SPAM note

I’m away from my computers, so I’ll add to this later. Feel free to come back for a special addition *heh*

Funny thing, since I upgraded to the latest-greatest WordPress, my SPAM queue has had dropped by a factor of at least 100, from 1,000s of SPAMs in the queue per day to tens.

Or maybe it’s just that SPAMmers have decided to give me a break.

*ROFLKASTMAFO* Yeh, that’ll happen.

(Funnier still, my email inbox has dropped in the last couple of days from several hundreds/day to well under 100–I don’t think even 50. Hmmm… I need to change my deoderant, perhaps?)

UPDATE: Here’s the specil treat add-on:

Debian 4.0–first impressions

Well, the thing’s installing now. Slick as goose grease, so far. The “net install” download’s definitely the way to go, if one has a broadband connection, IMO. Instead of 21 CDs (or a short stack of DVDs) to download and burn, just a “small” ~150MB download (well, small as contemporary OS installations go) and then let it pull the rest of whatever you require beyond the bare basic install directly from the web as it installs.

Nice, clean, clear installation that any moderately literate person–even a newbie–could follow easily. Of course, that may exclude up to 70% of recent college graduates… *heh*

Going into the first boot after install now. Everything looking good. Let’s just see what the default desktop environment looks like.

Continue reading “Debian 4.0–first impressions”

“…thought is half murdered…”

I frequently catch myself typing words that would be (properly, justly) skewered by Clive james. Just read, The Continuing Insult to the English Language for examples not found at twc (there’s one!) before searching for easily-found examples here.


The characteristic sentence on the web is transmitted in a nano-second across the world and then slows to a crawl within the reader’s brain, almost always because the grammar is out of whack: vocabulary is abundant, but its analytical deployment is an approximate mess.

Yeh, what he said. 😉

Oh, and about the post title: can someone point me to the rest of the quote from “The Prophet”? *g* Not that important. I (gladly) “lost” my own copy years ago, but dribs and drabs of the thing have stuck to me.

Trackposted to Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Perri Nelson’s Website, Woman Honor Thyself, , Blue Star Chronicles, The Right Nation, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Haul Down the Flag, Boys!/Weekend Linkfest

Vicente Fox’s lapdog is, of course, now Felipe Calderon’s lapdog. You know the Republic’s in for hard times defending its sovreignty when discord breaks out between the White House and Teddy Kennedy, because Kennedy’s proposed legislation is too tough on illegals…


As Fred Thompson said recently while sitting in for Paul Harvey,

I think its time for a little plain talk to the leaders of Mexico. Something like:

hey guys, you’re our friends and neighbors and we love you but it’s time you had a little dose of reality. A sovereign nation loses that status if it cannot secure its own borders and we are going to do whatever is necessary to do so, although our policies won’t be as harsh as yours are along your southern border. And criticizing the U.S. for alternately doing too much and too little to stop your illegal activities is not going to set too well with Americans of good will who are trying to figure a way out of the mess that your and our open borders policy has already created.My friends, it’s also time for a little introspection. Since we all agree that improving Mexico’s economy will help with the illegal-immigration problem, you might want to consider your own left-of -center policies. For example, nationalized industries are not known for enhancing economic growth. Just a thought. But here’s something even more to the point that you might want to think about: What does it say about the leadership of a country when that country’s economy and politics are dependent upon the exportation of its own citizens?

Mexico is phenomenally wealthy in natural resources–at least as wealthy per capita as the U.S., and perhaps even more so. So why is it still an “emerging country”? Quite simply because of the4 greedy ricos who run the place. It’s time we stopped playing Daddy Warbucks for the ricos who run Mexico and practice a little “tough love” by letting them know, “No more free lunch, bubbas. It’s time you stopped sitting on that gold mine and started really working it.”

But that’s not a message you’ll hear from the tax (everyone but our class) and spend (on everyone except those who produce) politicians *spit* or from Vicente Fox’s lapdog now that he’s found a new master.

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T-13, 1.27: Thirteen Things I Said…

…and almost said (OK, thought) when confronted with my broken blog this a.m. and while fiddlin’ with the thing…

1. #$%*& #*%^�$!!!

2. *sigh*

3. *heh*

4. What?!?!

5. WTF?!?!?

6. *profound sigh*

7. More coffee!


9. Are you KIDDING me?

10. *LOL*

11. Oh, well…

12. *sigh* I’ve been meaning to clean up this mess anyway…

13. *slaps head* Was THAT all it was?

“Confession is good for the soul and bad for the reputation.”–W.W. 

Cofessed at the Thursday Thirteen Hub and Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Allie Is Wired, basil’s blog, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, High Desert Wanderer, Pursuing Holiness, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

I’m Officially Stumped

[NOTE: twc is devolving to limited functionality and probably extreme wonkiness, perhaps all the way to complete DOA today as I attempt to TS the issue outlined below… as I have time.]

At a loss. At sea. Baffled.

If you’re looking for some trenchant commentary on the passing scene, you CLICKed in on the wrong day.

Returning readers know my side columns don’t ordinarily have as much white (OK, yellow) space as they’re showing today. At least it’s better than yesterday, when the entire right column was blank… because the right column was superimposed over the left column.

And I’m stumped. I’ve compared my .css and .php files now in place to known good archives, line by line, and they’re the same, as far as I can determine.

I removed the post immediately previous to this one, since the problem manifested immediately after posting it*, and that seemed to fix things… until I let the site fully reload and… Capn Bob’s animated graphic is missing on the left (it’s there in the leftcolumn.php) and darned near all of my right column is just… not loading.

So, what have I missed, folks?

Helpful answers get a cookie. No, sorry: not one you can eat. I’ll send you a virtual cookie.


Update: As you can see, it’s getting there, slowly. Patience. Still have to input all the blogrolls and other sidebar info, a bit at a time between other (mostly ofline, so-called “RW” *heh*) chores. Patience.

Update 2: *sigh* The little foxes are at work. Presenting problem fixed (and may not even have been my problem to begin with–see comment #2), and now I have all the little glitches introduced by upgrading WP and switching themes to stomp out. Eventually. I hope. Probably. Maybe. *heh*

*Yeh, yeh, “post hoc ergo propter hoc“–but even when I found nothing in the post source code to indicate it was the problem and removed it anyway, at least the right column moved back over to the right side… though it’s still not displaying properly. Usually this sort of thing is due to a misplaced “div” tag or some such, but, as I said, I simply cannot find any changes in my template files from known good archive copies, and I find nothing amiss in recent posts (and yes, bad code in posts can screw things up pretty weirdly on the whole front page), so, as I said, I’m stumped… And I’m repetitiously and redundantly repeating myself again. *heh*

Mac “Pwned”

[Yeh, this is a repost of one I took down… and as it turned out, didn’t need to. And I know all the tb pings to the folks listed below are now invalid/broken, but hey, ya know, they were kind enough to provide me with some flogging, so they deserve the linkage from here. And yeh, Perri, I lost your insightful comment. ‘S’way it goes…]

But, but Macs are inherently secure, aren’t they? I mean, don’t the recent Mac ads tout the lack of a need to be security-conscious?


Mac Hacked by QuickTime Bug “As Serious as ANI”

Researchers have confirmed that a QuickTime bug was the Achilles heel that felled a MacBook Pro last week in the Pwn-2-Own contest at the CanSecWest security conference…

…the vulnerability affects not only Safari but also Firefox on Mac OS X. Firefox on Windows may also be at risk…

Oooo, so Macs share a vulnerability with Windows. *heh* Don’t tell the Macrophiles; they’ll be afraid they’ll get cooties. Much as it pains me to admit it, here’s one place where Internet Exploder, in its most recent evil incarnation, betters some of the competition:

…Terri Forslof, manager of security response at TippingPoint, confirmed with me today that any Java-enabled browser is potentially vulnerable. Internet Explorer is not, she said, given its sandbox feature, which “does handle the vulnerability appropriately,” she said.

Opera 6 and 7 had a similar vulnerability in the way they handled Java (patched by Opera almost immediately when discovered), but so far, I think Opera 9 is clear. Any folks know differently? At any rate, the root problem is… QuickTime itself. And, as everyone knows, that makes it a Mac OS problems…

Because Quicktime is installed on the Mac operating system by default, turned on and ready to go, it’s comparable to a Windows media player [sic] bug, she [Forslof] said. “Even though it’s not the main system you compromise, you still own the whole system when you do compromise it. It’s every bit as serious.”

I’ve always hated QuickTime for its rude pre-empting of system preferences and annoying insistence that IT be the default media player, etc., but with multiple security holes discovered in the thing just this year coupled with Apple’s rude, obscurantist and unnecessarily complex patch procedure–unless one is a Mac user, as are about, oh, maybe 1/10 of QuickTime users–has made my move to having a different media player default for playing movs even sweeter.

So, Apple: :-p

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Blog @, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, Maggie’s Notebook, basil’s blog, The Pet Haven Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Conservative Thoughts, Pursuing Holiness, The Magical Rose Garden, Faultline USA, stikNstein… has no mercy, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, , CORSARI D’ITALIA, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Wednesday OTA/How much would you pay?

Apparently the going-outa-business prices at ComUSA for Vista are attractive to some:

Vista Home Basic Upgrade just $59.99 instead of $99.99

Vista Home Premium Upgrade just $99.99 instead of $159.99

Vista Business Upgrade just $119.98 instead of $199.98

Vista Home Premium (full version) just $143.99 instead of $239.99

The article linked above asks, “What would you pay for Vista?”

My answer, about $3.00. After all, I do live in America’s Third World County…

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