“Consensus Science” Isn’t. Science, That Is

Whenever I see or hear someone refer to “SettledScience®” or “consensus science” I think of the late 19th century when the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) here in the United States expressed concerns about the potential for the end of knowledge. Sadly, this is not a rare phenomenon in science, just a slight twist on the “We know it all; don’t bother us with anything new or contradictory” bent of “SettledScience®.”

Settled science or consensus science ain’t science. Settled science is a classic example of the kind of UNnatural stupidity that causes enormous harm. The most nefarious (and, I fear, widespread) form of stupidity is WILLFUL ignorance, and, due to conceptual and even pre-conceptual bias and the tendency among many to simply confirm their biases with “research,” this nefarious form of stupidity has always ALSO infected science.

In the public square, this frequently translates into “Scientism,” is a cultic adulation of “science” by fanbois who worship at the feet of “SettledScience®,” “scientific consensus” or other anti-scientific belief systems. And yes, the cult is, sadly, VERY widespread in our society.
Most people, let alone “Scientism” cultists, do not have the first clue about the scientific process and if asked about the value of falsification of a hypothesis versus replication and verification of a hypothesis (or any other aspect of the scientific process) would have no response but “Science!”

And unnaturally stupid self-made morons both abound and are the backbone of the electorate. No wonder the Framers sought to curb democratic impulses. Sadly. . . *sigh*

Voodoo Sciences

Bouncing off a post by LCAggie Sith at Hookers and Booze, this comment:

Jerry Pournelle’s essay on “Voodoo Sciences” should be read by every American with more active brain cells than a 10-year-old cracked cock of kimchi has. That, of course, excludes the electric sheep on the Left, automatons mimicking human behavior by parroting Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind memes, perhaps (no, probably; no, precicely) because they do NOT possess more active brain cells than a 10-year-old cracked cock of kimchi.

Pournelle’s essay really resonates with me. Sure, my degrees and most of my life’s work experiences are in fine arts (music) and humanities (history, philosophy, theology, literature, languages, etc.), but I had a serious crush on the science sciences early on and found statistics much more fascinating after a few semesters of calculus (because that experience made more of the formulas make sense). Now, after another 40+ years of observing the passing scene, Pournelle’s comments ring even truer.

Early in the essay, speaking about just one of the “voodoo sciences”, Pournelle commented,

“We have by law a Council of Economic Advisors to report to the president, while the Congress has its own staff of economists to tell them what they should do.

“From all the evidence I’ve seen, we’d do as well to give the president a Council of Voodoo Practitioners, and let the Congress consult its Chief Astrologer. In fact, I suspect that a chief hungan and mambo would do less harm than our present economists: we’d be less likely to take them seriously. However much our Chief Voodoo Advisor protested that his work was scientific, we’d demand some kind of track record, some evidence that his predictions might once in a while come true; while we impose no such burdens on economists, which is just as well, since their track record is one of universally dismal failure.”

Hmmm… new constitutional amendment? Bills should have clear objectives stated up front, and if the laws/regulations resulting can be shown to not obtain those objectives, then the laws/regulations go *poof*? Goodbye Headstart. Goodbye 99.999% of Department of Education and EPA mandates. Heck, goodbye roughly 85% of “feddle gummint” laws, regulations and “bureaucrappy”.

Balance the budget and reduce the debt quickly, that would, eh? Heck, putting “feddle gummint bureaucraps” and “law enfArcement” officers (primarily those engaged in blatant infringement of human/civil/constitutionally guaranteed rights via the unconstitutional “war on drugs”* and darned near every “security theater” law and regulation) on the dole would be less expensive than paying their salaries and benefits. Let them eat cake. Crow cake.

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