Dug out a holster I have rarely used and customized it a bit. I’ll use it, now.
How Powerfully Polarizing IS CwaZy (pervy, racist) UnKa JoE, ZOMBIE POOPY-PANTS President in Name Only?
This powerfully polarizing: after 46 years of marriage to my Wonder Woman wherein I have been the “politically aware/concerned” partner, she has now become radicalized. Well, not in the sense that insane Dhimmicraps and other leftards use the term, but radicalized nonetheless. She spends much of her time searching the web for FACTS about what political leaders actually say and do (RADICAL!), listens to and watches videos of both talking heads and of actual statements/behaviors of political leaders, rather than trusting quotes of their statements by Hivemind Podpeople (and, as often as not, finding the Podpeople have constructed lies from partial quotes. Of course).
She used to spend her discretionary time watching TV or shows on the web, in reading professional development books, taking classes, attending seminars, etc., but CwaZy (pervy, racist) UnKa JoE, ZOMBIE POOPY-PANTS President in Name Only and his Fellowship of Evil Clowns have radicalized her.
I have yet to decide whether that is for the better or not. . . but then, it remains her choice and her decision about whether it’s a good thing or not.
This Product Could Make a Killing in the Right Market
Saw an ad for an “Alien Invasion Starter Pack.” Hmmm, seems like that would sell well in Mexico. . .
Playing Cops-n-Citizens
SO, two converging trends: tattoos and LEOs (Yes, I have seen a growing percentage of LEOs with tattoos; N.B. my data set is limited and may be idiosyncratic). Multiple studies have linked visible tattoos and low impulse control (causative factors are still being explored, so there are only correlations noted so far).
I do not like these two trends being associated with each other. Maye it’s just me.
I Think the Guy’s Motto Was, “Who can I kill today?”
Seriously. Either that, or a drunk, drugged, lobotomized chimpanzee was driving that 18-wheeler.
Setting: rural state highway, no breakdown lane, fairly deep bar ditches on both sides. Winding road in hilly Ozark area.
Situation: 0-Dark-30. 18-wheeler going ~30mph on 55mph road (holdover from double nickel days on once higher speed limit highway), driver taking his half out of the middle around blind curves, up blind hills, wandering over the mid-line whenever a passing stripe appears, blocking the line of vehicles (18-wheelers and cars) from passing at every opportunity.
And folks wonder why road rage exists. Maybe some of it exists, because there are people like this out there TRYING to kill folks.
Oh, and the precious cargo? Bales of cardboard.
Don’t be this guy.
Terminally Stupid Quora Questions
I used to think FarceBook and TwitPost were the best “stupid traps” on the interwebs, but Quora has begun to convince me otherwise. For example, a recent question:
Why does Grace O’Malley-Kumar’s mother believe there should be mandatory prison terms for knife carrying?
(Recap, some goblin in Nottingham, England, attacked a teen with a knife as she tried to protect a friend, killing her.)
My answer to this stupid question is,
Because she stupidly blames the tool for the actions of the killer. Banning the carrying of knives is as stupid as banning guns. Only those who intend no harm to others will comply. Those who intend to harm others will not comply. After all, they already intend to break the law with acts of violence.
What should be done instead is for the killer (whom I will not name, because spreading his name just adds to his “fame”) to be executed using the same means he used to kill Grace. Publicly. Videoed and broadcast regularly as a warning to other goblins. (BTW, that is how drunk drivers who kill someone should be executed: by having their car – or its remains – dropped on them until they are road paste. Again, videoed and shown as a warning to drunks who choose to drive.)
How to Clean Up Our Society
Bring back dueling.
If challenged to a duel, I’d pick having one arm duct taped to one of my challenger’s arms and each have their selection of knives. I’d kinda have to “Eeny-meeny-miney-mo” between a 11” bladed Bowie knife, an 11” German fireman’s dagger (ca. 1930-ish), or a Ka-Bar with a tiny 7”-8” blade. Hmmm, then there’s the 12” bladed Khukri. . . Choices, choices. . .:-)
Loser to pay for his own funeral.
It’s an idea. It does have a few holes. Congresscritters are generally too craven for a duel. That’s one problem. Others?
The Right Tool for the Job
You have one knife on your person. Good for you. Two is better. Three is better still. More, if you want to have self-defense options that include edged tools/weapons. No, really. Close range knife “fights” mean BOTH will be wounded. If not defending against a firearm, ranged knife defense – practice throwing knives? Sure – can be an exceptionally effective option.
Note: knife wounds are more likely to result in fatalities, so make absolutely certain you cannot remove yourself from danger without seriously wounding an aggressor.
Aside from self-defense options, knives are pretty close to being the ultimate “frustration-free packaging” tools, among many, many other uses, and the right knife for the job can make a big difference.
Nopers. Not for Me.
Saw a posting for what is quite likely an otherwise worthwhile event, but even if I were to desire to attend, I could not, because I have a firm policy against exclusion of knives (and by extension ANY exclusion of items that can be used for self-defense, because such is an inherent right). And, guess what? The venue not only excludes ALL knives (no matter size, design, or purpose) but excludes a lot of other things that, well, only Koolaid drinkers would approve of.
Yeh, I don’t fly, either (and I’d have to to make the event. Or rather, I will not, because Thugs Standing Around are just Security Kabuki, laced with cover for Official Thievery. Sure, it limits some of my options, but not any that are really important.
Obfuscation, a PERSEC Device
PERSEC, INFOSEC, even OPSEC: fields to consider when using one’s Internet-connected computation devices (including phones). VPNs, TOR browsing, defeat of various tracking methods etc., are some standard tools, but do not underestimate sowing disinformation.
For one small example, Amazon has a record of ~8,500 books I have “bought” for my Kindles. Of course, MOST of those are freebies, and an [undisclosed] number of those are books I have absolutely no interest in at all (though I do fake having read ’em by “jumping” on through til I reach the end). This ensures that Amazon will keep pitching books to me that I have no interest in reading, demonstrating the company’s lack of true knowledge of my interest areas. (I do download a lot of PD books elsewhere while in TOR sessions, though.)
That’s just an example. There are others. It cheers my heart whenever a company sends my junk mail addresses emails touting things that “will interest me” demonstrating that a particular set of disinformation has taken root.
And now you get to wonder what part(s) of this post is(are) disinformation. . . 🙂