Sometimes, the Little Things Make a Difference

This lil walking stick/chair combo is really cool. Bad knee means I sometimes need a cane or walking stick to get around, and STANDING around can be a real pain, so


(The “Ta-Da!” link above isn’t an affiliate link; I benefit from posting it only in warm fuzzies. *heh*)

Of course, I don’t know how many folks would want one at the $190 price. I got mine at my fav “fell off the back of a truck” store, so. . .

At any rate, I really like mine, even though my only choice was blue. ¯\_(?)_/¯

Quick Mini-Tip

Lil mini-tip: So, ya reached for a pencil to mark your cut and. . . where’d the dang thing go?!? Oh, well, either waste time looking for it, or pull a round from one of your speedloaders or mags and mark that board. Simple, right? A nice lil time-saver.

More on New Guy

*huh* New Guy pup will be 5 months old come Sunday. Growing like a weed and into everything he can get to! Not so bad outside, but we are making him into an inside/outside dog, and, ya know that facial tissue ya missed the trashcan throw with? Yeh, it’s a race to pick it up before him. He has also found that my “Poang” ottoman is a great way for him to stay on top of my feet when I’m at the keyboard. *heh*

Still, as active as he is, he continues to have about an eighteen hour zonked out time every day (in bits and pieces, with eight hours—broken into a couple of four-hour chunks—in his “transition to crate” sleep area).

A few commands are working their way into his repertoire, but some behaviors (jumping on folks is worst) are only very, very slowly coming under control. Ah, but he’s a real people person/lover boy, and finds people to be MUCH more interesting than his toys. I expect he will be a zero as a watch dog, though. ¯\_(?)_/¯

Passing Shot. . . and a Hit?

You know that phrase in The Ultimate Flame, “I would rather bathe with Hitler than be seen with you*”? Yeh, that’s how the current crop of Dhimmicraps make me feel.

*Cut from recent iterations of the late 1980s version.

Democracy in America

There are many reasons the Founders and Framers eschewed democracy as the framework for a national government and included instead elements of democracy within a republican framework. Still, along with its many flaws, democracy does have its shining golden moments. . .

Looking for the silver lining, I recall Alexis de Tocqueville’s comments on American society depending on voluntary associations and then I see all the VOLUNTEER efforts of private citizens in NC, etc., naturally contrasted with “feddle gummint” incompetence (that looks for all the world more like indifference, that most malicious of hates), and think to myself, “What do we REALLY need government for? Whatever it is, it ain’t this.”

R.I.P. Best Boy Ever; Welcome On Board, New Guy

New puppy is seriously cutting into my reading time. . . and also seriously increasing my exercise time. Ah, but that’s all to the good.

Transition from outside-only (4 month old Australian Shepherd* pup) to mixed in/out going well. One “accident” on day 1, mostly from nerves/excitement but has responded very well to, first, hourly, then extended time inside/outside, etc. Have the training treats helped? Maaaayyybe. He pays his water bill in the middle of the night just like I do. (Slightly extended “water bill” time to calm him down after his trip outside).

Other: consistent response to new name by end of first full day (smart dog? Could be). Buffaloed by my cat (my Wonder Woman’s cat? Not so much), but as she adapts to CHANGE (very conservative cat), her “brutality” is decreasing—*heh*—and his fear is lessening. We’ll see, eh?

Still missing Best Boy Ever and have to stop myself doing my mom’s thing (calling New Guy by Best Boy Ever’s name), but even though we were offered this pup far sooner than we would have elected on our own to get another dog, he’s helping ease that loss a bit. Just a bit. And the “ghost” of Best Boy Ever is a good trainer’s coach.

Ah! Minor victory. At last he is comfortable going out and descending from the upper deck to the yard below, alone. I can let him spend a wee bit of time roaming the (fenced) back yard alone, then join him for another “exercise session.” *heh*

*Yeh, I know the breed doesn’t come from Australia but was developed (?) in California toward the end of the 19th Century from mysterious antecedents. Still the name of the breed.

Handy Tip

You know how you can tell a so-called “conspiracy theorist” is “carrying concealed,” don’t you? Yeh, you cannot see their weapon, therefore it is concealed, right? *heh*


Random Observation

Rap “music” is the result of throwing Hip Hop into a BlentTec blender along with a soupçon of raw sewage and a “whole buncha lotta” Premium Stupid®.

That is all. For now.

ISO. . .

Hmmm. . . ISO 1950s vintage IH pickup with Ford F-Series W6695 paint job to re-badge as a Tonka Truck. . . *heh* ??

Ooooo! Wait! Maybe Line-X has a Tonka Yellow-compatible color!