One Thing to Like About Kindle for PC

while I generally don’t much care for the formatting, pagination, text sizing options, etc., in the Kindle for PC app, I do like that fact that I can go from one device to another and simply resume reading where I left off on the previous device. I understand it works pretty much that way between the Kindle and other devices as well.

That’s a Good Thing since I tend to have several books “in process” at once, and with eBooks I generally read on more than one PC–my preferred reading device for eBooks, largely because of screen size, greater flexibility in the way the screen displays text, and old eyes.

Having the app keep a thumb in the text, as it were, and open where I last was is nice.

2 Replies to “One Thing to Like About Kindle for PC”

    1. As reading devices, both the Nook and Kindle leave things to be desired for me. The Nook partially because B&M just gives me a rash and partly because of the color gimmick. I stopped reading comic books a long time ago, and I read magazine (the ones I still do read) for the text not the “purty pichures”. Kindle? Still the crappy text sizing as compared to reading an html-format book in Opera (Chrome, Firefox and IE allow text resizing about as well as a Kiindle, or the Kindle App, which is to say, clunkily and altogether not all that well) and that slooowwww page turn thing. *yech*

      Ideal world for me would be using something like Notion Ink’s Adam, complete with transflective screen, so that most of my petty gripes would be eliminated. Oh, 3G access on the Adam wouldn’t be “free for life” (whose? *heh*) as with the Kindle, and for about the same display size and the KindleDX it’d be about $150 more, but… e-ink-like display possible in grayscale mode (only at 64 fps “page turns” instead of an order of magnitude slower), and still could use it as a regular tablet, unlike the color Nook.

      Still waiting on Notion Ink to get their production/distribution issues worked out (or someone else to jump on transflective screens in tablets) and maybe not even then… balance: cash in hand for desired tech toys vs. cash in hand/saving for new roof, hmmm, choices, choices… *heh* (‘cos borrowing to buy ANYTHING is almost always stupid, and even more so in the economy we’re in now, IMO)

      Lots of “must haves” are re-designated as “gadget traps” that way, though. 🙂

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