OK, I’m a Fan

I do NOT watch any professional sports at any level (including college pros–yeh, they’re mostly pros. Don’t let me get started). Boring. But this guy, with one lil save, has made me a fan. Not a baseball fan or a fan of his “club,” just an Evan Longoria fan:

Imagine that woman’s face if Longoria hadn’t sensed the ball coming and intervened. I’ve caught hard-hit balls barehanded, and it’s not a lot of fun, but my peripheral vision wouldn’t have zeroed in on that ball, even with the warning crack from the hit, on my best day, in my best shape.

Good save.

And did you see the look of shock (and awe?) on the interviewer’s face? Priceless. No doubt she’s a fan now, too, eh? 😉

5 Replies to “OK, I’m a Fan”

    1. jon, I read the post you link. Long on assertion but short on any supporting facts. Argument by assertion is a tool of those who have no argument, so color me unimpressed so far.

  1. Back in the days when gloves were far too expensive, we did without and displayed our calloused broken fingers with no small amount of pride. Uphill. 3 feet of snow. Both ways. And liked it.

    1. Yeh, Fits. I still have the legacy of those days in one crooked finger that just didn’t heal right. But even on my best day, in my best shape… as I said. Pretty fantastic catch.

  2. Figured it was fake. Didn’t see how he could have sensed it. Maybe if he’d been turned a little more towards the reporter it’d be in his peripheral vision, but no way he’d “sense it” looking the other way.

    P.S. Happy b-day David!

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