Cat Cleaner

I am considering putting “cleaning pads” on Cat #2 (A/K/A “CATrina), since she has taken up “sharpening her (non-existant*“>*) claws on the glass of our French doors.

* Reluctantly declawed on front because she would NOT stop climbing my Wonder Woman’s drapes. She’s still a pip, though.

Another Trip to Serendip

(As noted on this blog before, and sung to “Mohammed Ali (floats like a butterfly, etc.)”)

“Katrina, Katrina the cat,
Floats like a butterball, ‘cos she is fat. . . ”

She also had a couple of other issues that have improved in recent months, but not completely disappeared: many, many skin bumps (no detected insect infestation, though frequent flea/lice comb uses) and pretty common vomiting. Still ate like a horse–her food and the other cats’–and kept the pounds packed on, though. Tried lots of things, including diet variations and topical skin treatments (which resulted in angry red rashes abating, but not in eliminating the irritations or the skin blemishes entirely). In fact, thanks to the abatement of the angry rashes, which had seemed to quite literally drive her insane–seriously!–she seemed quite happy, apart from the skin bumps and the irritation they caused her, along with the vomiting.

Other problem: finding a food our 18-year-old male cat would eat more than one bowl of. Sure, new bag of food or new can (of new kind), and he’d eat some while it was “new” to him, but then turn his nose up on further offerings. And we had tried all kinds of the expensive stuff.

So, my Wonder Woman saw a bag of dry food that proclaimed it was for sensitive skin and stomachs. Not even expensive. “Why not?” we thought.

He has liked it for three weeks now. And Katrina’s skin and stomach issues? No vomiting from the first serving on, and within a week of starting on the new food, the skin blemishes almost completely disappeared. Now? Gone.

Hadn’t even hoped that the food would appeal to the old guy, and had little hope it would impact katrina’s issues, but there you are: both positively affected.

Oh, and Pixel (lil rescue kitty)? Makes no difference to her. She already ate anything we put down for her (although she more eagerly eats dry food. *shrugs* go figure) and had no apparent stomach or skin problems. She likes the new food anyway.

Happy trip to Serendip.

Cleanliness is Next to. . . “Catliness”?

While our other two cats are “handleable” in a tub or sink of warm water (neither like it, but they will submit to baths), I’m not even going to try bathing Pixel–lil rescue kitty–given the way she fights even just being picked up. Oh, she does lurv climbing in my lap of her own volition, and will even allow me to carry her without much of a fuss, for a very short time, IF she has first climbed into my lap and been properly attended to for a while, but being picked up is a no-no.

But. Bath. Ah!

Unscented “baby wipes.” (Found some for a buck at my fav “fell off the back of a truck” store, so. . . )

Yep. It was just more petting, to her.

That was last night. She’s sooooo fluffy today. *heh*


Our Olde Ginger Tomcat has for nearly all his life wanted to stretch out beside me, about as close as he could tuck in whenever I sat in anything that provided the room to do so, but not sought to be a lap cat. . . until recently. Now, if I’m sitting and there’s room between a laptop and my torso to allow a lap, he will crawl in and give me “lap massages” with spontaneous purring, whether I pet him or not.

Passages of life for an Olde Tom, I guess.

Meanwhile, taking up almost his former positioning (but with a cat’s width space away), Lil Rescue Kitty will lay there cooing like a dove. Sometimes the Olde Guye will slip between and take up his former preferred position, but just sometimes.

It does make typing on a notebook. . . interesting when he gets fully across my lap. He seems to think my typing motions are petting motions and butts my wrists. Some interesting “head butt typos” sometimes result.

Aaaaaand now, after 30 minutes of “lap time,” he’s decided to head for “his space” beside my left leg. He’ll now probably stay there until I head off to get some tasks done away from the computer. No purring now, though.

Olde Guye 10 years ago: