Another Politician? *flush*

My view of politicians in general is that modern plumping is a Really Good Thing, because when one is regular and daily gives birth to a politician, one can always just reach for the flush lever. . .


Keurig “coffee.” *meh* If I wanted instant coffee, I’d probably just drink Folgers. *shudder*

Ah! The Magic “and” Again!

“Me and a bunch of my friends had rented. . . ” That magic “and” – once again used to make the monumentally stupid “Ugg. *chimp scratches; chows on louse found in armpit* Me had rented. . . ” into something acceptable to idiots.

Lies, Damned Lies, and “News”

NEVER (as in DO NOT EVER) take “reporting” on ANYTHING about ANY scientific research as anywhere near what the actual research may (or may not) have shown. EVERY Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind “report” on science in the last couple of decades, at least, that I have read has either been grossly inaccurate (because of stupidity–willful or otherwise–in the reporting and editorial staff? Quite often) or a deliberate attempt to deceive for scaremongering purposes. If the topic is at al interesting to you, LOOK UP THE ACTUAL RESEARCH and read the actual paper cited, if available. It is the only way to discover whether the Hivemind “report” is lying to you or not. Well, you could ask your friendly neighborhood scientist to review it for you, I suppose. ? If you know one who is honest and can actually do decent research.

Gather up all your hens’ teeth to pay for the consultation, though.

Olde Pharte Stuff. . .

. . .only THIS time Olde Pharte Tomcat stuff. Old guy (going on 19 years) has developed a skin condition. Petting him (while he was in his Demand Position, my lap) resulted in well-urined jeans, so. . . a soothing bath was in order. For him. Yeh, soothed his skin condition (for now; will require followups), but means, shucky darns *heh*, he’s avoiding my lap, now. Yeh, what a burden to bear: having non-cat-blocked access to my lil laptop.

He’s parked right in front of a heater vent, smartycat.

People Just Gonna “Peep”

Yeh, it’s a bit small-minded of me, but what can I say? Those folks who assert that music in a Xian church can ONLY be a cappella–no instruments–like to say that musical instruments featured in worship in the Book of Revelation don’t count because references to musical instruments in Revelation don’t mean what they say. Like, for example, the words in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven” apparently do not mean what they say, either. *shrugs* Their self-deception is no greater than those who assert that ONLY Psalm-singing is allowed, for some obscure, unscriptural reasons they rationalize with eisegesis and hand-waving.

It’s just the way of folks to lie to themselves to justify their own biases, ya know?

The Joys of Cat “Ownership”

A bit tired of dealing with “cat-bottom” flavored coffee. Wish I could effect a good way of keeping them from waving their, urm, posteriors over my coffee mug. Oh, well. At least my mugs are cleaned frequently. *sigh*

“Don’t Care; Won’t Read”

Is “Thanks for sharing” the current, least-dismissive seeming “TL;DR,” or “Does not confirm my bias, so I’m ignoring it” dismissal? It most often assumes the place of “Don’t care; won’t read.”