Fun, Fun, Fun

So, the local “fell off the back of a truck” store had some 7″ Sylvania tablets (yeh, bad rep, low spec things) marked “defective” and w/o chargers for $5. “So,” methought, “five bucks for a non-functional piece of crap. Not bad!” *heh*

Bought two. Charged ’em up (well, yeh, I do have chargers/power bricks for just about everything. Why? Do you ask? *heh*).

One powers up but doesn’t boot at all, at all. Tore it down and didn’t find anything obvious at first glance. Set it aside.

Next: the other one, very slightly different model. Refused to power on. Tore it down. Hmmm, maybe it was trying to boot and I just couldn’t tell, because. . . THE RIBBON CABLE TO THE SCREEN WAS DISCONNECTED and looked like it never had been. *sigh*

Attached the ribbon cable and secured it. Reassembled the thing. Powered on and. . . stuck at the manufacturer’s logo. Powered off. Powered on with the “three finger salute” (which for this model means Power Button-Menu Button-Screen Tap) to bring up the screen to restore the system image. Quick re-touch of the Menu Button and. . . it attempted to restore the system image. Attempted only because the system image file is. . . missing (of course).

Now, since the device isn’t recognizable to any physical computers I have that can read the utility to flash the image via USB, I need to boot a virtual XP machine that will recognize it. Yes. That’s right. NO DRIVERS FOR WIN7 or WIN8. . . or even VISTA for this device. *sigh*

Well, at least it’s fun to play with. Heck, when I get it working, I don’t really have any use for it, anyway. The only real use I have for it is what I’ve been doing with it: tinkering around.

Is It Too Much to Ask?

I’m sort of looking, in a casual, desultory fashion, for a lil place in the “piney woods” here in America’s Third World County. Not much, just 30 or so acres or more with a looooong drive into a cleared area with gardening/livestock area and room for a small dwelling and work/livestock buildings.

The looooong drive would be so I could ask the county to give my drive a “street” name and dwelling a 911 address. I’d like the following street name to go along with my “UNwelcome mat”.


UNwelcome mat

Quick Tip from Your Friendly Handy Helper

So, if you’re out and about and need to jot down a note in your handy pocket notebook (which, of course you always have at hand, because electronic notes. . . well, we’ll just not go into that for now *heh*), but–*ack!* Pen’s out of ink! No pencil! *sigh*

Just eject a round from a spare magazine and write with the lead tip. You’re welcome.

(Note to NSA goons: Feel free to share this tip with HS thugs. I know you will anyway, so I’ll not get all torqued off about it. . . *sigh*)

Staying Current. . . for What It’s Worth

I try to stay current, but sometimes local laws, ordinances, whatever, kinda scoot on by me w/o really making any impact. So, I try to look ’em up from time to time and be “read up” as much as possible.

Discovered today that nudity is prohibited in the county’s churches and schools. Who knew?


Lost File

Hmmm, I seem to have lost the rest of this little ditty, written years ago by Peter Tauber, IIRC. . .

“I think that I shall never see
A poem filed as C:\ deltree. . . “

In Long Ago Days of Yore. . .

Getting a piece of fiction written and published once took a bit of work. First, there was that literacy thing–you know, being literate enough to at least have a fair idea when you’d just put something down on paper that proved you didn’t have the first clue what you were taking about, for one thing. *sigh* Developing that kind of literacy takes a LOT of reading and perhaps quite a bit of RW experience as well, in many cases.

Then, if one were literate enough to at least have a clue about the deficiencies in one’s storehouse of knowledge and experience, the ability to correct, or at least seriously address, those deficiencies used to come in handy.

And that’s not the whole skill and knowledge set that was once very, very beneficial.

Just having a pedestrian imagination and a verbal vocabulary defined by the lowest common denominator of popular media is all it seems to take to get a novel published nowadays. And the stupider the plots and dumber the characters, the better. *sigh* Evidence: Dan Brown.

One of the worst things I see writers do mimics typical Hollyweird/BoobTube writing. When people who barely manage to inch into the first standard deviation above the norm try to write characters who are more than just average, they tend to write themselves and their acquaintances. Trying to write dialog for a very literate and “brilliant” scientist with a nominal IQ of something north of 150 using a semi-literate (or often even subliterate) mind capable of handling abstract thought at about IQ 115 results in characters that appear to be literate and brilliant only to persons to whom a Zabriskan Fontema appears to be a genius.1

To anyone with more than two active synapses between their ears, such characters seem to be dumber than a bag of hammers.

*meh* I do find such writing marginally interesting, though, as a window into the dull minds of the authors. Of course, when I ask myself, “What WAS this author THINKING?!?” the answer is usually, “Oh, right. Nothing at all. . . ”

1Visiting with a bright, thoughtful and literate person in the upper reaches of the first standard deviation above the norm (according to this person’s estimation; my experience of their abilities leads me to believe their one known experience with IQ measurement fell victim to test anxiety) has spurred me to expand this a bit.

Yes, “merely” bright people can write characters who are “brilliant” and do it competently, creating believable characters, BUT (and this is one HUGE badonka-donk “but”;-)) such persons MUST do their homework! Their research should include a LOT of reading of truly brilliant thinkers (and “conversation” with those thoughts read), face-to-face conversations with such persons–both casual and on-topic in those persons’ areas of expertise–and review of their characterizations and dialog by a literate person whose intellect is of a comparable level to that of the character written.

Better, of course, would be for an author to simply be of the class of persons he is characterizing, to have among his peer group more than a few persons of similar intellect, etc. But, alas! that is NOT the case with Hollyweird/BoobTube-influenced “bright enough for success in a dumbed-down high school setting” subliterates who seem to write most of the “genius” characters in contemporary fiction. *sigh*

BTW, while I enjoy the show in small doses, “The Big Bang Theory” is a very nearly perfect example of this problem in writing. Yes, it has at least one really bright consultant helping to get most of the science references at least within the ballpark of contemporary “consensus science,” but the characters are more laughable caricatures of nerds than perhaps the writers intend. . . or at least in ways the writers could hardly intend. It seems obvious from the writing (and directing and acting) that, aside from minimal input to keep “science-y” comments mostly on track, the folks involved in producing the show fit pretty well into the “semi-literate, nearly bright, clueless about genius” category of content creators I deplore here.

*shrugs* The show’s still entertaining in other ways, and if I view the “brilliant” characters as simply sophomoric poseurs with delusions of brilliance, it occasionally ends up being pretty enjoyable fluff.

But a steady diet would gag a maggot.

How to Waste Your Time

A fact based, reasoned argument presented to a contemporary faux liberal (progressive, leftist, etc.) is like attempting to teach a pig to sing. All it does is waste your time and annoy the pig.

Ditto with the porker.