Interesting Training Aid

I like. Where this (and other sims) fall short is haptic feedback. Still probably useful, though, as a step up from dry fire exercises and, long term, perhaps less expensive than spending tons of ammunition for completely realistic (because, REAL *heh*) experience at the range or in the field. Out of my comfort zone for $$ expenditure, though. $$ better spent on more RW equipment in my case.

Gaim training Sim hardware/software

Playing Cops-n-Citizens

SO, two converging trends: tattoos and LEOs (Yes, I have seen a growing percentage of LEOs with tattoos; N.B. my data set is limited and may be idiosyncratic). Multiple studies have linked visible tattoos and low impulse control (causative factors are still being explored, so there are only correlations noted so far).

I do not like these two trends being associated with each other. Maye it’s just me.

[sarc /on] Thank You, Department of Injustice [sarc /off]

Read a quick lil novel that’s a fantasy about justice served on Antifa (and similar) thugs in the wake of the 2020 riots. . . after those thugs were released and given pats on the head for looting, burning, and outright murder. It’s a little like a weak version of John Ross’s “Unintended Consequences.” Not sure those are healthy fantasies to harbor, though. Such things, once out in the wild, might well progress beyond being fantasy.

Still, it would be nice for justice to be more than a fantasy that seems more and more to be denied a place in reality. We can, at least in part, thank organized government crime like that perpetrated by the Felonious Barony of Iniquity and its parent organization, the Department of Injustice for much of the anarcho-tyranny leading to so much else in government following their examples.

According to Congress (and All the Other Crooks), Those Words Do Not Mean What They Mean

The idea that laws only apply to “the little people” is EXACTLY what the Framers wanted to avert with Article I Section 9 Clause 8 and and Article I Section 10 Clause 1 of the Constitution, denying both the feds and the states the power to grant titles of nobility. Of course, our “betters” have decided to arrogate unto themselves the PRIVILEGES and POWERS of “nobility” without the titles themselves. Because they can. Hence lawmakers immune to the laws they impose and law enFARCErs with *cough* “qualified” *cough* immunity (which means in practice, anything their allies in crime let them get away with).

Neighborhood Watch

[N.B. Sorta-kinda-halfway tongue in cheek?]

Home Made Mortars?

No neighborhood watch should be without one. Or five.

(For when the Felonious Barony of Iniquity parks 1/4 mile away before launching yet ANOTHER illegitimate assault on a citizen’s inalienable rights? Maaaaaybe. . . 😉 )

Defining Terms

Dhimmi: person living in a region overrun by Muslim conquest who pays “protection money” to the Islamic extortion racket in order to maintain a mere semblance of natural rights regularly abrogated by tyrannical Muslim rule.

Taxpayer: a person living in a region overrun by statist anarcho-tyrannists who pays “protection money” to a “gummint” extortion racket in order to maintain a mere semblance of natural rights regularly abrogated by statist anarcho-tyrannists.

Circumventing the Constitution is Child’s Play

Example: Article 1 Sections 9/10 include the statements, “No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States. . . ” and “No state shall. . . grant any title of nobility.”

Of course, there is an easy *wink-wink-nudge-nudge* workaround for this. The privileges, exemptions, and immunities associated with “titles of nobility” are all granted certain classes of persons now, while avoiding actual titles associated with “nobility” and substituting other titles, such as Congressman, police officer, prosecutor, judge, drivers license clerks, etc., etc., ad nauseum. See? no “titles of nobility” granted, just all the powers and privileges thereof.

Because, as we all know, some animals are more equal than others.


Re: Current Events

THIS seems to explain much in the current scene:

“Anarcho-tyranny is a concept, where the state is argued to be more interested in controlling citizens so that they do not oppose the managerial class (tyranny) rather than controlling real criminals (causing anarchy). Laws are argued to be enforced only selectively, depending on what is perceived to be beneficial for the ruling elite.”