It’s Really Just a Slothful Willful Ignorance

Confusion about personal pronouns has abounded among the lazy and willfully ignorant (the most pernicious form of stupidity) for much longer than the current “gender fluidity” stupidity. A typical construction for someone stuck at a VERY low English fluency (let alone literacy) level, and yet I see it time and again in books, passed over by illiterate proofreaders and editors goes something like this: “We have done something bigger than you and I.” Really? Take the magic “and” as well as the other person out: “We have done something bigger than I” just looks and sounds stupid doesn’t it? It doesn’t get any less stupid looking and sounding by adding a magic “and.” Nope, “We have done something bigger than you and ME.”

Scaremongering is Affected by ALL Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind Organs

Yeh, Epoch Times attempts to position itself as a reliable, truthful reporting organ, but when it comes to the Wuhan Flu. it’s as much (or in some cases worse) an example of irresponsible scaremongering as any other Hivemind organ. Sample headline/”report”:

At Least 9,245 Americans Tested Positive for COVID-19 After Vaccination; 132 Dead

First off, since over 202 million doses of the vaccines* have been administered, and at least 100 million folks in the US have been fully vaccinated*, fewer than 10,000 cases among the “vaccinated” is far, far FEWER than the predicted (by experimental data) openly-stated stats for cases among vaccinated* folks. In fact, the best case predicted scenario would see 5% of the vaccinated* contract the disease, and rounding up the 9,245 reported cases to 10,000 would yield a percentage of 0.01%. Scary *yawn* And the number of reported deaths among such cases? 0.000132%. *BIG YAWN* Sure, those are deaths of real human beings, but the numbers are SERIOUSLY UNscary.

And who among those who have not been living under a rock (or have been drinking the Hivemind Koolaid) believes the numbers anyway?

“The numbers are an undercount because the CDC’s surveillance system is passive and relies on voluntary reporting from state health departments.”

*throws the bullshit flag* If the numbers are to be believed, a nation with 4.3% of the world population has suffered more than 20% of the world’s total COvid-19 deaths, and THAT, my friends, makes the numbers–all of them reporting on Covid-19, not merely questionable, but ludicrously so. The odds are very good that the numbers of cases of Covid-19 among those vaccinated* represent as huge an OVERCOUNT as the massively ludicrous overcount of Covid-19 deaths in the US. In fact, the overcount of US Covid-19 deaths approaches the level of monstrous fraud, unless numbers mean absolutely nothing.

*BTW, according to all the various legal and clinical definitions of “vaccine” only the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) offering is an actual vaccine. The other two with EUAs in the US are actually therapies, but since government and Hivemind propagandists rely on citizen illiteracy and stupidity, Merriam Webster has changed its definition of “vaccine” along with all the other words it’s changed meanings on to suit the Hivemind.


From a PJ Media article,

“Garcetti discussed his “defunding the police” plan of reducing the police funding by $150 million and moving another $100 million from other city budgetary priorities to hand over to the mobs for special placative programs.”

Because paying “protection money” to thugs works so very well, as Kipling noted:

A.D. 980-1016

It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation
To call upon a neighbour and to say: —
“We invaded you last night–we are quite prepared to fight,
Unless you pay us cash to go away.”

And that is called asking for Dane-geld,
And the people who ask it explain
That you’ve only to pay ’em the Dane-geld
And then you’ll get rid of the Dane!

It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: —
“Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away.”

And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we’ve proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.

It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
For fear they should succumb and go astray;
So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,
You will find it better policy to say: —

“We never pay any-one Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost;
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that pays it is lost!”

Interested in “Climate Change”?

If you have any interest in “climate change” at all, then you probably fall into one of two classes of persons interested in “climate change.” One class is comprised of folks who want hard numbers and replicable, real world research to verify or falsify hypotheses (or just refine wild-assed guesses so that hypotheses can be formed and tested). This class can contain both people whose personal inclination is to believe that anthropogenic climate change is real and potentially catastrophic, and those who doubt such a proposition.

As long as the above class seeks to gather hard numbers and perform well-designed, replicable research, then their interest is legitimate and to be lauded, no matter what they are predisposed to believe.

Then there is the second class: those who seem to belong to the Cult of Anthropogenic Climate Alarmism. CACA acolytes DGARA about facts, replicable testing, etc., but simply have “faith” that mankind is killing Mother Earth. Because dogma.

Now, it they weren’t trying to compel folks to conform to CACA dogma against their consciences, they’d just be kooks. But these kooks are dangerous. And to compel others to conform to their religious beliefs is evil. Since CACA acolytes almost uniformly seek to impose their indefensible (a fair description, because I have yet to see or hear a defense of CACA dogma using replicable research based on verifiable, undoctored facts) beliefs on those they deem to be unbelievers, regardless of any reasons for scepticism. Indeed. condemnation of scepticism alone is enough to condemn this class of persons, because science without scepticism is just. . . unfounded dogma.

I Believe This View Has Some Merit

Note again: I do not like TRump and would not invite him for dinner or even want to be invited to dinner with him. I don’t need to like him to note that he has done more good for common Americans than the last three or four presidents combined. Hate to admit it, but still, facts are facts. The post linked below was written almost nine months ago. I just saw it the other day, and I’ve taken a couple of days to digest it.

“Everyone Is Smart, Except Donald Trump:” Rabbi Dov Fischer

Read the whole thing.

“Gun Violence” *mhwa*

[Extracted from a ub-thread of a discussion discussing the disparate topics of “mass shootings” and wrongful shootings by cops.]

To whatever extent wrongful shootings by police exists (and any is a Very Bad Thing, IMO), it can more easily be explained by Lord Acton’s pithy comment, Rudyard Kipling’s “General Summary,” or even the theological concept of universal moral depravity. Humans being what we are, any group of people is going to have apples that are, urm, “badder” than the norm, and unfortunately, there are bad apples in government jobs at almost any level (LEOs, run-of-the-mill bureaucraps, public “persecutors,” politicians, and corrupt judges), and they ARE be a problem, universally, to some degree or another. How to deal with the bad apples without crucifying the “less bad,” maybe even marginally OK apples? (“Marginally OK” because as long as their PEERS do not stop them, the “badder apples” will find it easier to abuse their authority.)

Well, that’s the nut, isn’t it?

Qui custodit ipsos custodes?

But as for being a “problem with guns,” well, it’s the same answer as to the issue of “gun violence.” Guns do not commit violent acts. People do. One way (really, AFAIK, the only legitimate way for governments that are not supposed to infringe on natural rights but protect them) is to make the punishments for serious violent acts serious punishment, pour encourager les autres, as it were, and those punishments should apply to ALL, with no weasel room for LEOs to argue “qualified immunity.” (“So I shot the guy seven times. I thought that UNARMED MAN SPREADEAGLED ON THE FLOOR was a threat, and how was I to know that I busted down the door at the wrong address? Qualified immunity” “Well, I thought that baby she was holding was a deadly weapons, so I killed her.” Qualified immunity. Etc.)

But, demanding that our faux “nobility” give up special privileges just isn’t going to fly, I don’t think. *sigh* Meanwhile, anti-gun folks argue that citizens should surrender their rights because of an almost vanishingly small number of bad actors. *smh*

Yet Another Ill to Lay, at Least in Part, at the Feet of the Internet

*smh* Self-pub writers who just HAVE to “write” a book, but who have no interest in becoming literate enough to avoid felonious assaults on the English language just give me a rash. It’s not that hard, for example, to learn the differences between “go” and “come,” or “take” and “bring,” or that plural subjects take verbs that indicate, urm, you know, MORE THAN ONE, etc. But wannabe subliterate self-pub writers (there are good self-pub writers) have another major flaw: they usually seem to have an overabundance of confidence in their subliterate writing, and avoid literate proofreaders and editors like the plague.

(Aside: it’s often a Very Bad Sign when a self-pub writer thanks his mom for “critiquing” his book. As a matter of fact, in my experience, it’s a 100%, dead certain indication that the writing will stink up whatever room the book’s read in.)

This is not a good thing.

Wanna “Make a Difference”?

Every time I read or hear someone say “I want to make a difference in the world” with no real qualifier denoting WHAT they want to affect and HOW, I feel an urge to toss my cookies.

HITLER “made a difference in the world,” So did STALIN, and POL POT, and RACHEL CARSON and MOHAMMED — mass murderers one and all.

What KIND of difference do you want to make to WHAT set of conditions? If those bare parameters aren’t defined, then please just stay home and sit on your butt. That way, the “difference” you make will at least not actively harm others.