could become what it was intended to be: a defender of inerent rights whose significance is only brought to mind when it stomps on thugs violating (GENUINE, INHERENT) individual rights and on patriotic holidays.

It’d be a start. . .

Amusing Ani-mules

Physical setup: My “comfy chair” in front of a bay window; blackout curtains over window (often closed, especially early morning, since the window faces east); my cat uses my chair (and me) as a stepping block to enter the bay (curtains in the way? Nope. She doesn’t care *heh*); new puppy—all nearly 40# of him, now—on my ottoman staring over my notebook at the bay window my cat has just disappeared into. . . seriously puzzled look on his face: disappearing cat?!?

Sometimes, the Little Things Make a Difference

This lil walking stick/chair combo is really cool. Bad knee means I sometimes need a cane or walking stick to get around, and STANDING around can be a real pain, so


(The “Ta-Da!” link above isn’t an affiliate link; I benefit from posting it only in warm fuzzies. *heh*)

Of course, I don’t know how many folks would want one at the $190 price. I got mine at my fav “fell off the back of a truck” store, so. . .

At any rate, I really like mine, even though my only choice was blue. ¯\_(?)_/¯

Handy Tip

You know how you can tell a so-called “conspiracy theorist” is “carrying concealed,” don’t you? Yeh, you cannot see their weapon, therefore it is concealed, right? *heh*


Random Observation

Rap “music” is the result of throwing Hip Hop into a BlentTec blender along with a soupçon of raw sewage and a “whole buncha lotta” Premium Stupid®.

That is all. For now.

ISO. . .

Hmmm. . . ISO 1950s vintage IH pickup with Ford F-Series W6695 paint job to re-badge as a Tonka Truck. . . *heh* ??

Ooooo! Wait! Maybe Line-X has a Tonka Yellow-compatible color!

So, I Saw a T-Shirt. . .

. . .that I can’t quite get behind, IYKWIMAITTYD.

Nah. That’s WAY too friendly, and besides, feds aren’t my type. You know, human. I’m not into bestiality, ya know. (Ya can’t blame me for dehumanizing the feds, because they have done it to themselves.)

*world’s smallest violin plays tiny, inaudible lament*

Every druggie who CHOOSES to shoot up, snort, whatever, this deadly substance is giving aid and comfort to America’s enemy, eh? Yeh, yeh, it’s their lives to choose to suicide, giving their all for the CCP.

Somehow, I have grown to just not GARA what people CHOOSE to stupidly put in their bodies, as long as they do not cause DIRECT harm to others (theft, physical violence, etc.). They want to be druggies? Fine. Fentanyl just speeds the inevitable process and cuts down on much of the serious social cost involved in “supporting” druggies who have chosen their route to death.

Let sanity prevail. Admit that the so-called “War on Drugs” is lost and only serves to support drug cartels and government tyranny. Sooner or later, they’ll be coming after our aspirin, no doubt. #gagamaggot