Happy Mothers Day in the Land of the (Once) Free

Victor David Hanson’s “Thoughts on a Surreal Depression” contains these sobering words:

… the law-biding stifled by red tape, the non-law-biding considered exempt from accountability on the basis of simple cost-to-benefit logic. A speeder on the freeway will pay a $300 ticket for going 75mph and justifies the legions of highway patrol officers now on the road; going after an unlicensed peddler or rural dumper is a money-losing proposition for government.

(BTW, VDH, Samuel T. Francis described the circumstances you bemoan 18 years ago as anarcho-tyrrany: punishing the law-abiding and rewarding outlaws.)

So, mothers, at the least, pray for the country your children will inherit from your hands. (And fathers, pay some *&^%@#$ attention, too.)

BTW, I’m very glad I had a mother. Don’t know where I’d be without one. *heh* Also glad she’s still around, and I can pick up the phone and say “Hi” any old time I want to. I’ll do that this afternoon…

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