Costume Party Idea

I don’t generally like costume parties. The last one I went to, about 42 years ago, was a Halloween costume party. I went as a nearly penniless grad student. *pa-dump-bump*

But, if I were to go to costume parties nowadays, in this age of SJWs berating folks for racism (and all other kinds of pseudo-“isms”and -“phobias”), methinks I might dress up as my favorite characters from books read as a young lad or from even earlier childhood: Little Black Sambo (eschewing the blackface makeup, just cos I don’t wear makeup well, at all, at all ?), Mowgli (now there’s a sight: Mowgli as some Olde Pharte in his seventh decade. Pass the mind bleach, please. *heh*), Uncle Tom (again, no makeup — it’s not you; it’s me 😉 ), etc.

Why? I dunno. Just to provoke some lame brained (or brain-dirtied) idiot into mockable behaviors. Because.

Now you know why I no longer get invited to parties. Works for me. Too many people give me a rash.

Sometimes, I’m a Bit Slow. . .

All this time. *sigh* I just had the bright idea of saving some of my Open Document files that I want access to–just for the info I’ve stored–w/o having to open them in an office app in a different format (for quick reference). . . as html files. Bookmark the location on a NAS and I can make the info VERY quickly accessible.

Works on my LAN only, though, because I do NOT make local docs available over a WAN, no matter what security I can use. All my browsers, in all devices, are synced (yeh, cross-browser, cross OS), though, so it is very LAN-handy. Perhaps this sort of use is idiosyncratic, but it works for me, and it’s just an extra couple of keystrokes saving the doc in another format, then bookmarking it once. To access, open bookmarks, type in search term, bang!

Maybe it’s just me, as I implied above, but *shrugs* it does suit me.

Of course, I could save the odt (and other Open Document format) files as pdfs or plain text files (even Epub or other) for viewing in a web browser, but html works.

One Can Only Hope. . .

I have searched and searched (OK, occasionally and lackadaisically *heh*) for the source of the comment, “Let hope be not dismayed,” and found references that almost but do not match the lil five word sentence. It popped into my head and out of my mouth one day when someone said, “I hope you have a nice day,” but from whence I know not. Nevertheless, when hope is all one has, “let hope be not dismayed” is a worthy hope to pile on top of that hope, eh?

(Ps 69:6; Rom 8:24-25)

He Never Learns

Ya know, every time Olde Guye tomcat walks right UNDER my foot, then squawks ‘cos he made me step on him, I think, “Seventeen years old and he hasn’t learned yet? Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.”

Oh, well, he’s good at other things, like keeping my left leg warm. (His fav “lap” position isn’t actually in my lap, but snugged as closely as he can get to my left leg. Oh, sometimes he crawls into my lap, very, very sneakily, but his default location is purring on my left leg *shrugs* He’s a cat. He doesn’t have to “conform to standards.” *heh*)

The Difference Between “Uffda” and “Feeda”

Uffda and feeda are two words commonly used by folks of Norwegian extraction, and while they have some similarities in meaning, the differences were graphically illustrated for me in the summer of 1978, when I visited my Wonder Woman’s family in Minnesota for the first time. One afternoon, while there, my Wonder Woman’s sibs took us to see “Grease” at a local movie theater. The movie was OK, but the highlight of the day came as we exited the theater and made our way toward the car. A couple of guys were walking in front of us, and one of them pointed at some gum on the ground and said, “Uffda!” The other guy didn’t see it in time, stepped in it, lifted his foot and looked at the gum on his shoe and disgustedly said, “Feeda!”

So there you have it. If one merely _sees_ something unpleasant, the proper expression is “Uffda!” But if one _steps_ in it. . .

YW. 🙂

Sometimes Prayers Take Time Before Being Answered. . .

As a sign that good can come from fevered libtard minds, one of my favorite hymns was written by a guy who would be right at home in wacko Dhimmicrap/SJW swamps today. Fo gigure. I trust that, now, Harry Emerson Fosdick has the wisdom he penned his hymn asking for, wisdom he lacked in life.

God of Grace and God of Glory

1 God of grace and God of glory,
on thy people pour thy power;
crown thine ancient Church’s story;
bring her bud to glorious flower.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the facing of this hour,
for the facing of this hour.

2 Lo! the hosts of evil round us
scorn thy Christ, assail his ways!
From the fears that long have bound us
free our hearts to faith and praise:
grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the living of these days,
for the living of these days.

3 Cure thy children’s warring madness,
bend our pride to thy control;
shame our wanton, selfish gladness,
rich in things and poor in soul.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
lest we miss thy kingdom’s goal,
lest we miss thy kingdom’s goal.

A Week in Purgatory

Been fighting “the world’s worst cold” for a week, now. Started, as usual, as upper respiratory clogs, sniffles and wildly-flowing drainage, and soon settled into upper lungs.

Coughing lungs up for most of a week, flushing nasal passages multiple times daily, as much fluids as I can manage (was difficult swallowing for a few days there), no temp regulation to speak of (sweating like a horse while shivering, etc.), racing pulse, aches, etc. The works.

Glad I have had my flu and pneumonia shots! *heh*

On the mend. Only flushing nasal passages/sinuses a couple of times a day for the last couple of days, and have managed to sleep w/o coughing myself awake for four hour stretches at a time. MUCH improved! Now, about the mechanicking work I need to get to on Son&Heir’s car. . . (with him, not alone, but still. 🙂 Maybe. . . tomorrow. . . )

Amusing. . . and Possibly Significant?

A snippet of dialog from a book that begins with a female priest of the Church of England giving last rites to a dragon. . . (mind-bending, I know, but I guess ya hadda be there. . . or sumthin’ ):

“An archdeacon vampire with a soul,” I said weakly. “That’s going to be hard to believe.”

“I can believe that.”

“Because lots of people doubt that archdeacons have souls.”



Insightful and on target?

Which Is Worse?

Bed hair or hat hair?

Answer: neither, really, because neither are all that bad and are easily “fixed” by combing, and both are indicative of sound behaviors preceding their formation (bed hair: sleep; hat hair: wearing a hat: both Good Things 🙂 ).

What is bad is bed-hat hair, because it indicates laziness.