Too Little, Too Late

Almost helpful info from “ready-dot-gov.”

First of all, it seems this page was posted sometime after the pan(dem)ic went, urm, viral, so the section, “Before a Pandemic” seems a bit useless, at this time. Then, there’s the actual content of the section beginning with,

  • Store a two week supply of water and food.

TWO WEEKS? That’s not preparation for any sort of emergency. It’s just menu planning for a couple of weeks. And “Store a two week supply of. . . water”? At a bare minimum of one gallon/day per person, that’d be 28 gallons for two people. And then what? Nope. Have multiple ways to purify water and a continual supply source available ( for example, know where a relatively clear natural water source is to start with and have filtration and purification means on hand).

  • Periodically check your regular prescription drugs to ensure a continuous supply in your home.

Yeh, no help for most folks on prescription meds because of restrictions on refills (small amounts covering short time frames, typically a month if not a schedule 1 drug, often less if it is). If an emergency lasts more than a couple of weeks, folks could start dropping like flies, cos no refills on essential meds.

This is good, though–and could apply to homebound (for health reasons) or elderly folks you know on top of family:

  • Talk with family members and loved ones about how they would be cared for if they got sick, or what will be needed to care for them in your home.

The section on “During a Pandemic” is useful, especially for folks who missed out on their ration of common sense, ‘cos they thought they hears “fitty cents” and skipped getting any.