Unnecessary Duplication

I used to subscribe to “news” from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, but I realized that subscribing to “CACA* Accolyte News” for opposition research wasn’t necessary, since CACA* dogma is endemnic in Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind propaganda, so. . .

*CACA = Cult of Anthropogenic Climate Alarmism; also, just plain old everyday caca.

“You Can Always Tell a Delusional Person. . .

. . .but you can almost never tell them anything that will puncture their delusions.” — third world county™

Every time I see “climate change”–or whatever the propaganda term du jour might be–written seriously, I *smh*. CACAs (adherents of the Cult of Anthropogenic Climate Alarmism) are either delusional or outright bald-faced liars, one and all. Point out verifiable facts to such persons and the liars only scream louder while the delusional ones either join them in irrational wails of faux outrage or put their (metaphorical. . . usually) fingers i their ears and chant nonsense.