This One’s Almost a Recipe


I made a new BBQ sauce the other day.

    3 Roma tomatoes, quartered
    1/2 large Vidalia onion, roughly chopped
    2 cloves of garlic
    1/4 C balsamic vinegar
    1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
    3 dime-sized dollops of AwesomeSauce–edit: I noted and linked the –wrong hot sauce; it’s Dave’s Insanity Sauce–hot sauce

Put everything but the vinegars a in a food processor and whir away until all is very finely minced.

Dump that and the vinegars in a saucepan, then add the Dave’s Insanity Sauce and stir. Bring it to a boil, then back it off and let it simmer a while. How long? I dunno. I think I let it go about 30 minutes. Oh, I added a little olive oil, which I didn’t bother to measure–probably 3 tablespoonsful–to the saucepan before adding the other ingredients.

Meanwhile, microwave a pint jar full of water until the water’s boiling well. Just before th next step, pour some of the boiling water to cover a lid (use a lid-and-ring Ball-or-Mason-type jar). It’s not going to really be water bath canning, cos it’s going straight into the fridge, but this will lessen the chances of contamination with something nasty.

When you think it’s pretty well come together and the tomatoes, especially, are cooked, dump it all back in the food processor and whir it until it’s smooth. Dump it, still hot, into the hot jar, cover with the lid and screw down the ring. Refrigerate. It’ll keep just as long as it takes to use it up, I suspect. It went very nicely on last night’s grilled burgers (just for Son&Heir and I–my Wonder Woman doesn’t partake of Holy Hotitudinousness *heh*).

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